Community Bible Study -- Acts

Photos for Lesson 19

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Left: Stone Pillar at Gate Beautiful, prohibiting Gentiles--under penalty of death--from entering Jews-only areas of the temple (Nat'l Archaeological Museum, Istanbul) Right: Gate Beautiful, entrance to the Court of the Women and other Jews-only areas of the temple

The Jewish temple built by Herod (left side of the picture), had a Roman fortress adjoining it (right side of the picture). This allowed Roman troops to quickly rescue Paul from a mob. (Photo from the AD 66 Jerusalem Mode, at the Holyland Hotel, Jerusalem.)


Left: Model of the Roman Fortress Antonio, where Paul was taken and spoke to the crowd. Top Right: Cistern from the original Fortress Antonio. The troops that rescued Paul took water from here. Bottom Right: Pavement of same period and area as Fortress Antonio; Paul possibly stood on or near this as he spoke to the crowd.