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BDGA Meeting Information

BDGA meetings are open to anyone interested in joining the BDGA. Members can vote on club issues and take advantage of low disc prices! Meeting are generally held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm or 7:00pm. Details are posted on the web site prior to each meeting.

January 14, 2004 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at 6:00pm at Trump's in Chevy Chase
People who showed up:
Randall Roseman (President)
Greg Shearer (Newly elected Vice President)
Tom Watters (Treasurer) & his son TJ
Eric Dodson (Secretary)
Randy Smith (Web Master)
Everett Lasley (Courses/Sales)
Mike Anderson
Jack Hillard
Keith Mallder
Mike Soult

John Franklin resigned as Vice President. Position was open for anyone
to run. Greg Shearer ran and received 11 Yes votes (10 present plus John Bartram
absantee vote). Congratulations Greg!

Dues were paid by:
Greg Shearer $20 Congratulations to the newest BDGA member!!

Review: We had 18 people participate in the PDGA Affiliate Clubs
program. Nobody has received their 2004 PDGA ID cards in the mail yet.
According to the PDGA, they should arrive very early in the year,
which should be any day now.

Jack Hillard and Mike Soult asked to take the officials test. Eric will email it to them.

The Lexington Ice Bowl is this Saturday the 17th. Everett read a letter of suggested
donations. This is a fund-raising event for charity for the Martin Luther King Youth
Service Center. Eric posted details on Lexington, Louisville, and Cincinatti’s web
messages boards and emailed the details to Bowling Green for distribution.

Team play rules overview from John Bartram was reviewed. Randall will make copies
and distribute them to the members.

Randall expressed a desire to do more marathon disc golf events for fund raising
and positive publicity.

Randall suggested a voting process which was discussed. The club should require a
minimum of 8 votes at a meeting for urgent issues to be decided. For non-urgent
issues, the vote should be carried our at the next meeting and all members should
have a chance to vote either at the meeting or by proxy if they can’t make the meeting.

Lexington Open VI will be re-scheduled again for March 27-28, 2004. Everett had cancelled
it for lack of help. Greg volunteered to be the primary TD. Randall volunteered to be the
secondary TD. Randall will re-send the $75 to the PDGA for the Lexington Open VI sanctioned
tournament B-tier fee. March 1st is the deadline for sponsors to pay for the sponsor signs.
Randall is tracking the sponsors. Jack H. has sold at least 8 signs already! Approximately
22 total are already sold. Tournament party was suggested for Saturday night. Jack H. will
assemble all the CTP and players packages. March 21st is the deadline for CTP and players
package donations. We need a list of everything left to do. Eric volunteered to type up the
program and the flyer and assist with emailing out the flyer and posting it on area web sites.
Eric will email Randall and Greg a copy of last year’s TD report. We talked about having a
tournament committee and possibly meeting every 2 weeks or twice a month until tournament time.

The next meeting will be at Trumps in Chevy Chase at 6:00pm on Wednesday February 11.
Meeting minutes documented by Eric Dodson #17093, BDGA Secretary.

December 10, 2003 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at 6:00pm at Trump's in Chevy Chase
People who showed up:
Randall Roseman (President)
Tom Watters (Treasurer) & his son TJ
Eric Dodson (Secretary)
Randy Smith (Web Master)
John Bartram
Jack Hillard
Keith Mallder
Bennett Prestridge

John Franklin (Vice President) was unable to make the meeting due
to finals. Everett Lasley (Sales & Courses) was unable to to make
the meeting due to surgery. A few other members were unable to make
it but expressed interest in helping with the Lexington Open VI.

Dues were paid by:
Bennett Prestridge $20 Congratulations to the newest BDGA member!!

PDGA Affiliate Clubs program update: everyone joining or renewing with
the PDGA for 2004 must pay tonight. Jack Hillard paid $35 for
Russell Burnett. Randall Roseman paid $35 for Greg Shearer. John Bartram
paid $35. Everyone else who said they would join has paid. We had a total
of 18 people participate in this program! Eric Dodson deposited everyone's
checks on 12/10 and will submit the form to the PDGA as soon as possible.
(Note as I type up the minutes: As of 12/13 I received all the missing info,
such as addresses, and I submitted the form to the PDGA Office.)

