April  May  June  July  August  September October  November   December  Notes

April 21, 1895  I went to Father's.

April 22, 1895  We cut fence row.  I worked some in the shop.  Rained today.

April 23, 1895  We made rails and made some fence.

April 24, 1895  I took Ed part of the way to the station and worked some at the shop and ground some and cut some road to haul rails.

April 25, 1895  I hauled rails and ground some corn.

April 26, 1895  I hauled rails and made some fence.  Rained.

April 27, 1895  I worked in the shop and ground some corn and hauled some rails and made some fence.  Ed got back.

April 28, 1895  We went to church at Sycamore.

April 29, 1895  We worked on the fence.

April 30, 1895  We finished the fence... (edge of page deteriorated).

May 1, 1895  We made garden.

May 2, 1895  Finished the garden and we sheared the sheep and I worked on a buggy for Will Stader.

May 3, 1895  I worked on Stader's buggy till noon and went to Vine Grove.

May 4, 1895  We hauled manure and I ground corn.

May 5, 1895  We went to John Moore's.

May 6, 1895  I plowed.  Ed cleared.

May 7, 1895  I plowed.  Ed cleared.

May 8, 1895  I plowed.  Ed cleared.

May 9, 1895  I finished plowing in the bottom.

May 10, 1895  Planted some corn and began plowing in the new ground.

May 11, 1895  Burnt brush and plowed.  Rained in the evening.  Ed lost half day.

May 12, 1895  I went to church at Sycamore.  G. H. Canon preached.

May 13, 1895  I plowed.  Ed cleared and James Smith altered (spayed) the colt.

May 14, 1895  I worked on wheels for James Stader.  Ed cleared.  Big frost this morning.

May 15, 1895  Worked on cultivator wheels for S. S. Irwin.  John helped me.  Rained all day.

May 16, 1895  Finished Irwin's wheels.

May 17, 1895  Ground and went to Vine Grove.

May 18, 1895  Cleared in the morning.  Harrowed and shoed Dan in the evening.

May 19, 1895  I went to Bridge Baily's funeral.

May 20, 1895  I worked on wagon's box.  Ed cleared.

May 21, 1895  I worked in the shop.  Scott was over.

May 22, 1895  I worked in the shop.  Ed cleared.  Sam Crow worked for me.

May 23, 1895  We worked in the new ground.  Sam Crow worked for me.

May 24, 1895  I went to wheat mill at Vine Grove.

May 25, 1895  We worked in the new ground.  I plowed.  Ed cleared.

May 26, 1895  We went to Jack Hobbs'.  Rained today.

May 27, 1895  I harrowed the new ground.  Ed cleared.

May 28, 1895  We finished clearing and breaking the new ground.

May 29, 1895  I harrowed and laid off corn ground.  Rained big rain.  Ed lost today.

May 30, 1895  I worked at the mill and went to Si Williams and got some lumber.

May 31, 1895  I laid off corn ground in the new ground.

June 1, 1895  We planted corn in the new ground.

June 2, 1895  We went to Frank Cowley's.

June 3, 1895  We finished planting corn.

June 4, 1895  Began plowing corn over.

June 5, 1895  Plowed corn.

June 6, 1895  We finished plowing the corn over the first time.

June 7, 1895  Worked some at the shop.  Ed harrowed corn at Bud's.  I went to Vine Grove in the evening.

June 8, 1895  I worked in the shop.  Ed lost today.

June 9, 1895  We went to church at Sycamore and to Father's.

June 10, 1895  I worked in the shop.  Ed lost today.

June 11, 1895  I worked in the shop.  Ed lost today.

June 12, 1895  I worked in the shop.  Ed lost today.

June 13, 1895  We replanted corn in the new ground.

June 14, 1895  I went to Vine Grove.  Ed replanted corn.

June 15, 1895  I worked in the shop.  Ed lost half day.  Rained.

