January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December  Notes

January 1, 1896  I helped Sanford kill hogs.  Sold hay stack to Dr. Rogers for $12.00

January 2, 1896  I put soles on the sled and ground.  We went to Father's at night.  Rained.

January 3, 1896  I worked some in the shop and got some wood.  Cold.

January 4, 1896  Cold.  I got some wood for John.

January 5, 1896  I was at Sally's.  Sanford was here.

January 6, 1896  I was sick with cold.

January 7, 1896  Tina got down with bad cold.

January 8, 1896  I ground some and got load of wood.

January 9, 1896  Tina was sick.  I went after Lethia.

January 10, 1896  Had the doctor with Tina.  Got some wood.

January 11, 1896  I ground.   Annie and Leila was here.

January 12, 1896  Alice Day was here.  Boy at Howard Nall's.

January 13, 1896  Got some wood.

January 14, 1896  Scott was over.  I got some wood.

January 15, 1896  I got some wood.  Picked up some rock and ground some.

January 16, 1896  Rained.  I ground some.

January 17, 1896  I ground some and got some wood.

January 18, 1896  Ground some and cut some fence row.

January 19, 1896  I went to Quarterly meeting at Sycamore.

January 20, 1896  I sowed some grass seed.

January 21, 1896  Cut some fence row.

January 22, 1896  John and Leanor was here.  We worked some in the shop.

January 23, 1896  I ground and got some wood.

January 24, 1896  I helped get wood at Father's.

January 25, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.  Wilber Owen shot himself.

January 26, 1896  We went to Howard Nall's.

January 27, 1896  I helped get logs for Eliga Maffet.

January 28, 1896  We finished getting Maffet's logs.

January 29, 1896  I cleared some and hunted for the sow.

January 30, 1896  We burnt the old field over.

January 31, 1896  I went and found my sow and she had pigs.

February 1, 1896  I fixed my boots and John and I went to Jane Owen's and fixed up our notes.

February 2, 1896  Rained all day.

February 3, 1896  Got wood and sawed some.

February 4, 1896  Ground some and worked some in the shop.

February 5, 1896  I went to Vine Grove with Bud.

February 6, 1896  I sold Tom Shelton 4 pigs.  John and I hauled our spokes down here.  Took Tom Shelton's pigs to him.

February 7, 1896  Worked in the shop.

February 8, 1896  Went up to Sally's and done some jobs.  Snowed big snow.

February 9, 1896  I went to James Scott's.

February 10, 1896  Made ax handle for Henry.  Ground some.

February 11, 1896  Got some wood.  Fixed stove for Father.

February 12, 1896  I worked in the shop.

February 13, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Rained.

February 14, 1896  The old ewe had 3 lambs.  Ground some and cut wood.  Sanford helped me cut wood 1/2 day.

February 15, 1896  I helped Sanford saw wood till noon and we hauled wood after noon and went to John's at night.

February 16, 1896  I went to Hugh Lee's.  Cold.

February 17, 1896  I went to Etown.  Cold.

February 18, 1896  I ground some.  Still cold.

February 19, 1896  I went to Jane Owen's and to Father's and to George Williams'.  Cold.

February 20, 1896  I got some wood.  Cold.

February 21, 1896  I ground some and got some wood.  Cold yet.

February 22, 1896  I cleared some.  Turned warmer.  We went to Father's at night.

February 23, 1896  Rained.  I went to class meeting.

February 24, 1896  I helped Bud make rails.  Sam Crow got some hoop poles.

February 25, 1896  I hauled in fodder.  Stacked and sawed board timber.  John helped me.

February 26, 1896  Went to Vine Grove and to Brickman's sale in Meade County.

February 27, 1896  I hauled some wood and manure and made some boards.

February 28, 1896  George Williams was here.  I ground some.

February 29, 1896  Made some boards and ground and fixed cart wheels.

March 1, 1896  We went to George Williams'.

March 2, 1896  I made boards.

March 3, 1896  I made boards and got some wood.