Anyone who participated in the affiliate club program is now entitled to
take the PDGA Officials Test for FREE, which normally requires a $10 fee.
Everyone is encouraged to do so but is not required. To do so, email the
office@pdga.com and give your name and address and PDGA number (if you
already have one), and request the free official?s test. You must note that
you are a member of the affiliate club program through the BDGA for 2004.

Future members wanting to join or renew 2004 PDGA dues through the club
can do so, but this must be done in groups of 10 people in order to get
the $5 discount and to be able to take the official?s test for free.

Randall Roseman raised the issue of personal disc sales on the BDGA web
site. No action was taken, however everyone was encouraged to think about
this issue and discuss it, and possibly vote on it at the next meeting.
The issue is whether or not the BDGA needs a policy on the web site (message
board) regarding selling disc golf discs or merchandise for personal gain
and how this affects the club, since it is the club's web site, and the
club sells discs, so are we competing against ourselves when we do this?
Should we ban it, should we allow it for members, should we require a
commission on the honor system, should we allow it for used discs and not
new discs, or new discs won at tournaments, are there legal issues involved,
etc. These were the types of things discussed.

Keith Mallder noted that Everett had just received 40 new DX (regular
plastic) discs and 37 Pro Line (or Z-plastic) discs in. Everett has the
discs available for sale now. Prices for regular discs are 1 for $7 ($6 for
members) or 2 for $13 ($11 for members), Pro Line/Z-plastic are 1 for $10
($9 for members) or 2 for $19 ($17 for members).

$243 was spent on Ice Bowl stuff. The Ice Bowl will be held Saturday
January 17, 2004. It will be 2 rounds at Veterans Park in Lexington.
This year we'll require a $5 cash donation on top of entry fee instead of
actual food items. The cash will be donated to buy food, and the cash will
go farther with the food people buying the food as opposed to each disc
golfer buying food at the retail grocery store price. Entry fees will be
$20 for ams and $25 for pros. Martin Luther King Youth Service Center.

Lexington Open VI is now scheduled for March 27-28, 2004. Everett Lasley
sent in the $75 to the PDGA for the sanctioned tournament B-tier fee. We
need everyone's help to sell sponsor signs to raise money for the tournament.
We need people to take the PDGA Officials test.

Watch for people breaking trees on the courses! It was reported that
several small trees had been torn down from Veterans Park hole #9. Call
the police immediately if you see someone doing this. Write down license
plate numbers in the parking lot, etc.

Veterans Park course maintenance was discussed. Specifically, the first
concern was the cutting of additional trees. Do additional trees need to
be cut or should we leave the course as-is? It was suggested that the
course belongs to the city of Lexington and the BDGA as opposed to some
out-of-towners who may have complained about having too many trees. We
voted to leave the course as-is, as far as cutting trees goes. Safety is
still a concern, in that various size tree stumps are everywhere. The
stumps really need to be removed or cut flush with the ground as soon as
possible. Everyone is encouraged to help cut stumps down to make it safer.
A chainsaw tends to get clogged with dirt, so axes or other tools may be more efficient.
John Bartram suggested having a course challenge series for 2004, having
Ohio vs. Kentucky team challenges, and having the BDGA consider sponsoring
players. These were discussed at the meeting and no action taken.

Non-profit status was discussed. Do we need a bank account? What kind of
record keeping is required? How much will it cost. Everett Lasley has
paperwork typed up. Sponsor donations would be tax-deductible and therefore
could be larger and easier to obtain.

John Bartram suggested that the club looks into bag tags. This is a popular
thing now and has been successful for other clubs to raise money. The money is
raised by the initial sale of bag tags to anyone (buyer does not have to be a club member).
He gave an overview of how bag tags work, how challenges work. Different typs of tags
and their costs were discussed. Some of the questions were what about out of town or
out of state people buying tags. How to get them back, how to get them to show up, etc.
What happens if people refuse challenges? We would need someone to be the bag tag
administrator or coordinator. Nothing was voted on but it seemed like everyone was interested.
Tom Watters gave the treasurer's report for the club. He received $902 from Jack Wood.
You can contact Tom if you want to see the details, as I did not write down all the numbers.

