January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1902  I helped John gather corn.

January 2, 1902  We hauled fodder for John in the morning and hauled corn and fodder for me in the evening.  Warm today.

January 3, 1902  We gathered corn in the morning.  John helped me.  I helped Bud Day cover his barn in the evening.  Cold tonight.  Edd Hargan died.

January 4, 1902  I went to Vine Grove and took Ben Day.  He went to Indiana.

January 5, 1902  I went to Cedar Creek Church to Edd Hargan's burying and come to D. C. Bailey's for dinner.

January 6, 1902  I went to Bud Day's and got a pig and worked in the shop until noon and made some rails in the evening.

January 7, 1902  I fixed sled and made pen and put up two hogs.

January 8, 1902  We gathered corn.  John and I caught 3 coons.

January 9, 1902  John and I went to James H. Scott's and paid the rent for the John Stovall place.

January 10, 1902  I went to James H. Shelton's burying.  Gathered some corn.

January 11, 1902  I worked on Dave Laswell's wagon.  We went to Wm. T. Peck's.

January 12, 1902  I worked for Bud Day.

January 13, 1902  I worked for Bud Day.

January 14, 1902  I worked for same.

January 15, 1902  I hauled load of corn for Mother.

January 16, 1902  I gathered corn.  Onie Day helped me.

January 17, 1902  I gathered corn.  Onie helped me.

January 18, 1902  I gathered corn.  Onie helped me half a day.  I went to church at night.

January 19, 1902  I went to church at Sycamore and went to H. C. Shelton's in the evening.

January 20, 1902  I gathered corn.

January 21, 1902  I went down to Mrs. Hibbs' and fixed a buggy and come home and worked in the shop in the evening.  Rained in the morning.  Snowed this evening.  Henry B. Peck and Martha Coffer and Sam Fox and Ethel Shenault was married.

January 22, 1902  I got some wood and went to the infare (a reception for a newly married couple) at Wm. T. Peck's.

January 23, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

January 24, 1902  I made boards for John Hibbs.  Snowed today.

January 25, 1902  I fixed sled and got some wood.  Rained at night.

January 26, 1902  I was at S. R. Irwin's and at John Masters'.  Rained big rain.

January 27, 1902  I fixed the children's shoes.  Shelled corn and went to mill.  I was at S. R. Irwin's.

January 28, 1902  Cold.  Snow on the ground this morning.  I cut wood.  Made fires and warmed.

January 29, 1902  Sleeted all day.  Big slab timber broke very bad.  I shelled corn and went to mill.  The old cow found a calf.

January 30, 1902  I was at Mother's.  Got some wood and went to Mrs. Hibbs'.

January 31, 1902  I helped cut the brush out of the road from the mill to Mrs. Hibbs' and went to Sanford's.  Sleet still on.

February 1, 1902  I went to the mill and got wood.  Sleet still on the timber.  Thawed some today.

February 2, 1902  I went to Wm. Leonard's and to R. R. Hibbs'.

February 3, 1902  I went to Wm. T. Peck's.  Colder today.

February 4, 1902  I got some wood.  Still Cold.  I was at Mother's.

February 5, 1902  I hauled board timber from the tree I bought from Sanford and hauled some wood.

February 6, 1902  I worked in the shop.  Warmer today.  I was at Mother's, Sanford's, and Lee's.

February 7, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

February 8, 1902  I worked on ax handles and singletrees.  We went to Mother's at night.

February 9, 1902  We come home from Mother's.  Henry and I went to Mrs. Hibbs'.  We measured telephone line.

February 10, 1902  I fix Jake's shoes and my shoes.

February 11, 1902  John and I got out hickory for axletrees (a fixed bar or beam with bearings at its ends on which wheels revolve).  Snowed at night.

February 12, 1902  John and I got hickory for same.

February 13, 1902  I worked at the shop all day.

February 14, 1902  I was at Sanford's.  I went to the John Stovall's place and got plow and old buggy.  Howard Nall moved to the John Stovall place.

February 15, 1902  I got some wood.  Went fox hunting at night.

