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Steczynski, REV. 1:3 -- Steczynski, REV. 1:9-10

Christ amidst the lampstands (REV. 1:12-20)

The open door in Heaven (REV. 4:1) -- Steczynski, REV. 4:1

The emerald throne scene in Heaven (REV. 4:2-11) -- Steczynski, REV. 4:2-8;5:1-3

Casting crowns before the throne (REV. 4:9-11)

The opening of the sealed scroll (REV. 5:5-14) -- Steczynski, REV. 5:6-13

The first four seals; four horsemen (REV. 6:1-8)

Steczynski, REV. 6:1-2 -- Steczynski, REV. 6:4

Steczynski, REV. 6:5-6 -- Steczynski, REV. 6:7-8

Death on a Pale Horse (REV. 6:8)

The fifth seal; souls of the martyrs (REV. 6:9-11) -- Steczynski, REV. 6:9-11

The sixth seal; destruction in nature (REV. 6:12-17) -- Steczynski, REV. 6:13-17

Receiving the seal of God (REV. 7:2-8) -- Steczynski, REV. 7:1-10

144,000 sealed and the multitude in white robes (REV. 7:3-10)

Steczynski, REV. 7:15-17

The seventh seal; seven Angels, seven trumpets (REV. 8) -- Steczynski, REV. 8:1-6

First six trumpet judgements (REV. 8:6-13 and REV. 9)

Steczynski, REV. 8:7 -- Steczynski, REV. 8:9

Steczynski, REV. 8:10-11 -- Steczynski, REV. 8:12-13

Steczynski, REV. 9:1-3,10 -- Steczynski, REV. 9:13-19

The Angel and the little scroll (REV. 10) -- Steczynski, REV. 10:1-9

The two witnesses and the seventh trumpet judgement (REV. 11)

Steczynski, REV. 11:15-12:4

The woman and the dragon (REV. 12:1-5) -- Steczynski, REV. 12:5

War in heaven; Michael defeats the dragon (REV. 12:7-12) -- Steczynski, REV. 12:7

Woman with the wings of an eagle (REV. 12:14) -- Steczynski, REV. 12:13-17

The three beasts and 666 (REV. 13) -- Steczynski, REV. 13:1-3

Steczynski, REV. 13:11 -- Steczynski, REV. 13:14-15;14:1-10

Steczynski, REV. 14:15-20 -- The 7 bowl judgements (REV. 16)

The plagues of the seven bowls (REV. 16) -- Steczynski, REV. 16:1-13

Steczynski, REV. 17:1-2

Babylon the great riding the beast (REV. 17) -- Steczynski, REV. 17:3-6

Steczynski, REV. 17:16;18:9-10 -- Steczynski, REV. 19:1-10

King of Kings and Lord of Lords (REV. 19:11-16) -- Steczynski, REV. 19:11-20

Beast and false prophet cast into the lake of fire (REV. 19:20)

The Angel with the great chain (REV. 20:1-2) -- Steczynski, REV. 20:1-10

The dragon, chained (REV. 20:3)

The dragon, released to gather the nations for battle (REV. 20:7-8)

The dragon thrown into the lake of fire (REV. 20:10)

The great white throne judgement (REV. 20:11-13) -- Steczynski, REV. 20:11-12

The books are opened and also the book of life (REV. 20:12-13)

The lake of fire (REV. 20:14-15) -- Steczynski, REV. 20:14-15

New Jerusalem (REV. 21:2) -- New Jerusalem (REV. 21:1-21)

The foundations of the city (REV. 21:12-14 and REV. 21:19-20)

Steczynski, REV. 21:1-16 -- Steczynski, REV. 21:22-22:2

Through the gate of the eternal city (REV. 21:21-27 and REV. 22:1-6)

Steczynski, REV. 22:16-17 -- Steczynski, REV. 22:20-21


35 Drawings by Pat Marvenko Smith

42 Drawings by Prof. John Steczynski, Boston College, with Scripture References added by Prof. Felix Just, S.J., Loyola Marymount University

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