Community Bible Study -- Acts

Photos for Lesson 24

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Rogues Gallery (Left to Right): Nero, who released Paul, then persecuted Christians and killed James, Peter, and Paul after Rome burned in 64 AD; Vespasian, the general called to put down the Jewish Revolt in 66 AD and succeeded Nero as Caesar; Titus, who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD; Judea Capta coin issued after the destruction of Jerusalem, showing a Roman soldier with his foot on the head of a Jew, while a Jewish woman cries under a palm tree.


Left: Recently discovered ossuary (bone burial box) thought to have been used for James, the brother of Jesus (Biblical Archaeology Review photo).. Right: Footprints believed to be left by Jesus, when he met Peter at the Quo Vadis Church outside of Rome.


Left: Middle-Ages artwork of Peter's crucifixion--upside down--in Rome. Center: Statue of Paul with a sword in courtyard of St. Paul's-Oustide-the-Wall church in Rome (Right). It is believed that Paul was beheaded with a sword at this site..


Above Left: Recently excavated stones thrown down from the temple by Titus' troops--just as they were left in 70 AD Above Right Arch of Titus in Rome, commemorating Titus' destruction of Jerusalem Left: Interior of Arch of Titus, showing Roman soldiers carrying away loot from the temple, with Jewish prisoners in front of them.