February 16, 1902  I went to church at Sycamore and went to Mrs. Hibbs'.

February 17, 1902  I hauled a load for W. A. Day to Bullitt County.  Bud moved to Wm. Lee's place in Bullitt.

February 18, 1902  Metcalf moved from the Scott place.  I went to Albert Earley's.

February 19, 1902  I got some wood.  Went to Sanford's.

February 20, 1902  I hauled a load of house plunder for Walten and Metcalf.

February 21, 1902  I helped Hibbs' folks take hogs to Vine Grove.  Jake Watson set in to work for me at $2 per month.

February 22, 1902  I went to Howard Nall's.  Put pair of shoes on Dan and went to Vine Grove.

February 23, 1902  I went to John Masters' and to Jim Lee's.

February 24, 1902  I cleared.  We went fox hunting at night.

February 25, 1902  Scott was over.  John Masters moved to Bud Day's place.  I helped John haul load.  Cleared some.

February 26, 1902  I worked in the clearing.  I was at Hibbs'.  Henry got Dan to work.

February 27, 1902  I shelled corn and went to the mill and ground it.  Rained today.

February 28, 1902  I went to William Leonard's and got some tobacco.  Rained.  Jake went to Metcalf's.

March 1, 1902  We hauled wood and manure today.

March 2, 1902  I was at Howard Nall's and Mrs. Hibbs'.

March 3, 1902  I killed two hogs.

March 4, 1902  I took Sanford's cattle home.  Sleeted and snowed today.

March 5, 1902  Snowed about 6 inches deep this morning.  I went to Vine Grove.

March 6, 1902  I worked in the shop all day.

March 7, 1902  I worked in the shop and ground.

March 8, 1902  I worked in the shop.  Went to Wm. O. Shelton's.

March 9, 1902  We went to Howard Nall's.  Nice today.

March 10, 1902  I cleared.  Warm today.  I went to Mother's.

March 11, 1902  I gathered corn and sowed tobacco bed.

March 12, 1902  I hauled some corn.  Jake left.  Worked some in the shop and ground some.

March 13, 1902  I made some boards.

March 14, 1902  I gathered some corn and went to Hibbs' and got 15 bushels oats.

March 15, 1902  I made some boards.

March 16, 1902  We went to George Tanner's.

March 17, 1902  I ground some and went to Mother's and borrowed wagon.

March 18, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

March 19, 1902  I took Mother's wagon home and sowed grass seed for Annie in the evening.

March 20, 1902  I gathered some corn.

March 21, 1902  I gathered some corn and went and got wagon and fixed pens to load hogs.

March 22, 1902  I took my hogs to Vine Grove.  They weighed 900 pounds.  Brought $49.20.

March 23, 1902  Ed Ash and Bum was here.

March 24, 1902  I sowed oats.

March 25, 1902  I sowed oats and went to Sanford Irwin's and paid him what I owed him.

March 26, 1902  I sowed oats.  Finished gathering corn.

March 27, 1902  Rained.  I sowed oats in the evening.  Howard Nall and I went fishing.  Caught 145 fish.

March 28, 1902  I went to Albert Wetterer's and measured new ground.  Rained today.

March 29, 1902  I went to Bill Dewitt's and ground some.

March 30, 1902  Henry and Albert Earley was here.

March 31, 1902  I worked in the shop in the morning and sowed oats in the evening.

April 1, 1902  I sowed oats.

April 2, 1902  I finished sowing oats and planted potatoes.

April 3, 1902  I plowed for corn at Howard Nall's.  Rained.

April 4, 1902  I worked in the shop.  Rained.

April 5, 1902  I worked in the shop.  Ed Ash and wife was here.  Scott was over.

April 6, 1902  We went to Mother's.

April 7, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 8, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 9, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 10, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 11, 1902  I plowed for corn 1/2 day.

April 12, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 13, 1902  We was at John Masters'.

April 14, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 15, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 16, 1902  I plowed for corn.

April 17, 1902  I finished plowing at Howard Nall's and shoed Joe.

