I went to Denver the last week of June and spent almost a week exploring the “Tunnel District” which is the 28 Railroad Tunnels leading up to Moffat Tunnel.  In addition to photographing as many of the tunnels as I could get to, I also explored the old Rollins Pass route that the railroad took before Moffat Tunnel was built.  And I took a day trip on Amtrak from Denver to Granby CO and back so I could see the rest of the tunnels and go through all of them.  Below are links to some of my pictures from the trip.  Pictures taken from the Amtrak train are noted as such.


The tour starts with the Amtrak station in Denver and then move to the Big Ten Curve area just before the tunnels start.


The next page covers from the Blue Mountain Road crossing up to Tunnel 3.


Tunnel 4 through the eastern portal of Tunnel 8 showcases some great scenery.


The Rattlesnake Gulch Trail in Eldorado Canyon State Park gives access to the railroad between Tunnel 8 and Tunnel 10.


Tunnel 8 presents several different angles for pictures.


Tunnel 9 collapsed before the railroad was completed and was by-passed until the site was daylighted.  Tunnel 10 is straight even though it is shown on maps with a slight curve.


Starting at Tunnel 11, some of the tunnels will not have pictures.  That is because I couldn’t get to them by hiking and did not get a picture of them when I rode Amtrak.




Tunnels 19-23


Tunnels 24-29


Pinecliffe to Rollinsville




Moffat Tunnel


Yankee Doodle Lake /I spent my last day in the Tunnel District exploring the on Rolling Pass route over the Rockies.  I started near Moffat Tunnel and drove until I was blocked by a snow drift.  If I could have made it through, I could have driven all the way to Yankee Doodle Lake.


Needle Eye Tunnel/ Past Yankee Doodle Lake was Jenny Lake which is right under the eastern portal of Tunnel 34.


Rollins Pass East/ After exploring Tunnel 34 and Devil’s Slide trestles, I started back down.


Rollins Pass West/  It was late in the day before I got to the west side of the Rollins Pass Route so I didn’t get much further up than Tunnel 33.





Links to other Railroad Tunnel pictures


Comments to Butch