June 16, 1895  We went to Cedar Creek to church.

June 17, 1895  We helped John cut wheat in the evening.

June 18, 1895  We helped John cut wheat.

June 19, 1895  Helped John cut wheat until 10 o'clock.  Rained.  John help me put rake tires on.

June 20, 1895  Worked in the shop.  It rained a good rain.

June 21, 1895  I worked in the shop till dinner.  Helped John cut wheat in the evening.  Ed lost half day.

June 22, 1895  Helped John cut wheat till noon.  Cut wheat for me in the evening.

June 23, 1895  We went to Aunt Jane Owen's.

June 24, 1895  We cut wheat.  John helped.

June 25, 1895  We cut wheat till noon.  John helped.  I went to Wm. T. Peck's and got two jugs of molasses.  Ed lost today.

June 26, 1895  I plowed corn.  Ed lost today.

June 27, 1895  I plowed corn.  Ed lost today.

June 28, 1895  I plowed until noon.  Ed lost today.  Finished cutting wheat.  John helped.

June 29, 1895  I plowed corn.  Ed lost today.

June 30, 1895  I went to Jeff Casebolt's.  Rained good rain.

July 1, 1895  I ground all day.  Rained a big rain.  Creek was up big.

July 2, 1895  Scott was over.  I ground.

July 3, 1895  I went to Vine Grove.

July 4, 1895  I plowed corn.  Ed lost today.

July 5, 1895  I plowed corn.  Ed lost today.

July 6, 1895  I plowed corn.  Ed lost today.  Rained.

July 7, 1895  We went to George Williams'.  Rained.

July 8, 1895  I went to Casebolt's and got hay rake.

July 9, 1895  Fitted wheels for hay rake.  John helped me.

July 10, 1895  Cut road in morning and stacked wheat in the evening.

July 11, 1895  Finished stacking wheat and went to Etown.

July 12, 1895  Plowed corn on the hill.

July 13, 1895  Finished plowing corn on the hill.

July 14, 1895  We went to children's day at Sycamore.

July 15, 1895  Scott was over.  I went to Vine Grove.

July 16, 1895  Worked on hay rake.  Helped Bud in the evening.

July 17, 1895  Finished plowing corn.  I worked for S. S. Irwin.

July 18, 1895  Worked on rake.  John helped me half day.

July 19, 1895  Worked on rake.  John helped me all day.

July 20, 1895  I worked on rake.  We fixed machine.

July 21, 1895  We went to Hugh Lee's.

July 22, 1895  I began cutting grass.  John helped me all day.

July 23, 1895  Cut grass until dinner.  Rained big rain.  John helped today.  Will Porter died.  Creek was up big.

July 24, 1895  Rained all day.

July 25, 1895  I ground till dinner and worked in the grass after noon.  John helped half day.

July 26, 1895  Ground till noon and worked in grass after noon.  John helped half day.

July 27, 1895  We fixed the rake and moved the rake and machine up to Father's.  Rained.  We stayed all night at Father's.  Ed lost half day.

July 28, 1895  We went to S. R. Irwin's.

July 29, 1895  Finished my grass.  John helped me.  Ed lost today.

July 30, 1895  Cut some grass for Father and fixed cart wheels for John Criss Cowley.

July 31, 1895  We worked in Father's grass.  Cow had a calf.

August 1, 1895  Worked in Father's grass until noon and in John's after noon.

August 2, 1895  We worked in John's grass.  Ed lost today.

August 3, 1895  We worked in John's grass.  Ed lost today.

August 4, 1895  We went to Mama Day's.  Rained.

August 5, 1895  I worked at Father's grass.  Rained.

August 6, 1895  We worked on cider mill.

August 7, 1895  Finished John's and Father's grass and we found a bee tree.

August 8, 1895  I jobbed around.

August 9, 1895  Worked on wagon bed for Judge Stovall.  Rained.

August 10, 1895  Finished Stovall's wagon box and worked on cider mill.

