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                   Guild History and Recruitment                                                            
The Story of Bailtoyr

The Clan of the Tormented Souls is a clan of members plagued by the voice of  Izail. A daemon who resides in his own world designed by him in the realm of Limbo.

Long ago a dark elf name Bailtoyr prayed to the gods to bring him great power so he may make any enemy bow to his twisted wills. The prayers fell on def  ears. Many of the powerful deity's of the world ignored his call. But one Daemon heard the elf's cry and saw the swelling evil within the dark elf. Melding perfect with the demons evil plots, Bailtoyr made a perfect victim for the unknown daemon. Izail came to the dark elf in a dream, commanding him in several evil acts across the world. Destroying the innocent, raping the weak and torturing the good people of the land.

Time passed fast for the elf as his granted powers grew.  Months and years passed as the elf obeyed every order detail by detail. Finally at the peak of his terrible quest he was defeated in combat by a local hero. A great day of celebration happened following the end of the evil dark elf. The small town from which the hero spawned believed the evil which ran through the heart of the dark elf was sent to the grave for all time. Little did they know that just a whisper of the daemon Izail was enough to set the voices streaming in the minds of any believer. For all Izail's power resides in a person willing to belief in his existence. Without belief Izail has no power over the normal world.

So the followers of Izail hears his calling in the form of voices and dreams, and must obey.

Role-play : Members of Cotts are basically a clan bound together for one reason to obey the voices and visions from which they are given. Which can be any you so decided your character hears!. In game play can be a verity of play methods, voices can be used as a reason when no reason exists. (ever seen Braveheart ... just like the Irish guy). Though Role-play will not be enforced by the guild it is encouraged. As your character progresses through the ranks of the guild the voices should become more often and clearer as you are more loyal the Izail.

This is for role-play purposes only. The guild does not command your actions. Your goal as should be everyone's is to have fun. Izail and voices just adds a friendly role-play twist to the game.


















Recruitment is now open to all! We have added two real life friends to the guild and voted that we should have a form of open recruiting. The link below to the forums has a post for all to read who are interested.

We are currently looking for NICE, MATURE, INVOLVED people to lend a hand we currently have 3 members but all play the same times during the week. We want a leader to help promote the guild different hours during the week and weekend.



Note* To any it may concern, I have had a little bit of feed back from different people and the state of the page such as typos, bad use of grammar and other such things. I would just like to say that I will always do my best to put the message out and update the home page although I am not the best at grammar. I hope the small details errors can be over looked. As alot of  people know running a page and trying to fit in Real life and Game time is a hard thing to do. So please bare with me at times, and I will try to do my best to put out the most useful information for the guild. I hate to say it but alot of the page is hurry hurry before I have to go to work, or go to sleep. All in all im trying my best and will continue to do so.

"I don't believe in paragraphs"


AKA Sulloria Invoker









The Origin Of Izail

Once a true dedicated king, good to his people and great lord of his lands. Izail longed to vanquish any evil that roamed the land harming his people. With this commitment  Izail became legendary in his time, destroying all that was evil. This campaign took many years wearing on the great kings body and mind. Though Izail weaken greatly over the years, his promise was made true and all evil was rid from the land.

During a time of victory and celebration in his castle, a man approached the beautiful city that Izail had crated. The dark man entered the city with ease under cover of the huge celebration. Once inside the castle walls, the attack began. The dark wizard summoned all forms of evil creatures. Ogres, trolls, and goblins sprung of every shadowy corner murdering all they came in contact with. The horde ravaged the city, slaughtering the guards leaving no one alive. Izail watching from his castle over casting the town squared assembled his royal soldiers. Attacking with immense fury the good king and his soldiers could not stop the endless wave of evil. Izail met the demons in battle time and time again smiting all that stepped forth. But the wave was too strong pushing him back behind the walls of his keep. Knowing there was no ending to the attack the king was convinced by his loyal soldiers to flee and rally more soldiers from the nearby towns. Izail escaped into the night and headed towards the nearest city in his land. Looking to find shelter and refuel his destroyed army Izail set out for a small city just miles from the fallen castle. To his surprise the city lay in ashes. Izail was devastated, his mind could only think of revenge as he stood glaring at the burnt ruins of the city.

"He was a fool" he thought.                                                         "How can a sword, a weapon of steel nothing more be any match for that of powerful dark magic". It was there Izail decided he to  must learn the power of magic to crush his new found foe.

Seeking out an old wizard near to his home city. Izail stormed the wizards tower and beckoned him to train Izail in the arcane arts. The wizard accepted knowing of the kings great legacy , and so his training began.

Months passed and the training went well. Izail was learning at great speeds even surprising the old wizard. But in time the former king grew impatient with the old wizards slow teachings. He need to learn faster and the old man was not teaching the king fast enough. In the cover of night Izail experimented with evil magic's, magic's of destruction, and magic's of death while his mentor slept. The magic's gave him power beyond any form of which the old wizard had taught him. On one particular night while the king lay invoking a dark powerful demon. The old wizard stumbled upon the ceremony. Shocked the great king would dare use such evil magic he renounced Izail as a pupil and ordered him to leave the tower. Izail , now nearly insane from the evil magic's, struck out at the wizard attacking with power dark spells. The wizard's years had taken quite a toll on the mage for he had only time to invoke a wicked curse upon Izail before the king's spell drained the life from his body. But it was enough, the curse twisted and hardened Izail's body melding it with the demon the king had been summoning. The two made one, Izail and the daemon. In one aspect the curse did nothing but make Izail more powerful now being transformed into a being of pure evil but it served the purpose. Once the melding was complete, Izail was pulled back into the Limbo abyss from which the demon came.

Never able to return to the normal world Izail turned to his new world of limbo. In time he found his new dark gift had granted him natural powers. He found that with only slight concentration he could form his own world from the empty space of limbo.

For thousands of years he created till his world was complete. In many ways larger and grander then the normal world. And better yet he was GOD. Still though  vengeance grew from within him to seek his revenge on the  normal world and all the people within. That's when the demon king heard the cry, it was only a whisper to his ears for his connection to the normal world was very limited. The cry of a dark elf. An evil dark elf willing to give his soul for unequaled power. Izail answered the cry and had found his new connection to the normal world. Through a voice he commanded his new minion. The voice was a new gift to the demon king and  he understood little about it.

Years passed and Izail found that the dark elf Bailtoyr could spread these gift by simply making a person believe that Izail existed. Once the thought of the demon Izail ran though a creatures mind he could speak to them in rhythmic voices commanding them to what he wished. The Tormented people were thought of  as insane, or possessed. Many of the tormented people rally together for no others would have them. As the group grew and the voice spread across the land. The outcaste drifters were given a name by the populace. And so they were called THE CLAN OF THE TORMENTED SOULS. Damned in life to obey the mysterious voices.  The Clan of Tormented people wondered, preaching the word of Izail adding to their numbers near daily. Soon they become a small army. Village to village the  clan marched causing pain and suffering upon the land. Growing with every whisper of the name Izail.