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The Bluegrass Disc Golf Association (BDGA) is a member-oriented organization that promotes the fun and growth of Disc Golf in the Bluegrass.

All are welcome to join the BDGA.


Article 8 - Discipline of Members


I. Disciplinary charges against any Member may be filed in a written petition signed by at least 5 Members and submitted to the Vice-President.

II. Should the Board decide to take action, a hearing date shall be established, and both the accused and the accusers will be notified. The charges will be discussed at this hearing, with all parties having equal opportunity to present their case.

III. The Board may suspend the Membership of any Member for a specified time (up to 2 years) by a 75% vote of the full Board. A unanimous vote of the full Board is required to permanently ban a member. If the person against whom charges were brought is on the Board, that person shall not have voting privileges on this matter. In this case, the “full Board” is the Board minus the person being accused. In no case will Membership fees be refunded to anyone.

IV. The Board may remove any Officer from the Board by a unanimous vote of the full Board, not including the Board member in question




Page last modified January 2009
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