Community Bible Study -- Acts

Photos for Lesson 3

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Above Left: Gate Beautiful* at the Temple in Jerusalem -- where Peter healed a cripple more than 40 years old.

Above Right: Sign at Gate Beautiful, prohibiting Gentiles from coming beyond this point (Nat'l Archaeological Museum, Istanbul)


Solomon's Colonnade* is the columned area on the right (southeast) side of the temple in the picture on the left. It was so named because the outside wall was older than Herod's Temple, and thus was thought to be part of Solomon's Temple. The picture on the right is that same area of the Temple Mount wall today; it is obviously older than the rest of the wall.


The three meeting places of the Sanhedrin: Court of the Women* (above, left), Hulda Gates Area* (above, right), Southern Temple Entrance* (below, left)


*Starred pictures are from the AD66 Jerusalem Model at the Holyland Hotel, Jerusalem.