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The Bluegrass Disc Golf Association (BDGA) is a member-oriented organization that promotes the fun and growth of Disc Golf in the Bluegrass.

All are welcome to join the BDGA.


Article 9 - Meetings


I. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, with the President acting as the Chair.

II. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly, or as decided by the Board.

     A. Board meetings may be called by:

          1. The President at any time,

          2. The Board itself by simple majority at a Board meeting,

          3. A quorum of the full Board at any time.

     B. Regular board meetings must be called at least 7 days prior to their occurrence and publicized by the Secretary/Information Officer on the BDGA website and kiosks.

          1. An emergency meeting may be called at any time, but a super-majority (2/3) of the full board must be present for any official action to be taken.

          2. A member may vote by proxy on the BDGA message board for an emergency meeting.

     C. For regular Board meetings, a quorum must be present to consider motions, and a simple majority of the quorum is required to pass the motion. In the event of a tie, the President can, at the President’s discretion, either cast the tie-breaking vote or table the matter until a meeting of the full Board can be held.

     D. All motions shall be made part of the minutes of the meeting and shall be fully recorded.

III. Board or Committee meetings shall be open to all Members of the BDGA. The Board or a Committee may go into Executive Session at any time, but only for reasons of personnel or outside organizational finance reasons.

IV. The BDGA shall have general Membership meetings at least once a year, and more as needed.

     A. The Annual Meeting shall be held prior to the close of the nomination period.

     B. At this meeting, any Member may be recognized and heard, in accordance with the agenda, and BDGA business shall be conducted, provided there is a quorum of the Board.

     C. The Annual Meeting shall have a set agenda item to be termed “General Membership Comments” wherein any item related to the BDGA may be brought up for discussion by any Member of the BDGA.

     D. A non-Member may be recognized and heard solely at the discretion of the President or a simple majority of the quorum of the Board.




Page last modified January 2009
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