Mysteries of the Sith

So begins here the tales of good and evil in the old republic of a galaxy far, far away. The following are the chronicles of the adventures had by a small group of dark heroes in a time long ago.

Chapter I - The Adventure Begins

It is 1850 BBY. 150 years ago, an Umbaran Jedi Master known as Phanius - Darth Ruin, as he came to be called, became one of the most influential Sith Lords in galactic history. Followers flocked to him, and the Dark Lord with his minions declared war on the Galactic Republic and its Jedi protectors. Though Ruin was eventually killed by the self-destructive nature of his own order, his legacy would survive in the form of one thousand years of bloodshed. The war would rage on in the old Republic. Exchange of power has continued through the time since and now the great warmaster Darth Horus leads the Sith with an iron fist. His apprentice Darth Severus spends his days training those worthy of joining the ranks of the new sith order, and destroying those too weak. So begins our story...

The Sith Training Academy on Korriban bustled with frenzied activity as the final days of the present round of testing were coming to a close. Korriban is a desolate world which, under the pall of Sith magic, has become even more hellish and dangerous. Few would ever dare come here, save the mad or those who dream of power. More than 50 Force sensitives arrived on the last recruit shuttle, only a handful remained now, the others lost to the unforgiving nature of dark side training. The five who survived the relentless assault on their minds and bodies were without doubt the best of the potentials brought over the last several years. They would soon serve the order at the next level.

Ali Uup was among those select few, a strikingly attractive human female who possessed a charm to match, beautiful and deadly. Memo Zall, a somewhat clumsy and brutal individual, it was largely assumed among his peers he survived the trials on luck and treachery. Vivianna, another vcry attractive human female, was much more reserved and quiet than Ali. She lacked the physical prowess of the others, but the Force was extremely strong with her which made her very potent indeed. Raef Gozarian, a human male - bold and briming with vanity, possessed of great skill but prone to reckless action. And lastly, Valek Sarin, a treacherous Zabrak warrior that arose through the ranks by meticulous planning and dangerous abilities.

The five were escorted by Darth Severus to the innermost chamber of the Academy, submerged into complete darkness as the doors to the tremendous room closed behind them. Only through the Force could they find their way to the center of the room where they would kneel in perfect silence. "You few are here to take your place among the Sith..." began Severus, reciting the formal commencement speech from memory. A short time later his final words sent chills through each of them, " Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me." Suddenly the room was ablaze with crimson light, lightsabers humming to life in a circle around them. "Arise, Acolytes of the Sith."

Later that evening, the group were celebrating their ascension of title from Minion to Acolyte, when they were summoned to the main meeting hall of the Academy. There they found Lord Severus waiting at the head of the long stone table. Already seated as well, two bounty hunters known to the group as devoted, long-standing Sith allies. Kekku, a lovely Twi'lek female originally from Ryloth, cunning and extremely well trained in subtle or violent methods of contract pursuit. The other - Ray'chish Koon, her partner, a Kel Dorian from the edge of the outer rim territories. His reputation for getting the job done cleanly made him the most often utilized and respected non-Sith of the Academy. Tonight they would be given their first assignment, an important task handed down to Lord Severus for the group by Darth Horus himself.

"I want you to go Nar Shaddaa, the largest moon of Nal Hutta. There you will meet our contact, Zan T'liee who will introduce you to Gringet the Hutt." The dark lord continued to brief the group on their task and paused to look among them. "You must acquire the holocron from the Hutt. It will be very well guarded and to attempt an open assault would be suicide. If you do not return with it ....then I suggest you do not return." With all of the details laid out, the group was given full supplies and a military transport called "The Ravager" with orders to leave immediately. They launched to their destination that evening.