Not discussed at the meeting, but as secretary I should note it here: For non-life
members, BDGA dues expire at the end of the calendar year. Our dues are just like the
PDGA in that they are based on the calendar year. There is a one-time exception for
new members who joined on or after September 1, in which case your dues carry you through
the following year too.

The next meeting will be at Trumps in Chevy Chase at 6:00pm on Wednesday January 14.
Meeting minutes documented by Eric Dodson #17093, BDGA Secretary.

October 8, 2003 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at 6:00pm at Caddyshack's
People who showed up:
Everett Lasley
Randy Smith
Eric Dodson
Jack Wood
Keith Mallder
Randall Roseman
John Bartram
Jack Hillard
Tom Watters
John Franklin
Bobby Norris
Mark Stottlemeyer

Dues were paid by:
Brent Burgess $20 - New Member (via Everett)
John Franklin $30 - Life renewal
Eric Dodson $30 - Life renewal
Keith Mallder $10 - 2003 renewal
Mark Stottlemeyer $10 - 2003 renewal

New officer's were elected for the 2003/2004 year and the winner's are:
Randall Roseman - President
John Franklin - Vice Presicent
Eric Dodson - Secretary
Tom Watters - Treasurer
Randy Smith - Webmaster
Everett Lasley - Disc Sales Coordinator and Courses/Parks Coordinator
Congratulations guys!!!!

All were in favor of joining the PDGA Affiliate Clubs program
as soon as possible. Eric will send in $20 for the club to get
the forms from the PDGA. Each BDGA member can join or renew with
the PDGA for 2004 and save $5, get a course directory, and opt to
take the officials test for free ($10 value). Eric will email reminders
to all members once the forms are available. PDGA sign-ups must be done in groups of 10.

We voted to allow first time league players to play the first round
free. This is an incentive to get new players into the league while
developing their handicap for the first time with no risk of losing money.
This will be effective once league starts again in spring of 2004.
This information needs to be posted on the web and the bulletin boards.

Lexington Open VI to be held tentatively the last weekend in March 2004.
Keith volunteered to continue doing the sponsor tee signs. Tom Watters and John Franklin
volunteered to help run/spot for the tournament and take the officials test. Everyone
was encouraged to sell 1 to 2 tee signs to sponsors for $50 each. Signs will
remain up on each course for 1 year from March to March.

Other notes:
Veterans Park needs more work done, especially holes 3,6 and 15
Everett recently ordered a variety of Discraft discs.
John Franklin and Eric Dodson asked for keys to be made for the bulletin boards at both courses. Everett will have keys made.
Please move any debris that you find on either course off the fairways.

The next meeting will be at Randall Roseman’s house 6PM on Wednesday
November 12. His address is 520 Oldham Ct. (near UK). Please bring 2 liters
or food to the meeting. Eric will email a reminder to members with a link to a map.

May 21, 2003 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at 7:00pm at Veterans Park
People who showed up:
Eric Dodson
Randy Smith
Dave Picklesimer
Jack Wood
David Bremer
Scott Wells
Everett Lasley

Club money reported for summer league 2002: $613.00.
Club money reported for winter league 2002-2003: $229.00.
Balance for club is $962.03.
Reviewed the current member roster.
Web roster needs to be updated.
Shillito Park hole #13 needs to be moved.
Monthly tournaments discussed (non-PDGA sanctioned).
Most were interested in a format of 2 rounds on Saturday.
Veterans Park course maintenance - volunteers are needed!

September 2002 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held 9/18/02 6PM at Shillito Park
People who showed up:
Everett Lasley
Randy Smith
Randall Roseman
Eric Dodson
Jack Wood
John Bartram
David Bremer
Maria Bremer
Dave Picklesimer
Mitch Larson

Officers were elected:
President - Everett Lasley
Vice President - Randy Smith
Treasurer - Jack Wood
Secretary - Eric Dodson

Veterans Park work will resume Thursday nights at 6:00pm following summer league. The first such Thursday is October 3rd. Meet at the pavillion near hole #1. Pick up trash/old concrete first, then fix t-pad on hole 10, then pour remaining t-pads, then place signs using posts and concrete. Bush/tree trimming and weed-eating will be on-going.

