Apartment Stuff

Call me a dork, but this is some of the stuff I bought for my apartment. Since I have never had my own place, I am sorta lacking in stuff to take with me...so, here is SOME of the stuff I have bought. I have some stuff I bought at Wal Mart, but I didn't have a lot of cash on me, so I put it in layaway. Nice, I know. Anyway, here are some pictures...


big plates

little plates


Here is a list of the stuff I have in layaway:

As you can see, I still need stuff to cook in. I guess that stuff will come later. I don't even know what else I need (besides a bed...all I have is my tiny waterbed.) Send me stuff people! Come on!! Help a bruttha out...


Created On: July 7, 2002

Last Updated On: July 12, 2002 @ 1:57 P.M. CT.