August 11, 1895  We went to church at Sycamore and to Albert Earley's for dinner.

August 12, 1895  I went to Vine Grove in the morning and helped Hugh Lee thresh in the evening.

August 13, 1895  Helped Lee finish threshing and worked at the turnip patch.

August 14, 1895  Went to Father's and got the wagon and hauled a load of wood to thresh.

August 15, 1895  We sowed turnip patch.

August 16, 1895  Finished cider mill and went to Father's.

August 17, 1895  Made cider press.  Curtis Bougard's wife died.

August 18, 1895  We was at Wm. T. Peck's.

August 19, 1895  I helped Wm. T. Peck thresh.

August 20, 1895  Ed's time was out.  Rained.  We sold George Howey 1400 boards.

August 21, 1895  Ed went home.  Howey come and got load of boards.

August 22, 1895  I went to Vine Grove.

August 23, 1895  We made cider at Father's.  I bought some fruit trees from James Peck.

August 24, 1895  Rained.  I ground some and went hunting.

August 25, 1895  John and Leanor was here.

August 26, 1895  Bettie Viers died.  Worked some in the shop.

August 27, 1895  Worked some in the shop and went to Bettie Viers' burying.

August 28, 1895  Began making sled and went to S. R. Irwin's.

August 29, 1895  Finished sled.  Bud helped me.

August 30, 1895  Went to Tunnel Hill.  Took lamb and went to Etown.

August 31, 1895  John and I went bee hunting.

September 1, 1895  We went to Sam Eagine's.  Nobody at home.

September 2, 1895  Worked on road for Sally.

September 3, 1895  Worked on road for Sally.

September 4, 1895  Worked on road for Sally.  Sow had pigs.

September 5, 1895  Worked some in the shop and went to Jane Owen's and paid her $3.00 with interest.

September 6, 1895  We went to Vine Grove.  Charlie (Masters) was sick.

September 7, 1895  Worked in the shop.  Rained.

September 8, 1895  We went to church at Sycamore and to Bud's.

September 9, 1895  Worked some for Sally and got stove wood.

September 10, 1895  Jobbed around and went to Johnson's.

September 11, 1895  Helped thresh at Ben Garner's.

September 12, 1895  I helped thresh at Father's and we threshed at Sanford's.

September 13, 1895  I helped thresh at A. Earley's and Jack Irwin's and H. H. Hobbs'.

September 14, 1895  I went to Vine Grove.

September 15, 1895  We went to Father's.

September 16, 1895  Gathered some nuts and I took Sanford's wagon home.

September 17, 1895  Went to Syrus Williams'.  Got wagon axle.  Got some wood.

September 18, 1895  Worked at the shop.

September 19, 1895  Worked at the shop.

September 20, 1895  Worked at the shop and cut some tops.

September 21, 1895  Worked for John until noon and went to D. C. Bailey's after noon.

September 22, 1895  We was at D. C. Bailey's.  John Garner and Lee Adams was married.

September 23, 1895  Cut tops and gathered some hickory nuts.

September 24, 1895  I took sheep up to Father's and cut tops and pulled fodder.

September 25, 1895  Pulled fodder and cut corn.

September 26, 1895  Cut corn.

September 27, 1895  Cut corn.

September 28, 1895  Cut corn half day.  John helped me.  I went to Vine Grove.

September 29, 1895  John's family and Bud's family was here and Sanford.

September 30, 1895  Big frost this morning.  I worked at the fodder.

October 1, 1895  Fixed fence up the road.

October 2, 1895  We went to Wm. T. Peck's after apples.

October 3, 1895  We came home from Peck's.  Big boy at Bud Irwin's.  Howard and Clara was married.

October 4, 1895  We went to Vine Grove to the wheat mill.

October 5, 1895  We brought our flour home and got some wood.  I went to Ben Irwin's.