March 4, 1896  I sawed board timber.  John helped me.  Frank and Lizzie was here.  We went to Sanford's at night.

March 5, 1896  I made boards.

March 6, 1896  Rained.  I made some boards and ground some.

March 7, 1896  James Scott was over.  I made wagon bolster for him and ground.

March 8, 1896  We was at Howard Nall's.

March 9, 1896  I made some boards and ground some.

March 10, 1896  I loaded two of boards to take to Etown.

March 11, 1896  I took a load of boards to Etown and John took a load for me.  Snowed.

March 12, 1896  I took Sanford's wagon home and went to Father's and went to John Hibbs' and ground some.  Cold.  Snowed some.

March 13, 1896  I ground and worked at the shop.

March 14, 1896  I worked in the shop and went to Vine Grove.  Snowed at night.

March 15, 1896  Snowed.  Sanford was here.  I went to Father's.

March 16, 1896  I worked in the shop and ground.

March 17, 1896  I worked in the shop and ground some.  Scott was over.

March 18, 1896  James A. Viers helped me shorten the mill.  Rained.

March 19, 1896  Worked in the shop and ground and got some wood.  Snowed.

March 20, 1896  Worked in the shop and ground.  Kate Vittitoe was buried at Mill Creek.

March 21, 1896  I worked in the shop and ground.  Joe Masters got his wagon.  Price for wagon $1.25.

March 22, 1896  We went to Bud Day's and stayed all day.

March 23, 1896  John and I cut a tree for boards.  Snowed.  I ground this evening.

March 24, 1896  I worked in the shop and ground.

March 25, 1896  I worked in the shop and ground.

March 26, 1896  I worked in the shop and ground.

March 27, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Ben Day was here.  Mr. Craft stayed all night here.

March 28, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.  Ben went with me.  Windy day.  Mrs. Mary E. Day died at 3:30.

March 29, 1896  We went to John's.  Rained big rain and hailed.  Creek up high.

March 30, 1896  I ground and worked in the shop and went to A. Earley's.

March 31, 1896  Rained.  I ground some and went to Sanford's and sowed oats.

April 1, 1896  I went to Vine Grove and to Sanford's and ground some.

April 2, 1896  Dick Sherrard began working for me.  I went to James Viers' and ground some.  Turned cold.

April 3, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Cold.

April 4, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Dick lost half day.

April 5, 1896  I was at Sanford's and James Viers'.

April 6, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Jim Viers helped me.

April 7, 1896  I made some boards and went to Vine Grove.  James Viers worked for me.

April 8, 1896  Made boards and worked some at the shop and hauled in hay stack.  James Viers worked for me.

April 9, 1896  I worked at the shop and loaded boards.  Dick lost half day.  James Viers worked for me.

April 10, 1896  I went to Etown with load of boards.  Got bellows and anvil and hammer and tuyere iron (a nozzle through which an air blast is delivered to a forge or blast furnace).  They cost $18.45.  Dick lost today.

April 11, 1896  Albert Wetterer sent and got walnut logs.  James Viers worked for me.  Dick lost today.  I worked at the shop.

April 12, 1896  I went to Father's and to Garner's.

April 13, 1896  I worked at the shop.  Dick lost today.

April 14, 1896  I hauled manure and worked in the shop.  Dick lost half day.

April 15, 1896  We sawed and made some rails.

April 16, 1896  We sawed and made rails.  Jim Stader got his harrow and grinding stone.

April 17, 1896  We made some fence and set out some fruit trees.

April 18, 1896  Set out some fruit trees and planted potatoes.

April 19, 1896  Clara Nall and Annie Stovall was here.

April 20, 1896  Noah Williams plowed for me.  Fire got out at Tom Moore's new ground.

April 21, 1896  Noah plowed today.  I worked at shop.  Dick picked rock.  Dick lost half day.

April 22, 1896  I finished Lee's harrow and hauled some rock.  Dick lost today.

April 23, 1896  I went to Vine Grove to the wheat mill.  Took 13 bushels 40 pounds.  Left 288 pounds of flour to my credit.  Dick lost today.  Rained.

