Homebuilt Recumbent Trike
I've recently discovered the need to start an exercise program. The only type of exercise I have actually enjoyed is bicycling.
Unfortunately at my current weight I find this to be practically impossible. Enter the Recumbent Trike!
The first problem I encountered was I couldn't use a commercial trike for a few reasons.
- The low-end models have a price tag of around $2000
- The have a listed weight capacity of less than my current size.
- I'm a cheapskate who tends to say "I can build that for less"
I started doing searches on homebuilt trikes and bookmarking ones with ideas for my build. Then, true to form, I put it off several months until I got the bug again.
Last week I got the bug and tore into the project like a raving lunatic. Since I forgot to take pictures of my progress, here is a picture of the trike at its first road test.
These are pictures of some of the construction techniques I used that were either borrowed from someone elses design or developed on my own
This is where I had the idea to use the rear forks of the bike as a boom for the bottom bracket.
A picture of the adjustable seat mounting, which will also allow me to exchange it for a lighter seat in the event I lose weight.
Here is the way I decided to triangulate the rear end.
A close up of the handlebar mounts and brake system.
This shows how I made the front end with bushings thinking I was going to put a small spring in between for suspension.
The finished product featuring a headrest and an old motorcycle mirror
- Length = 76"
- Width = 35"
- Height = 38"
- Seat Ht = 13"
- (BB) Ht = 17"
Here are some of the sites that helped me decide what to build
Home Built Bikes
How to build a Short Wheel Base Recumbent Trike
Build Your Own Recumbent Trike
Copyright © 2003 Fuzzybeard All rights reserved