Bodybuilding Training Article from

The Magic Circle - for Magic Results
Vintage Ad from Iron Man Magazine -- 1971

Home Gym Equipment

Individual Stations

Squat Rack

Preacher Curl Bench

Roman Chair

Seated Calf Machine

Vertical Knee Raise

Vertical Leg Press Machine

Power Rack

Power Rack Bench Combo

Power Rack Lat Attachment

Leg Extension Curl

Ab Crunch Board

Dumbbell Rack

Flat / Incline / Decline / Bench

Smith Machine

Smith Lat Attachment

Plate Loaded Gym

150 lb. Weight Stack

Selectorized Home Gym

Preacher Curl Attachment

Bench Squat Combo

Lat Machine

Olympic Weight Tree

Standard Weight Tree

Ab Crunch Machine


Home Gyms

Home Gyms

Performance Trainer

Strength Tech Gym

Biangular Gym

Two Stack Gym

Isoflex Gym

Isoflex Leg Press

4-in-1 Free Weight Gym

All-in-1 Free Weight Gym


Cardio Equipment

5k Treadmill

8k Treadmill

10k Treadmill

Pentathlon Treadmill

Recumbent Bike

Elliptical Trainer


Free Weights

300 Lbs. Olympic Barbell Set

Troy Olympic Weight Plates

EZ-Grip VTX Olympic Barbell Set

VTX Olympic Weight Plates

160 Lbs. Regular Barbell Set

Regular Weight Plates

Regular 1-inch 7 Foot Bar

7 Foot Olympic Chrome Bar

EZ-Curl Olympic Bar

For those of us that grew up reading the old muscle mags in the sixties and seventies, we will remember the old ads for the exercise equipment just as well as the old training articles. While home exercise equipment design may not have been very functional back in those days, it certainly was imaginative. I used to get a kick out of the ad below more than anything, especially the line "paralyzing pain and discomfort of a heavy bar" -- like it was a disease or something and only this piece of equipment could "cure" you. Fortunately, this old equipment is no longer manufactured and I am afraid their inventors are now in that big gym up in the sky. Nevertheless, reading the old ads does bring back fond memories for me of my teenage years and my beginnings in the iron game. I used to spend hours at a time reading and re-reading these old magazines and dreaming about all the gym equipment that I could not afford to buy as a kid. -- Eric

magiccircle.jpg (216603 bytes) 

The Magic Circle


The most satisfactory device yet found for doing quarter, half and full squats -- for doing Hise Shoulder Shrugs and other heavy poundage exercises where weight is held on shoulders. It has made squatting a pleasure by removing the agonizing and sometimes paralyzing pain and discomfort of a heavy bar across the shoulders cutting into the flesh and putting pressure o the spine.

The "Magic Circle" gives a freedom for deep breathing in the popular and result-producing "Breathing Squats" for the exerciser can stand erect and breathe normally with a high lift of the chest at every breath, and is not compelled to hump over forward and breathes it the abdominal area as with a bar.

In use, the "Magic Circle" is loaded up on the side pegs (unless you go over 700 lbs., in which case you have front and back pegs to load on), step in the circle (which is supported on side horses or boxes), lift shoulder straps onto shoulders, center straps, stand erect and walk away from stand and begin squats in normal manner. When finished, walk back to stands and lower ring to supporting rack. While squatting it helps to grasp ring in front and pull slightly toward you. If you get stuck at bottom you place hands on legs and push upward to recover. No more getting stuck at bottom 1200 lbs. or more. Priced at only $44.50 f.o.b. Alliance, Nebraska 69301. -- No C.O.D. please.

Editor's note -- do NOT try to purchase the above item as this is just a re-printed ad from an old 1971 Iron Man Magazine for entertainment purposes only. This item is no longer manufactured anywhere in the world.


Power Rack on Sale with FREE Shipping


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Bodybuilding Articles



Free Weights

Olympic Barbell Weight Sets

Olympic Weight Plates

Regular Barbell 160 Lbs.

Regular Weight Plates

Dumbbell Sets with Rack

Olympic Style Dumbbell Handle

Star Lock 1-inch

Threaded Dumbbell Handle

Spring Lock Collars

Shrug / Deadlift Olympic Bar


Pro-Grip Cable Attachments

Body Solid Pro-Grip Cable Attachments

Pro-Grip Multi-Exercise Bar

Pro-Grip Balanced V-Bar

Pro-Grip Triceps Pressdown Bar

Pro-Grip Revolving Straight Bar

Pro-Grip Multi-Grip Lat Bar

Pro-Grip Pro-Style Lat Bar

Pro-Grip Revolving Curl Bar

Pro-Grip Stirrup Cable Handle Pro-Grip

Pro-Grip Seated Row Chinning Bar Combo


Standard Cable Attachments

Body Solid Cable Attachments

Heavy Duty Lat Bar

Pro-Style Lat Bar 28" Long

Pro-Style Lat Bar 38" Long

Padded Black Lat Bar

X-Long Lat Bar

3-Way Lat Blaster Bar

Triceps Pressdown Bar

Revolving Triceps Biceps Bar


Leather & Nylon Items

Body Solid Leather & Nylon Accessories

Nylon Wrist Wraps

Pro Power Grips

Leather Ankle Strap

Nylon Ankle Strap


Miscellaneous Items

Body Solid Miscellaneous

Bodybuilding Accessories

Gravity Inversion Boots

Ab Blaster Slings

Olympic Adapter Sleeves

Rubber Floor Protector

Olympic Shrug Bar

Push-Up Bars