April 24, 1896  I hauled rock and worked in the shop.  Dick lost today.

April 25, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Dr. Rogers sent and got his haystack.  Dick lost today.  Mrs. Rebecca Gray died.

April 26, 1896  Alice Day and the children was here.

April 27, 1896  Picked rock till noon and worked in the shop after dinner.

April 28, 1896  Picked rock.  John helped me.  Sheared sheep.

April 29, 1896  Plowed and burnt brush and trash.  John helped half day.

April 30, 1896  Plowed and cleaned up the hillside.  John helped.

May 1, 1896  Finished plowing the hillside and harrowed some and worked some in the shop.  Rained.  Dick worked some for John.

May 2, 1896  I harrowed some and went to Maffet's.  Dick worked some for John.

May 3, 1896  I was at Bud's and Sanford's.

May 4, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Dick worked for John.

May 5, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Dick worked for John.

May 6, 1896  Planted corn.  Sanford helped.

May 7, 1896  We made garden.  Made some brush fence and worked some in the shop.

May 8, 1896  I worked in the shop.  Dick worked at brush fence.

May 9, 1896  We worked at fence and went fishing.  Dick lost half day.

May 10, 1896  We stayed at home.

May 11, 1896  Rained.  Worked on brush fence.  Henry helped me some.  Worked some in the shop.  Dick Sherrard quit working for me.

May 12, 1896  I fixed A. Earley's wagon.  Noah Williams worked for me.

May 13, 1896  We made some rails.  I worked some in the shop.

May 14, 1896  We made some rails and made some fence.  Rained some.  Henry helped haul rails.  Scott was over.

May 15, 1896  We finished fence and cleared some.  Father got his plow and got Jess shoed.

May 16, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.  Noah cut stalks and picked and piled stalks.  Rained.  We finished our clearing.

May 17, 1896  I was at Father's.

May 18, 1896  Worked some in the shop and burnt some brush and cut some bushes.

May 19, 1896  Bud Day plowed for me.  Rained.

May 20, 1896  Rained good rain.  I ground some.

May 21, 1896  I went to Father's.  Scott was over.

May 22, 1896  Rained big rain.  I ground and worked in the shop.  H. H. Hobbs' baby born this morning.

May 23, 1896  I ground and worked in the shop.  Rained.

May 24, 1896  John Masters and family was here.

May 25, 1896  I replanted corn.

May 26, 1896  Hail and rain this morning.  I ground some and worked some in the shop.  Lefi(?) Bogars child Rand(?) died.

May 27, 1896  Rained.  I ground and worked in the shop.  Took the cow to the bull.

May 28, 1896  I ground all day.

May 29, 1896  I ground and plowed some.  James Scott was over.

May 30, 1896  I finished planting corn.  John helped me.  We got done at noon.

May 31, 1896  Rained.  S. R. Irwin and family was here.

June 1, 1896  Ground corn.  Worked some in the shop.  Rained.

June 2, 1896  Worked in the shop and ground.  Went to Jack Hobbs' and got some tobacco.

June 3, 1896  I plowed corn.  Rained.

June 4, 1896  I worked in the shop and took the old sow to the boar.

June 5, 1896  I planted corn.

June 6, 1896  I plowed corn and worked in the shop.

June 7, 1896  We was at Sally's.  I took the young sow to the boar.

June 8, 1896  I broke my millet.  Ground some.

June 9, 1896  I ground and worked in the shop.  Rained.

June 10, 1896  I fixed forebay (a reservoir or canal from which water is taken to run equipment, such as a waterwheel or or turbine) and plowed corn.

June 11, 1896  I plowed corn all day.

June 12, 1896  Our baby (Bessie M. Masters) was born this morning.  I went and got Elly to stay with us and sowed my millet.

June 13, 1896  I worked in the garden and sowed Father's millet.  Dr. Willis was here to see Tina and the baby.

June 14, 1896  John's folks was here.