October 6, 1895  Tina went to Bud Irwin's.  I was at Father's.

October 7, 1895  Went hunting and went to Aunt Jane Owen's and gathered some hickory nuts.

October 8, 1895  Worked on wagon bed for S. S. Irwin.

October 9, 1895  Finished Irwin's wagon bed.

October 10, 1895  Went to Father's in the morning and we went to Etown and bought a wheat drill.

October 11, 1895  I took some wheat to Father's.  Rained.

October 12, 1895  We went to Etown and got wheat drill and fertilizer.  Got 600 pounds for $7.80.

October 13, 1895  We went to Mamy Day's.

October 14, 1895  I harrowed for wheat.

October 15, 1895  I harrowed for wheat.

October 16, 1895  I began drilling wheat.

October 17, 1895  I finished drilling wheat.  Mrs. Day started to ill.

October 18, 1895  I went hunting and sowed the new ground in wheat.

October 19, 1895  Howard and me went hunting.  I hauled load of wood.  Tod Vittitoe got shot.

October 20, 1895  Howard and Clara was here.

October 21, 1895  I paid my taxes for 1894.  Went to Vine Grove.

October 22, 1895  I cut bushes.  Worked some in the shop.

October 23, 1895  I cut bushes and went to Ben Garner's.

October 24, 1895  I finished cutting bushes and helped Henry get wood half day.

October 25, 1895  Hauled some corn and pumpkins and got some wood.

October 26, 1895  Went to Bullitt and got load of grass seed.

October 27, 1895  Went to Ben Garner's and took wagon home.  Rained little.

October 28, 1895  Gathered corn, dug sweet potatoes, and got some wood.

October 29, 1895  Screened grass seed.

October 30, 1895  Cleaned grass seed, made ax handle, and went to Father's and stayed all night.

October 31, 1895  Earthquake.  Rained.  Fixed a wagon for Joe Masters.

November 1, 1895  Hauled and stacked fodder.  Old Jim Carlisle was buried.

November 2, 1895  Went to John Stovall's and got apples.  Got load of wood and helped Henry half day.

November 3, 1895  We went to Bud's.

November 4, 1895  I went to Etown after fruit trees.

November 5, 1895  I went to the election and to Howard Nall's for dinner.

November 6, 1895  I worked in the shop.  We fixed our wagon.

November 7, 1895  I worked in the shop.

November 8, 1895  Worked in shop half day.  Worked at corn and fodder.

November 9, 1895  Fixed the mill and ground some.  Rained.  We went to John's at night.

November 10, 1895  I went to quarterly meeting at Speeds'.

November 11, 1895  I worked on wagon for Sam Eggen and pulled turnips.

November 12, 1895  Worked on wagon for Sam.

November 13, 1895  Worked on wagon for Sam.

November 14, 1895  Worked on wagon for Sam.

November 15, 1895  Drilled wheat for Buck W... (edge of page deteriorated)

November 16, 1895  Worked for Johnson in ... and hauled corn and wood in the evening. (edge of page deteriorated)

November 17, 1895  We went to Sam Eggen's ... (edge of page deteriorated)

November 18, 1895  Worked on wagon for ... (edge of page deteriorated)

November 19, 1895  Finished Sam's wagon ... Buck's.  Cold. (edge of page deteriorated)

November 20, 1895  I went rabbit hunting.  Tina was at Father's.

November 21, 1895  I went to Etown.  Got my boots.

November 22, 1895  Killed coon.  Went after Mary Cowley for Sally Stovall.  Rained.

November 23, 1895  Rained all day.  Fixed the mill and ground some.

November 24, 1895  We went to Sally's after noon.

November 25, 1895  Rained big rain.  I ground.  Hard wind at night.

November 26, 1895  I got some wood and ground some.

November 27, 1895  Went to Sanford's and got ... molasses. (edge of page deteriorated)

November 28, 1895  Helped Sanford gather corn.

