Hatchet Rydas Car Club

Order Form

Fill out 2 copies of form, Give to your local HRCC Member, along with $20 cash We will take care of all the details call ya once we get it in, Maybe give it to ya at one of our weekly meets! DO NOT MAIL TO ADDRESS BELOW LEAVE IT WITH YOUR LOCAL HRCC MEMBER


Joe Loar

4207 shadyvilla dr

Louisville ky 40219

Please print clearly using blue or black ink
areas with * are required fields




*City, *State, *Zip Code:_____________________________________________

*Email:_____________________________   AIM:_________________________

*Car/Truck You Drive (please include year and model/make):_____________________________________ Color___________



*Nickname or Handle:____________________________________________

*Size of Sticker you want(24", 36", or 48"):____________ SOLDIER

Phone number:___________________________________


*Signature (by signing you agree to the agreement



Please make sure you have enclosed the $20 U.S. Dollars to cover the price of the sticker and shipping costs.
We accept cash, money order, or certified check. We WILL NOT accept personal checks.
Be advised...the price is the same for each sticker size.
The checks/money orders can be written out to Jason Fordyce.
Your sticker will be mailed out after payment is received.
If you have a picture of your Ride...please send it...we will put it on the website!!

Thank You



Questions/Comments/Special Instructions?:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Local member that hooked ya up_____________________________________________


·  What is the HRCC all about?

The HRCC is the first car club devoted completely to Juggalos and Clown Love. The car club is all about Juggalos getting together, cruising, and being Juggalos

·  My car is a piece of shit, but I want to show love... Any problems?

Hell nawwe! The HRCC is about more than just pimp rides. Its about Clown Love, and unity as a Juggalo Community. This is just one of many attempts to bring the family closer together. We will not hold back an opportunity to be part of something fresh as this because you cant afford the best ryde. Shitty car? No problem! HRCC is the car club for you! 

Visit http://www.hatchetrydascc.com