April 18, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

April 19, 1902  I fixed some fence and worked some in the shop.  Wm. O. Shelton and wife was here.

April 20, 1902  I went to Mrs. Hibbs' and to Uncle H. C. Shelton's.  Rained.

April 21, 1902  I hauled some manure.

April 22, 1902  We made garden.

April 23, 1902  I planted corn at Howard's.

April 24, 1902  I planted corn at Howard's.

April 25, 1902  I planted corn at Howard's.  I finished planting corn at Howard's.

April 26, 1902  I helped Howard plant corn.  We went fishing.

April 27, 1902  We come home from Howard Nall's.  I went to George Williams' and got some tobacco.

April 28, 1902  Rained today.  I worked at the shop and mill and shelled seed corn.

April 29, 1902  I ground some and went hunting.

April 30, 1902  I helped Howard Nall plant corn.  H. C. Shelton's wife (Mary) died.

May 1, 1902  I helped Howard Nall plant corn.

May 2, 1902  I helped Howard Nall plant corn.  Went to Aunt Mary Shelton's burying.  Lon Rogers was buried at Howel's church.

May 3, 1902  We went to Vine Grove.  Zaly went with us.

May 4, 1902  We went to Mother's.  Nobody at home.  Frank Cowley and family was here.

May 5, 1902  I hauled manure.  Howard Nall helped me.

May 6, 1902  I plowed.  Howard Nall worked for me.

May 7, 1902  It rained.  Howard and I went hunting and fishing.

May 8, 1902  I plowed.  Howard worked for me.

May 9, 1902  I plowed for corn.

May 10, 1902  I plowed for corn.  Howard worked for me.

May 11, 1902  We was at Howard Nall's.

May 12, 1902  I plowed for corn.  Howard worked for me.

May 13, 1902  I plowed for corn.  Howard Nall worked for me.  Mollie's kid was born.

May 14, 1902  I plowed for corn.

May 15, 1902  I plowed for corn.

May 16, 1902  I finished plowing for corn.  Rained.

May 17, 1902  I replanted corn.  Howard Nall and I went to Slone's pond fishing.

May 18, 1902  I slept today.  Sunday.

May 19, 1902  I harrowed corn.

May 20, 1902  I harrowed corn.  Rained.

May 21, 1902  I harrowed for corn at home.  James H. Scott was over.

May 22, 1902  I harrowed for corn.  I sold Albert Earley 10 bushels of corn.

May 23, 1902  I planted corn at home.  Howard Nall helped me.  It rained big rain.

May 24, 1902  I worked in the shop and went to Vine Grove.

May 25, 1902  We went to George Williams'.

May 26, 1902  I finished planting corn.

May 27, 1902  I replanted and harrowed corn.

May 28, 1902  I sold Lon Hibbs' my calf for $12.  I fixed the cultivator.

May 29, 1902  I cut stalks off the oats.

May 30, 1902  I finished cutting stalks and sprouts off the oats and harrowed corn half day.

May 31, 1902  I harrowed corn at Howard's.

June 1, 1902  Sanford Irwin's family was here.

June 2, 1902  I harrowed and plowed corn at Howard's.

June 3, 1902  I broke and planted watermelon patch.

June 4, 1902  I plowed corn and cut bushes at Howard's.

June 5, 1902  I plowed corn at Howard's.

June 6, 1902  I plowed corn in the morning and shoed Dan in the eve.

June 7, 1902  We went to Bud Day's in Bullitt County.

June 8, 1902  Rained.  We came home from Bud Day's.

June 9, 1902  I plowed corn at Howard Nall's.

June 10, 1902  I cut bushes.  Set out tobacco.

June 11, 1902  Rained.  I ground some.

June 12, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

June 13, 1902  I harrowed half day.

June 14, 1902  I harrowed corn.

June 15, 1902  George Tanner and wife and John Masters and family was here.  Big girl at Tanner's at night.

June 16, 1902  I plowed corn at Howard's.

June 17, 1902  I plowed corn at Howard Nall's.