Winter random draw doubles will be held on Sunday afternoons at 2:00pm at Veterans Park. Winter doubles will run from mid-November through mid-February. $5 to play with $3 going to payout and $2 going to the BDGA. Winter doubles will have optional CTP and ace pool for $1 each. This takes the place of a winter league.

Glow tournament at Shillito Park following final summer league on 9/26. Format is $5 random draw doubles. 100% cash payout to top 33% scores. The BDGA will provide pizza after league and before glow.

Randall Roseman: Goat Path events will be held the first weekend of December and the first weekend of February. Glow tournaments on Friday nights. 1-day tournaments on Saturdays. Camping out is welcome.

Also discussed:
How to get a course in Frankfort
Disc sales
BDGA incorporation and sponsorship
- If incorporated we could pursue bigger sponsors for tournaments and new courses
- Someone would need to volunteer to take on the paperwork/financials/tax filing associated with incorporation
- Could sponsors donate to the cause via Lexington Parks & Rec department so that we would not have to incorporate?

Meeting following by 9 holes of random draw doubles

August 14, 2002 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Veterans Park
People who showed up:
Eric Dodson
Kevin Hewlett
Scott Wells
Carmen Wells
Duane Verini
Randy Smith
Berry Long
John Franklin
John Stewart
Bennett Prestridge
David Bremer
Everett Lasley
Dave Picklesimer
Randall Roseman

We have new scorecards for Veterans Park.
League: last night of season discussed - pizza and glow tourney.
Sunday fall league will start October 17.
The new BDGA stamped discs are in!
Waiting on money from Parks & Rec for Shillito hole #3 sign to be replaced.
PDGA national tour: Lexington Open is one of the top 25 tournaments in the world!
Discussed a possible date change for Lexington Open in 2003.
Please support Celestial Flights.
Cardinal Valley discussed, possibly another course in a few years.
There are 3 teepads left to finish at Veterans and some more clean up to do.
Harold Duval (Innova) - new worldwide handicap sheet.
Web site had 13,000 hits since Lexington Open. New message board policy.
Reviewed a teepad report for Veterans from Keith Mallder.
Officers terms end October 1. We'll vote for new officers in September.
Financial report for BDGA is available.
Incorporation discussed, articles have been typed up.
Reviewed the membership roster.
Sponsor list to be posted on the web site.
Membership flyers have been made.

March 2002 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was not held this month because we were working to complete the new course at Veterans Park.

February 2002 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was not held this month because we were working to complete the new course at Veterans Park.

January 9, 2002 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Caddyshacks at 7PM, members present were:
Eric Dodson
Dave Pickelseimer
Keith Mallder
Everett Lasley
Duane Verini
Jack Wood
Mark Stottlemeyer

Dues were paid directly to Jack Wood by:
Eric Dodson
Keith Mallder
Everett Lasley
Duane Verini
Jack Wood
Mark Stottlemeyer

Everett reported that funds collected for Veteran's park as follows:
John Pickelsimer $25
Dale G. $50
J. Roberts $50
Everett $100
Duane $100
Randal R $100
D Bremer $100
Eric D-$1000

A total of $1525. It was agreed that this would be used to order 6 Mach II baskets without poles.
Other Matters discussed were as follows:
Poles for 9 baskets-$100 still needed.
Approx $720 for concrete to do 18 pads-still needed.
Lumber is being donated through Randall Roseman.
Rental of miscellaneous concrete Equipment $100 plus.
Total still needed to present to the Parks & Recreation Personel is $920.

Work will continue on Veterans park on the weekends. Sundays at 2PM is a definite scheduled time.

December 12, 2001 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Caddyshacks at 7PM, members present were:
Eric Dodson
Dave Pickelseimer
Keith Mallder
Everett Lasley
Duane Verini
Randy Smith
Randal Roseman

Membership Dues are to be paid to Jack Wood starting Jan 1 2002.

Everett reported that he was in touch with a concrete contractor that had agreed to help with Veterans by providing some of the equipment.
Pads are to be 4x8 75-80 Square Yards needed approx $1000.

