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Adventures of Ranger Rick:  A Gift from the Trees
Format:  Book on tape 
Author:  Doe Boyle   
Publisher:  Soundprints 
Copy right:  1993 
ISBN:  1568990227  

Format:  Book 
Author:  Richard Moyer, Lucy Daniel and Jay Hackett 
Publisher:  Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 
Copy right:  2002   
ISBN:  0022800905  

Plants:  Super Science Activities
Format:  Book
Author:  Ruth M. Young
Publisher:  Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
Copyright:  2002
ISBN:  0743936655 

EEK! Stories to Make You Shriek:  Fly Trapp
Format:  Book 
Author:  Dina Anastasio 
Publisher:  Grosset and Dunlap 
Copyright:  1997 
ISBN:  0448415828   

Plants:  Flowers, Fruits and Seeds
Format:  Book 
Author:  Angela Royston 
Publisher:  Heinemann Library 
Copyright:  1999
ISBN:  1575728222

The Nature and Science of Leaves
Format:  Book  
Author:  Jane Burton and Kim Taylor 
Publisher:  Garth Stevens Publishing
Copyright:  1997
ISBN:  083681942X

We Can Read about Nature! Flowers and Friends
Format:  Book 
Author:  Anita Holmes
Publisher:  Benchmark Books
Copyright:  2001
ISBN:  0761411135

Plants:  How Plants Grow
Format:  Book  
Author:  Angela Royston 
Publisher:  Heinemann Library
Copyright:  1999
ISBN:  1575728249

The Trellis and the Seed
Format:  Book 
Author:  Jan Karon 
Publisher:  Penguin Group  
Copyright:  2003   
ISBN:  0670892890

The Rose in My Garden
Format:  Book 
Author:  Arnold Lobel 
Publisher:  Greenwillow Books 
Copy right:  1984 
ISBN:  0688025862 

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