June 15, 1896  We fixed machine and began cutting my wheat.

June 16, 1896  We cut wheat for me.

June 17, 1896  Cut wheat for me and cut some wheat for John.

June 18, 1896  We cut wheat for John.

June 19, 1896  I was sick.  I got Frank Cowley to help John in wheat.

June 20, 1896  I went to Hugh Lee's and got some potatoes for Bud Day to plant.  Bud planted potatoes in my new ground.  I helped John in the wheat a little while.

June 21, 1896  I took Elly home this morning.

June 22, 1896  I helped John in his wheat.  Rained.

June 23, 1896  We finished John's and my wheat.  Rained big rain.

June 24, 1896  I ground.  James Scott was over.  I took the old sow to the boar.

June 25, 1896  I plowed corn and went to John's and got sack of flour.

June 26, 1896  I went hunting and went to Vine Grove.  Ben came home with me.

June 27, 1896  I plowed corn on the hill and planted corn in the garden.  Rained.  I ground some.

June 28, 1896  I took Ella home.  Wm. Peck and wife and Bud Irwin and wife was here.

June 29, 1896  I went to Father's and got the old sow and plowed some.

June 30, 1896  I plowed some and went to Father's.

July 1, 1896  I picked blackberries and went to Sanford's and got some molasses.

July 2, 1896  I planted some corn in the garden.  Went and got the seed.  Cut some bushes.

July 3, 1896  I helped John stack wheat.  Rained.

July 4, 1896  I sold some sheep and went to Father's and cut some bushes.

July 5, 1896  Bud Day was here.  I was at Father's.

July 6, 1896  I ground and got Bud to help John stack wheat.

July 7, 1896  Stacked my wheat.  John helped me.

July 8, 1896  I cut oats.  S. S. Irwin and wife was here.

July 9, 1896  Cut some bushes and went to Vine Grove.

July 10, 1896  I helped John in his oats.  Found gass(?) at Vine Grove, Ky.

July 11, 1896  Went to Vine Grove.  Rained.

July 12, 1896  I went to church at Sycamore.  Henry came home with me.  Rained big rain.  Henry Peck's baby died and Mrs. Mayfield died.

July 13, 1896  We fixed our machine.  Rained.

July 14, 1896  We finished fixing machine.

July 15, 1896  We cut grass at John's half day.  Rained.

July 16, 1896  I ground all day.  Scott was over.

July 17, 1896  I helped John in grass.

July 18, 1896  I helped John in grass.

July 19, 1896  I was at John Hibbs'.  Tina was sick.

July 20, 1896  I plowed corn in the garden.  Rained.  I went to George Williams'.

July 21, 1896  I ground and worked some in the shop.  Rained big rain.

July 22, 1896  I helped John half day in the grass.  I bought Henry's pigs for $5.50.

July 23, 1896  I helped John in the grass.

July 24, 1896  I worked in the shop until noon and helped John in the grass in the evening and John helped me haul oats.

July 25, 1896  I helped John in the grass and took the old sow to Johnson's.  She weighed 154 pounds.  Got 3 cents per pound.  Brought $4.60.

July 26, 1896  We went to Sanford's.

July 27, 1896  We finished cutting grass for John.

July 28, 1896  Began cutting grass for me.

July 29, 1896  Worked in the grass.  John helped me.

July 30, 1896  We worked in my grass.  John helped me.

July 31, 1896  Worked in the shop until dinner and finished the hay after noon.  John helped me.

August 1, 1896  Plowed some in the garden and we went to Father's at night.  Rained.

August 2, 1896  We was at John's.

August 3, 1896  We cut grass along the race (rushing stream).  Father and Bud was here.

August 4, 1896  Worked some in the shop and finished all the grass.

August 5, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.

August 6, 1896  Worked on Bud Irwin's wagon.

August 7, 1896  Worked on cart for Albert Earley.

August 8, 1896  I went to Colby McEntire's.

August 9, 1896  I was at Father's.  Tina went to Aunt Sally's.