An inventory of Baskets was as follows:
1 practice basket
4 portable baskets (need new poles)
9 Mach II baskets from previous purchase

Pledges for the basket fund stood at $1400.

Lexington Open tounament was discussed.
We need $1000 added to pro purse.
We need $800 from sign sponsors.
Ideas about having pro/am Registar tables and player packages pre bagged

We agreed to have Web site renewed at a cost of $39

November 2001 Meeting Minutes

Minutes were not taken at this meeting.

October 10, 2001 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Jack Wood's Home at 7PM.

We agreed to buy 250 Club Minies for new members packages and sales to members and also players packages for Lex Open. $215.

Orders were taken for Disc with club stamp MRX/XL/APX/X2 elite are available.

We agreed to buy Club T-shirts from the best/cheapest source Everett could find.

We reviewed the T-shirt Logo entries and picked one for consideration. This was later rejected in favor of the original Logos.

September 2001 Meeting Minutes

Field trip to Veterans Park! In attendance:
Everett Lasley
Duane Verini
Keith Mallder
Randy Smith
Eric Dodson
Kevin Hewlitt

This was a walk-through of the new course to-be at Veterans Park. Holes 1-12 were mostly laid out and we walked through them to see what kind of clearing work would need to be done to make fairways. Holes 13-18 possibilities were explored.

August 8, 2001 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Jack Wood's house. In attendance:
Scott Ford
Duane Verini
Jack Wood
Evertt Lasley
John Franklin
David Pickelsimer
Keith Mallder
David Moldenhauer
Randy Smith
Mark Stottlemeyer
Ron Benson

Everett announced an upcoming meeting with the parks&recreation Bill Carment/John Mclelan to discuss the proposed Veterans Park course. Everett showed us an original blueprint for Veterans. It must be altered due to changing conditions a heavily wooded course with holes 275-300 foot holes will be proposed.

John Franklin has been working on increasing membership through education and has compiled some very good materials to present to prospective members. He handed these materials out and asked for feedback as well as for us to make use of them to inform other disc golfers of the club.

He also created a presentation for possible sponsors to be used to generate money for tournaments

Ron Benson volunteered a source for Banners(for sponsors)

Everett requested we do something about sign damage.

Keith has a plan using Plexiglass to protect signs

Duane suggested an affiliation with a Charitable organization as a way of avoiding paying the parks department fees and a club SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST-TO BE PRESENTED AT THE MEETING ON 10/10/01. the shirt design can be up to 3 colors

Everett needs Word Perfect to complete the constitution

The meeting finished with an exiting 9 hole safari style backyard golf tournament. the 9 remaining members each chose a tee allowing for some tricky shots with incredible mandos. Dave Pickelseimer finished 1st with a 2 over on the par 2 course.

end of meeting

July 11, 2001 Meeting Minutes

Meeting held at Jack Woods house. In attendance:
Scott Ford
Betty Cook
Duane Verini
Randall Roseman
Jack Wood
Evertt Lasley
Eric Dodson
John Franklin
David Pickelsimer
Keith Mallder
John Stewart
Roger Lane
Glenn Barto

League night was discussed and we decided to charge non members $6.

Randall Roseman suggested something on the bulletin board for a Lost & Found

Baskets are to be rented at $20 a month Ron Benson and Dave Bremmer have offered to pay

Baskets at Dixie Elementary were Discussed. PTA bought the baskets. Many pulled out of the ground. Everett will contact those in charge to see if we could use them.

Everett is typing up a constitution so that we may incorporate and become a non profit organization This is a lengthy process, perhaps 6 months. Randall knows a paralegal that could review it for us.

Officials were elected:
Everett Lasley-President/Course Pro
Duane Verini-Vice President
Keith Mallder-Secretary
Jack Wook-Treasurer
Eric Dobson-Webmaster

Duties spelled out in the constitution, to be completed by Everett

Next meeting will be August 8th and we will meet every 2nd Wednesday in the month 7 pm at Jack's place.

Single disc/doubles tournament scheduled for 7 pm 8//01/01 $10 followed by pizza then a glow singles

meeting ended.

Copyright © 2003 Bluegrass Disc Golf Association - All rights reserved
Page last modified September 2003
Email the BDGA Webmaster