- BSHS Communication Issues Addressed By Digital Signage
- Audio School Announcements
- Problem: Morning and afternoon audio announcements are instrusive to classrooms and ineffective in communicating important information to students.
- Action: Daily announcements are posted on school web page and teachers are asked to display the information using their classrom projector.
- Proposed Action: Invest in an interior digital signage system (hardware and software) that will augment the school web page action. Possible sites for digital signage monitors would be the cafeteria (one on wall near exit doors), the main lobby (one or two monitors), and the gym (see gym problem description below).
- Problem: Morning and afternoon audio announcements cannot be heard in gym and there is no pratical way of using the school web page action described above.
- Action: There is no solution in place at this time.
- Proposed Action: Leverage the digital signage system described above to drive a monitor in the gym. This monitor could also be used for after school activities such as displaying the concession stand menu during ball games or date/times of future BSHS events.