June 18, 1902  Rained.  I plowed corn at Howard's.

June 19, 1902  I finished plowing corn at Howard Nall's and harrowed corn at home.

June 20, 1902  I harrowed corn at home.

June 21, 1902  I harrowed cane in the ? and 2 chicken coups and went to Wetterer's and got vinegar.

June 22, 1902  We went to Wm. O. Shelton's.

June 23, 1902  I cut my clover.

June 24, 1902  I put up clover.

June 25, 1902  I finished putting up clover and plowed some.

June 26, 1902  I plowed corn.

June 27, 1902  Henry, John, and I went to the river fishing.  I caught 1 fish.  Rained.

June 28, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.  Rained.

June 29, 1902  Henry, John R. Fox was here.

June 30, 1902  I worked at the shop and ground some.  Rained big rain.

July 1, 1902  I was at Mother's.  My back is hurt.  Can't work.

July 2, 1902  We was at Howard Nall's.

July 3, 1902  I was at S. R. Irwin's.  Hot.

July 4, 1902  I plowed tobacco and watermelons.

July 5, 1902  Cut some oats.  Howard helped.

July 6, 1902  I was at John's.

July 7, 1902  Cut oats.  Howard Nall helped me.

July 8, 1902  I cut oats.  Howard Nall helped me.

July 9, 1902  I cut some oats.  Hot.

July 10, 1902  I cut oats.  Howard Nall worked for me.

July 11, 1902  I finished cutting oats.  Howard Nall helped me.  Had 220 dozen.

July 12, 1902  Howard Nall and I went to Vine Grove.

July 13, 1902  Ed Ash and Leila was here.

July 14, 1902  I went to John Nall's and bought 4 hogs.  Hoed tobacco in the evening.

July 15, 1902  I plowed cane.

July 16, 1902  I went to John Nall's and got 4 hogs.  Began stacking oats.

July 17, 1902  I finished stacking oats.  Rain shower.

July 18, 1902  I fenced oat stacks.

July 19, 1902  Me and Ed Ash went to Bud Day's.

July 20, 1902  We went to singing at Mother's.  Rain shower.

July 21, 1902  Me and Howard Nall made boards for Albert Earley.

July 22, 1902  Made boards for same.

July 23, 1902  Made boards for same.

July 24, 1902  Made boards for same.

July 25, 1902  Helped thrash at Hibbs' and finished Albert's boards.

July 26, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

July 27, 1902  We went to Ed Ash's.

July 28, 1902  Cut bushes out of corn.

July 29, 1902  I took Mother down to Bud Day.

July 30, 1902  Worked in the shop.

July 31, 1902  Went fishing.  It rained.

August 1, 1902  I worked in the shop.

August 2, 1902  I cut bushes out of corn at Howard's and went to Vine Grove.

August 3, 1902  We was at S. R. Irwin's in the evening.

August 4, 1902  I worked at the shop.

August 5, 1902  We worked at the shop.

August 6, 1902  We worked at the shop.

August 7, 1902  We worked at the shop and helped S. B. Williams' thresh.  Charlie Williams got killed by a tree falling on him.

August 8, 1902  Worked in the shop.

August 9, 1902  I helped John haul millet stack.

August 10, 1902  We went to Wm. T. Peck's.

August 11, 1902  We worked in the shop.

August 12, 1902  We worked in the shop.

August 13, 1902  We worked in the shop.

August 14, 1902  We worked in the shop.

August 15, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.  Rained good rain.

August 16, 1902  I was at A. Earley's and put two blasts in the spring.

August 17, 1902  We went to church at Sycamore and to Mother's for dinner.

August 18, 1902  Rained good rain.  We worked in the shop.

August 19, 1902  I worked at Mother's crib.

August 20, 1902  I worked on Mother's crib.

August 21, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

August 22, 1902  Worked in the shop today.

August 23, 1902  Worked in the shop.  Ed Ash and wife was here.  We had watermelon supper.

August 24, 1902  We stayed at home.  Elmer Hibbs and wife was here.

