Home    Student Teaching    Thematic Unit


Learning Centers

Writing Center
Vocabulary Center
Science Puzzle Center
Listening Center
Computer Center
Art Center
Reading Center


Writing Center

writing prompts
    science book

Grouping:  individual


  1. Choose a writing prompt from the list.
  2. Write a paper explaining the topic you chose.  (You may refer to your science book for information on your topic.)
  3. Use a graphic organizer such as a table as an outline for your paper. 
  4. You must have an opening sentence and a closing sentence.
  5. You should have at least three ideas to explain your topic.
  6. Write at least one sentence explaining each idea.
  7. Try to use transition words such as first, second and finally when you switch from one idea to another.
  8. Your paper should have at least 8 sentences.
  9. Turn in your graphic organizer and your paper.


Vocabulary Center

one deck of plant unit vocabulary cards
    science book

Grouping:  work in pairs


  1. Lay all the cards in the deck face down in rows and columns.
  2. One student will flip over two cards.  If the student flips over a vocabulary word and its matching definition they keep the cards, they get to keep those cards and take another turn.  If the student does not flip over the two cards that go together, their turn is over.
  3. Students may use the glossary in their science books to check their answers.
  4. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.                


Science Puzzle Center

plant unit puzzle
    science book

Grouping:  pairs


  1. Try to piece the plant unit puzzle together.
  2. A statement or question should match next to the correct answer.
  3. You may use your science book as a reference.


Listening Center

book on tape, A Gift from the Trees
tape player
    head phones
    questions about story

Grouping:  individual


  1. Using the tape player and head phones, listen to the book on tape, A Gift from the Trees.
  2. After listening to the story answer the questions to the story.
  3. Turn in your answers to the questions.


Computer Learning Center

    Head phones

Grouping:  individual


  1. Insert the CD-Rom into the computer.
  2. Select a game to play on the menu.
  3. Play the game.
  4. When you finish you may choose another game to play from the menu.


Art Center

blank white paper
    crayons or markers
    science book

Grouping:  individual


  1. Choose either an animal cell or a plant cell.
  2. Draw the cell you chose. (You may refer to pages A10 and A11 in your science book).
  3. Make sure you label all the parts of the cell.
  4. Turn your drawing in.


Reading Center

books about plants
    fiction worksheet
    non-fiction worksheet

Grouping:  individual


  1. Choose one of the books about plants to read.
  2. Read the book quietly to yourself.
  3. After reading the book, answer the questions on the worksheet.  If you read a fiction book, complete the fiction worksheet.  If you read a non-fiction book, complete the non-fiction worksheet.
  4. Turn in your completed worksheet.


Home    Student Teaching    Thematic Unit