August 10, 1896  I worked on wagon for Bud Irwin.

August 11, 1896  I worked on wagon for Bud Irwin.

August 12, 1896  I worked the road.

August 13, 1896  I worked the road.

August 14, 1896  I went to Vine Grove and got some coal and a pair of wheels for a cart.  Got 88 pounds of flour.

August 15, 1896  Worked on wagon for Bud Irwin.

August 16, 1896  I went to Wm. T. Peck's and got some grapes.

August 17, 1896  I worked on wagon for Bud Irwin.  John cut corn for me.

August 18, 1896  Worked on wagon wheel for John Fox and worked on wagon for Bud Irwin.

August 19, 1896  Cut corn.  John helped me.  Mooch Brown's house burnt down.

August 20, 1896  Cut corn.  John helped me.

August 21, 1896  Worked in the shop until dinner and worked road in the evening.  Rained.

August 22, 1896  I worked the road.

August 23, 1896  We was at John Masters'.

August 24, 1896  We threshed.  Scott was over.  I had 24 1/2 bushels of wheat.

August 25, 1896  I helped thresh at Lee's, at Jack Irwin's, and Henry Peck's.

August 26, 1896  I worked on wagon for Bud Irwin.  Bud Day cut corn for me.

August 27, 1896  Me and Bud Day cut corn for me.  Worked some on Bud Irwin's wagon.

August 28, 1896  Worked on Bud Irwin's wagon and got it done.

August 29, 1896  Cut some corn and went to Vine Grove.

August 30, 1896  We was at Bud Day's.  Aunt Rachel Moore died.

August 31, 1896  Cut my millet.  John helped me.  I went squirrel hunting in the evening.

September 1, 1896  We cut millet for John and Father.  Henry and Bud stacked my millet.

September 2, 1896  We stacked my millet and John and I finished cutting Father's millet.

September 3, 1896  We stacked millet for Father.  Rained.

September 4, 1896  I worked the road.

September 5, 1896  I went to Steve Boger's sale.

September 6, 1896  Uncle John Moore died.  We was at Aunt Sallie's.

September 7, 1896  Went to Father's in the morning.  Put breech (part of the firearm at the rear of the bore) pin in my gun in evening.

September 8, 1896  John and me cut Bud's millet and worked on buggy for Stader.

September 9, 1896  I went to Vine Grove and helped John Fox thresh.

September 10, 1896  John and me worked on buggy for John Stader.  I was sick.

September 11, 1896  John and me worked on buggy for Stader.

September 12, 1896  I was sick.

September 13, 1896  I was sick.  Bud went after medicine for me.

September 14, 1896  Henry was here.  I got better.

September 15, 1896  I went to Sanford's and got some peaches.  We went to Father's at night.

September 16, 1896  I went hunting and worked some in the shop.

September 17, 1896  I went to Dr. Rogers' and got some medicine for Tina and went and got Ella to stay.

September 18, 1896  I worked in the shop.

September 19, 1896  I worked in the shop on wagon wheels for Bud Miller.

September 20, 1896  We stayed at home.

September 21, 1896  I cut corn on the hill.

September 22, 1896  John and me sawed board timber.

September 23, 1896  I worked for Father.

September 24, 1896  I worked for Father.

September 25, 1896  I made boards for Frank Cowley.

September 26, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.  James Scott was over.

September 27, 1896  We went to Howard Nall's.  Rained all day.  We stayed all night at Howard's.

September 28, 1896  We was at Howard Nall's.  Rained all day.

September 29, 1896  I went to John Moore's sale.  Bought buggy.

September 30, 1896  A. Earley was here.  I cut some corn and got some wood.

October 1, 1896  We made boards.  The old sow had pigs.

October 2, 1896  We made boards.  I had a chill.  New boy at Bud Day's.

October 3, 1896  I went to Sanford's and went hunting.  We was at Father's at night.

October 4, 1896  We come home from Father's and went to Bud's.

October 5, 1896  We made boards.

October 6, 1896  We made boards.  We went to John's and stayed all night.