August 25, 1902  Worked in the shop.

August 26, 1902  Worked in the shop.

August 27, 1902  Worked in the shop.

August 28, 1902  Worked in the shop.

August 29, 1902  Worked in the shop.

August 30, 1902  John and I went to Vine Grove.

August 31, 1902  Wm. T. Peck and wife, Sanford Irwin and wife, and John Masters and wife and families and Leon and Bob Day was here.

September 1, 1902  Rained big rain.  Worked in the shop.

September 2, 1902  Worked in the shop.

September 3, 1902  Worked in the shop.  Finished my wagon.

September 4, 1902  I put coat of paint on wagon.

September 5, 1902  Went hunting and went to Vine Grove.

September 6, 1902  Put coat of paint on wagon and sun cured tobacco.

September 7, 1902  George Williams and wife and Annie Masters was here.

September 8, 1902  Cut 22 shocks of corn at Howard Nall's.

September 9, 1902  Rained.  I worked at home.

September 10, 1902  Cut 36 shocks of corn at Howard's and killed hawk and 2 squirrels.

September 11, 1902  I cut tobacco.

September 12, 1902  I worked some in the shop.  Rained all day.

September 13, 1902  I went to Vine Grove to the colt show.

September 14, 1902  We went to Frank Cowley's and to R. R. Hibbs'.

September 15, 1902  I cut corn.

September 16, 1902  I helped bale straw at Hibbs'.

September 17, 1902  Cut corn.

September 18, 1902  Rained all day.  Jake left.  Went to Hibbs' and got hog.

September 19, 1902  Rained.  I was at Mother's.

September 20, 1902  Rained in the morning.  I cut some corn.

September 21, 1902  Bud Day and wife and Howard Nall and wife was here.

September 22, 1902  I cut tobacco.

September 23, 1902  I cut corn at Howard's.  Rained.

September 24, 1902  Rained.  I killed crane.  Cut corn in afternoon.

September 25, 1902  I cut corn.  Rained.

September 26, 1902  I cut corn.  Rained.

September 27, 1902  I cut corn.  Rained.

September 28, 1902  We was at John Masters'.

September 29, 1902  I finished cutting corn at Howard's.

September 30, 1902  Rained.  I worked fixing pond.

October 1, 1902  Fixed buggy for Sanford and went to the grove.

October 2, 1902  I cut corn.  Howard Nall helped me.

October 3, 1902  I cut corn.  Howard Nall helped me.  Rained.

October 4, 1902  I cut corn.  Gathered some corn for the hogs.

October 5, 1902  We went to Sanford's.

October 6, 1902  I cut cane.

October 7, 1902  I cut cane.  Howard helped me.

October 8, 1902  I gathered some corn and cut the fodder.  Finished cutting tobacco.

October 9, 1902  Made boards for Lon Hibbs.  Howard helped.

October 10, 1902  Made boards for same.

October 11, 1902  Rained.  I went to Vine Grove.

October 12, 1902  I was at Mrs. Hibbs'.

October 13, 1902  We made boards for Lon Hibbs.

October 14, 1902  We made boards for Lon Hibbs.

October 15, 1902  I cut corn.  Howard Nall helped me.

October 16, 1902  Gathered corn for hogs and hauled wood.

October 17, 1902  Made boards for Lon.  John helped us.

October 18, 1902  Made boards for Lon.  John helped us.

October 19, 1902  We was at Mother's.

October 20, 1902  Made boards for Lon.

October 21, 1902  Made boards for Lon.

October 22, 1902  I took my hogs to Vine Grove.  Weight 870 at $6.40 per hundred.  $55.68.

October 23, 1902  Our baby (Elmer Lee) sick today.  Had the doctor with him.

October 24, 1902  We made boards for Lon.

October 25, 1902  I worked some at the shop.  Dug potatoes.

October 26, 1902  Ed Ash and wife was here.

October 27, 1902  We finished Lon's boards.

October 28, 1902  Henry and I killed our beef.

October 29, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

October 30, 1902  I helped John in the race.

