*Hexwing Contest Results*


Firstly, I'd like to thank all the forums, and message boards for allowing this contest to be on their sites.  Without them, the Hexwing Art Contest would not have been possible.  Also, I'd like to thank all of the Artists that took part in this contest.  All of you are top notch in my book.  It is with some grief that winners have to be chosen when several pieces are so close in quality.  To those of you that were still working, but did not make the deadline, I can still post what you have done if you would like.


But first, to set the mood, a smidgeon of fiction.....

            Black Arrow drummed her fingers on the keys of the display console in front of her.  While the intelligence she had the others gathering was tedious to review, at times it was actually entertaining.  Speed metal music poured into the control room.  A hard hitting tune with a drummer that wouldn’t quit was doing a solo.  For unbecoming weaklings, these humans were quite creative, Black Arrow thought.  She eyed her fingers.  Another thought struck her, and trailed across her mind.  Humans were designed similar to her race also (albeit on a much smaller, spongy level).  Her lips refreshed themselves with an energy drink that Eniac had procured during one of her supply scouting missions….  But humans were still something to be exterminated.  They were an infestation.

A faint wailing sound escaped the chamber in the darkness behind the control room.  Viral was enduring some sort of punishment that the Mother saw fit to give.  To be so close to the Mother was such a blessing…. yet a curse.  While true, she thought, we (us nine) are all Hexwing, Viral bares the brunt, and full weight of the Mother’s mind.  How can I envy, yet pity her, Black Arrow asked herself.  And that Autobot we captured…  Silverbolt is his name.  I can neither fathom, nor understand why he seems to care about the lesser beings of this universe so.  I would think it would be obvious to him that cybernetic races like ourselves are meant to rule, to conquer.  It is our manifest destiny…..  Yet even with his…. naïve thoughts, there’s something about him.  I almost regret torturing him.  “Strange,” she uttered aloud.

            Darpa, and Arpa burst into the control room.  “The humans know about us,” exclaimed Arpa.  “We’ve been… What’s the word?” asked Darpa.  “Immortalized!,” agreed Arpa.  Neither of them was particularly bright.  Yet, these twins seemed to feed off of each other for conversation.  The humans have a term for it.  I believe it’s ditsy blonde, Black Arrow mentally noted.

            “How,” came Black Arrow’s slightly too forceful interrogative.

            “We don’t know how, but we’ve been drawn!”  Arpa almost sounded giddy.

            “And beautifully,” Darpa added.  “Look!”


1st Place

By lordsmiley (C.J. Franks III)

Posted: The Allspark Forum

Personal Art Pages: http://lordsmiley.deviantart.com/gallery/



What can I say?  This has everything going on from great coloring to complexity of design that jumps right out at the viewer.  I had wondered about Hexwing's left foot in this piece with it's inner wing being "out" a little bit more, but I later realized that it was a posed / more dynamic foot.  This makes sense for movement.  The overall pose is an excellent action shot with a blend of softness, and hardness of light, and form.  The full package earned this art a much deserved first place.



2nd Place

By NIDARAM12 (Nick Maradin)

Posted: Transformers 2005 message board

            Don Murphy message board

Personal Art Page: http://nidaram.deviantart.com/


I did have difficulty choosing between 1st and 2nd places simply because both drawings were so nicely detailed, and king of their own styles....  This is a killer piece!  It's also what I would consider a great Cybertron / War Within kind of form for Hexwing.  It is a complete, and unique design.  I also dig the energy radiation in Hexwing's arms.  I would wonder what the individual jet modes would look like.  The subtle red highlights (consistent throughout the figure) are interesting, and make you wonder if they were present in her previous Astral form.  She's hard hotness!



3rd Place

By Apex Prime (Soren Peeters)

Posted: TFans forum

Personal Art Page: http://www.sorenpeeters.go.to/

This is a great picture that tells a story (namely the conquering of Galvatron by Hexwing).  The texturing, and shading on Hexwing's wings, the surrounding scenery, and Galvatron in this piece are breathtaking.  This piece is very well drawn, and reminds me of art that we might see in a Transfromers Annual, or story book.  After she defeated Galvatron, she looks like she's ready to take on any, and all challengers.



Honorable Mention

The rest of the pieces are not in any particular order, BUT still are of good quality, and deserve a look.  I have also have comments on them.


Hexwing: By shumworld (Robert Shum)

Posted: The Allspark forum

Personal Art Page: http://shumworld.deviantart.com/

Hexwing CHIBIFIED!   This piece is so cute, I really ached not to give it something.  It has style, personality, and it makes you wonder exactly what Lieger would say, and what the consequences would be (heh heh).  Maybe Shum will follow up on this?



Hexwing: By L. Roy Burch

Posted: Devil's Due Publishing message board

Personal Art Page: http://lroyburch.deviantart.com/

The Darkest Hexwing piece.  This piece could have climbed into the top three, but for the fact that it shows only a small part of Hexwing.  The shading and the viciousness that this rendition seems to hold, make you not want to meet her unless she were caged by an energon barrier..... and then you still might not be safe.  I like the hand design, and the chest, and wing details.



Hexwing: By Trentulas (S. Trent Troop)

Posted: The Allspark Forum

Personal Art Page: http://www.angelfire.com/ego/trentulas/

This was a very good stab at Hexwing in 3D, but it lacks some of the detailing that was present in the winning entries.  I do like the arm-whip with the drill end on it.  The different way that the jets are connected on the legs throws the piece off a bit, but this piece has strong atmosphere, and prescence.  I believe Trentulas said this was a quick piece.  It would be great to see this piece further developed.



Hexwing: By Jimsloth (Dan Jacko)

Posted: Transtopia Forum

Personal Art Page: pending

This entry is very clean, and charming.  It reminds me of what one would see in a wood carving, or in a 70's style art album.  She genuinely looks like she's enjoying herself, and her power.  It has lots of nice little details, and is one of the more literal representations of the toy.



Hexwing: By fuubolt

Posted: Don Murphy message board

Personal Art Page: None

Smells like fish......  This is the wackiest piece, and I would say is truly SELFLESS.



Hexwing: By c4darkmane

Posted: Don Murphy message board

Personal Art Page: None

You are the weakest link..... Lacks energy.....  errr lacks everything actually.