October 7, 1896  We brought Father's wagon to the shop.  Curtis Peck came and got two loads of boards.  We made some boards.

October 8, 1896  Curtis Peck finished hauling boards.  We made some boards and worked some on Father's wagon.

October 9, 1896  I finished Father's wagon and shoed Dan.

October 10, 1896  Father and me went to Vine Grove and got fertilizer.  I took my wheat and got 500 pounds of brand and left 800 pounds of flour at the mill.

October 11, 1896  We went to church at Sycamore and to John's for dinner.  Rained.

October 12, 1896  We began plowing for wheat.

October 13, 1896  We plowed for wheat.

October 14, 1896  We plowed for wheat.

October 15, 1896  We sharpened two sides of harrow teeth and finished plowing for wheat and began harrowing for wheat.  I caught a mink.

October 16, 1896  We began drilling wheat.

October 17, 1896  We drilled wheat.  I went to Wm. Peck's.

October 18, 1896  Big frost this morning.  I was at Peck's and Sanford's.

October 19, 1896  We harrowed for wheat.

October 20, 1896  We drilled wheat.  Rained.

October 21, 1896  We finished sowing wheat.  We was at Father's at night.

October 22, 1896  Hauled shock of corn and made tumbler for gun lock and went to Jane Owen's and fixed wheel.

October 23, 1896  Rained.  I was at Sanford's.  Went to Father's and worked in the shop some.

October 24, 1896  Got wood.  Hauled pumpkins and corn and went to Vine Grove.

October 25, 1896  I stayed at home.  Johnson was here.  Tina was at Sanford's.

October 26, 1896  I worked some in the shop and went to John's and we made two hog troughs and I went to Wetterer's and got jug coal oil.

October 27, 1896  I gathered some corn and got wood.

October 28, 1896  I went to Father's and John and me hauled manure.

October 29, 1896  John and me hauled manure at Father's.

October 30, 1896  I went to Williams' and Wetterer's.

October 31, 1896  I hauled log to Wetterer's mill.

November 1, 1896  Henry was here.  I was at Wetterer's.

November 2, 1896  I had chill.  Bud finished digging potatoes.

November 3, 1896  I went to the election.

November 4, 1896  I was sick all day.  Mother was here.  Rained all day.

November 5, 1896  John and Henry buried my potatoes for me.

November 6, 1896  I worked on buggy harness.

November 7, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.  Scott was over.

November 8, 1896  I went to church at Sycamore.  I was at Sanford's.

November 9, 1896  I helped John bring sow from Hibbs' and got some wood.

November 10, 1896  We hauled saw logs for Father.

November 11, 1896  We hauled two logs for me.

November 12, 1896  I worked in the shop.

November 13, 1896  We hauled saw logs for Father.

November 14, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.  Howard and Clara was here.

November 15, 1896   We was at Howard Nall's.

November 16, 1896  I worked in the shop.

November 17, 1896  I worked in the shop.

November 18, 1896  I worked in the shop.

November 19, 1896  I went to Jennie Brown's to a frolic.

November 20, 1896  I worked at the shop.

November 21, 1896  John and I went to Vine Grove to the mill.  Rained.  We left our flour at E. Stovall's.

November 22, 1896  We went to George Williams'.

November 23, 1896  John and me went to E. Stovall's after our flour.  Rained.  I went to H. C. Shelton's at night and caught a coon.

November 24, 1896  I gathered some corn.

November 25, 1896  I worked at Father's on the meat house.

November 26, 1896  I worked on Father's meat house.

November 27, 1896  I worked at the mill.  Rained big rain.

November 28, 1896  I worked at the mill.  Turned cold.  I was at Bud's at night.

November 29, 1896  Cold today.  I was at Bud's and Father's.

November 30, 1896  I was at Father's.  Grandmother Masters died today at 10:30am.  Cold.  Scott was over.

December 1, 1896  We went to Grandmother's burying.  Cold.

December 2, 1896  I ground.  Went to John's and got log.  Weaned the pigs.