November 29, 1895  Sanford helped me gather corn.

November 30, 1895  I went to Sanford's and took the calf and went hunting.

December 1, 1895  We was at Father's and John's.  Rained.  John Garner died.

December 2, 1895  I ground some and worked some in the shop.  Snowed little.

December 3, 1895  I ground some.  Aunt Eliza Sherrard was buried.  Cold.

December 4, 1895  I went to Vine Grove and it snowed.

December 5, 1895  Cold.  I went hunting and went to Sanford's and got my pigs.

December 6, 1895  We went to school and got some wood.

December 7, 1895  I went and got my sheep and got some wood.

December 8, 1895  Sanford and family was here.

December 9, 1895  I helped Sanford gather corn.

December 10, 1895  I helped Sanford gather corn.

December 11, 1895  Went to Vine Grove to mill.

December 12, 1895  Got wood.  John helped me.

December 13, 1895  I was at Sanford's and Bud's.  Went hunting.

December 14, 1895  I hauled a load of hickory to George's and sold out to George in the hickory job.

December 15, 1895  John's folks was here.

December 16, 1895  Me and Bud Day went hunting.

December 17, 1895  Went to Vine Grove and to Sanford's.

December 18, 1895  Worked at the shop and at the mill.  James Scott was here.

December 19, 1895  I jobbed around and went to Father's.

December 20, 1895  Rained all day.

December 21, 1895  I ground some and helped John in the shop.

December 22, 1895  We went to Aunt Sally's.

December 23, 1895  Killed a hog and went to Vine Grove.

December 24, 1895  I helped Sanford kill hogs.  We went to Sanford's at night.

December 25, 1895  We was at Sandord's.  Went hunting.  Rained.

December 26, 1895  Rained and snowed.  John, Bud (Day), Henry, and Onie (S. Day) was here.

December 27, 1895  I killed hogs.  Sanford helped me.

Hog Weights
Net Weights
848 total
704 total

December 28, 1895  Went to Vine Grove.  Took two hogs that weighed 374 pounds.  Brought $15.33.

December 29, 1895  We went to Wm. T. Pecks.

December 30, 1895  Rained and snowed.  I ground some.

December 31, 1895  I went to Sanford's and ground some and fixed saw.


To find the amount of lumber in a log, subtract 4 inches from the diameter of the log then multiply the diameter by its half then multiply by the length of the log and divide the quotuant by eight and you have the amount in inch boards. (volume 1, back cover)

Amount of corn and meal that James Scott got in 1894 is 30 bushels.  Amount coming to him until January 1, 1895, 1895 is 1 29/32 bushels.  Mill account settled up to January 1, 1895, 1895. (volume 1, page 198)

Amount of meal taken up by James Scott in 1895:

     Jan 17, 1895 4 bushels by Scott
     Feb  4, 1895  1.5 bushels by Kate Bailey
     Mar  2, 1895 1.5 bushels by Scott
     Mar 22, 1895 1 bushel by Kate Bailey
     Apr 13, 1895 1 bushel by Kate Bailey
     Apr 18, 1895 4 bushels by Scott
     May 11, 1895 1 bushel by Kate Bailey
     May 17, 1895 1.5 bushels by Kate Bailey
     May 21, 1895 2 bushels By Scott
     Jul  1, 1895  1.5 bushels by Kate Bailey
     Jul  2, 1895  4 bushels by Scott
     Jul 15, 1895  4 bushels by Scott
     Aug  2, 1895 1 bushel by Kate Bailey
     Aug 29, 1895 1.5 bushels by Scott
     Dec 18, 1895 1.5 bushels by Scott

James Scott took up the rest of the meal for 1895 March the 7, 1895, 1896.  The amount was 2 1/2 bushels.

The above is the amount of meal belonging to James Scott for the year 1895 and the dates the amount taken at each ... this account ... Scott's ... business until June, 1896.  (volume 1, page 199)