Community Bible Study -- Acts

Photos for Lesson 17

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Paul's Third Mission Trip


Theaters of Colossae (left), Hierapolis (center) and Laodicea (right) . . . cities on Paul's route from Pisidian Antioch to Ephesus


Ephesus: Left: Marble Street leading to Library; temples and monuments on the right, Right: Upper Agora and Odeon


Above Ephesus Great Theater: Left: From the Great Theater looking down Harbor Road, where Paul was staying. The ancient harbor, silted in, is at the end of the road. Right: Paul's view of the Great Theater during the Riot 

Below Left: Normal Artemis (huntress), Altes Museum, Berlin Center: Artemis of Ephesus (fertility). Ephesus Museum Right Top: Artist Sketch of Temple of Artemis, Ephesus Right Bottom: Column Drum from Temple of Artemis, Ephesus Britism Museum