December 3, 1896  I went to John Williams' and got some tobacco.  Cut some wood.  Went to John Fox's at night.

December 4, 1896  I got some wood.  I went to John's.  Hauled some fodder and corn.  Killed crane.

December 5, 1896  I ground and fixed the dam.

December 6, 1896  We went to Sanford Irwin's.  The old sow took the boar.

December 7, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.

December 8, 1896  Rained all day.  I ground and worked in the shop.

December 9, 1896  I got wood and corn and made boards for Father after dinner.  Went to John Fox's at night.

December 10, 1896  I made boards for Father after dinner.

December 11, 1896  I ground and got some wood and corn.

December 12, 1896  I went to Vine Grove.

December 13, 1896  I went after Dr. Rogers for Henry.

December 14, 1896  Worked on wagon for John C. Cowley.  Rained all day.

December 15, 1896  I worked on wagon for same.

December 16, 1896  I worked on John Criss's wagon.  Dr. Rogers was here to see Bessie.

December 17, 1896  I ground some.  Got some wood.  Fixed the forebay.

December 18, 1896  I went to Dr. Rogers to get medicine for Bessie and ground some.  Worked some in the shop.  Scott was over.

December 19, 1896  I ground and got wood.  Worked in the shop.

December 20, 1896  I went to Father's.

December 21, 1896  Killed hogs.  John helped me.

December 22, 1896  I went to Vine Grove and took 4 hogs.  They weighed 665 pounds.  Got 4 cents a pound.

December 23, 1896  Worked in the shop and ground and got some wood.

December 24, 1896  Got some wood.  Topped hay stack.

December 25, 1896  Went hunting and to John's.

December 26, 1896  Helped get wood at Father's.

December 27, 1896  We was at Bud's.

December 28, 1896  Frank Cowley was here.  I hauled some corn and fodder.

December 29, 1896  Hauled corn and fodder.  Sanford helped me 1/2 day.

December 30, 1896  I went to Judge Stovall's and got 14 bushels corn.

December 31, 1896  I got some wood.  Scott was over.


Memoranda for 1896.  The following is the amount of meal taken up for the year 1896.  The amount of meal taken up by James Scott in 1896:

     March 7, 1896   3 1/2 bu by Scott
     May 21, 1896   3 bu by Scott
     May 29, 1896   7 1/2 bu by Scott
     June 24, 1896   3 1/2 bu by Scott
     July 16, 1896   6 bu by Scott
     Aug 24, 1896   1 1/2 bu by Scott
     Sept 26, 1896   1 1/2 bu by Scott
     Nov  7, 1896   1 1/2 bu by Scott
     Nov 30, 1896   1 bu by Scott
     Dec 18, 1896   5 bu by Scott
     Dec 31, 1896   2 bu by Scott  (Volume 1, page 197)

Account against Judge Stovall for work in the shop Nov the 17, 1896, 1896.  $2.75.  Paid. (Volume 1, page 200).

The amount of corn coming to Scott January 1, 1896, 1896 is 6 5/16.

April 29, 1896, 1896.  Account against George Williams:
     one doubletree   75 cts
     one plow point   35 cts
     work on plow   30 cts
     sharpening plow  10 cts
     Paid   150 cts   (Volume 1, back cover)

Account against Bud Irwin for work in the shop in August, 1896:
     Fixing shaft     10 cts
     For work on wagon Aug  5, 1896  75 cts
     For work on same  Aug 10, 1896  75 cts
     For work on same  Aug 11, 1896  75 cts
     For work on same  Aug 15, 1896  25 cts
     For work on same  Aug 17, 1896  60 cts
     For work on same  Aug 18, 1896 125 cts
     For work on same  Aug 21, 1896  20 cts
     For work on same  Aug 26, 1896  75 cts
     For work on same  Aug 27, 1896  25 cts
     For work on same  Aug 28, 1896 100
     Total    $6.65
     ? paid on the job  $1.50
     $5.15   (Volume 1, back cover)