October 31, 1902  I helped John in the race.

November 1, 1902  I helped John in the race.

November 2, 1902  We went to Frank Cowley's.

November 3, 1902  I helped John in the race.

November 4, 1902  I went hunting.  Killed 12 rabbits.

November 5, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

November 6, 1902  I went to John Fox's in the morning.  Worked in the shop in the evening.

November 7, 1902  I worked in the shop in the morning and made boards in the evening.

November 8, 1902  I made boards and took load of boards to Willis.

November 9, 1902  We went to Howard Nall's.

November 10, 1902  I gathered corn.

November 11, 1902  I gathered corn.

November 12, 1902  I gathered corn.

November 13, 1902  I gathered corn.

November 14, 1902  I gathered corn.  Rained at night.  Had supper at Sycamore.

November 15, 1902  I shoed the horses.

November 16, 1902  We was at Mother's.  Harlan Buckles was mobbed.

November 17, 1902  I went to Wm. C. Stader's and bought cow.  Rained.

November 18, 1902  I stripped tobacco.  Susan J. Shelton died.

November 19, 1902  I gathered corn at Howard Nall's.

November 20, 1902  I helped Howard Nall gather corn.

November 21, 1902  I tied shocks and helped gather corn at Howard's in the morning and went to Vine Grove after noon.

November 22, 1902  I stripped tobacco.  Rained.

November 23, 1902  We was at home.  I went to Dave Crow's at night.

November 24, 1902  Rained all day.

November 25, 1902  I buried potatoes.  Rained.  Wm. Stader brought cow over.

November 26, 1902  I worked some in the shop.  Rained and showered.

November 27, 1902  I went hunting.  Colder.

November 28, 1902  I worked in the shop.

November 29, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.

November 30, 1902  Ed Ash and Henry was here.  Snowed.

December 1, 1902  I worked in the shop.

December 2, 1902  Rained.  I brought tobacco to the barn.  Sanford and Sam Crow was here.

December 3, 1902  I sharpened saw and cut saw logs.  Howard Nall helped me half day.

December 4, 1902  I hauled load of wood and load of saw logs.  Snowed.

December 5, 1902  I hauled saw logs.

December 6, 1902  I hauled saw logs.

December 7, 1902  We was at Mother's.

December 8, 1902  I hauled saw logs.  Henry helped me.

December 9, 1902  I hauled saw logs.

December 10, 1902  I went to A. Earley's and traded hogs with him.  Ben Laswell was buried.

December 11, 1902  Fronnie Masters died.  I helped dig Fronnie's grave.

December 12, 1902  I went to the burying.  Rained all day.

December 13, 1902  I went to Etown.

December 14, 1902  Sleeted and rained at night.  Amy was here.

December 15, 1902  Rained all day.  Biggest raise in the creek in 14 years.  H. F. Masters died.

December 16, 1902  I helped H. T. Nall load his hogs and take them to the pike and fixed some fence.

December 17, 1902  I went to the sale at Hibbs'.  Bought a spring wagon and few other things.  Owen Williams died.

December 18, 1902  I went to Hibbs' after the things I bought and went to Maffet's graveyard and helped dig Owen Williams' grave.

December 19, 1902  I helped James Lee kill hogs.

December 20, 1902  I was at Wetterer's and Bill Dewitt's.  Rained in the evening.

December 21, 1902  We went to Henry Peck's.  Wm. Hampton was buried at Vine Grove.

December 22, 1902  I got some wood and hauled a load of fodder and corn.

December 23, 1902  I hauled fodder and corn.

December 24, 1902  I went to Elizabethtown.

December 25, 1902  We was at Mother's.  Went hunting and at H. T. Nall's.

December 26, 1902  We went hunting.

December 27, 1902  We was at Sanford's.

December 28, 1902  We stayed at home.

December 29, 1902  I went to Vine Grove.  Snowed.

December 30, 1902  I helped H. T. Nall kill hogs and went hunting with Elwood Baldwin.

December 31, 1902  Went hunting with Elwood Baldwin.