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The Bluegrass Disc Golf Association (BDGA) is a member-oriented organization that promotes the fun and growth of Disc Golf in the Bluegrass.

All are welcome to join the BDGA.


Article 7 - Bylaws Amendment Process


I. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws may be submitted to the Board, in writing, by any Member.

II. The Board shall consider all amendments submitted to it and inform the Membership that it:

     A. Either favors the proposal as presented,

     B. Or favors the proposal with suggested changes,

     C. Or is not in favor of the proposal and reviews the reasons why.

III. A proposal to amend these Bylaws, approved by the Board, shall be submitted to the Vice-President, who shall put it to a vote by all Members. This vote shall be concluded within one month of its submission by the Vice-President to the general membership.

IV. The Board shall declare adopted any proposed amendment to these Bylaws that receives a 2/3 vote by the general membership (that is, 2/3 of the active members on the day the amendment was submitted to the general membership by the Vice-President).

     A. If the amendment fails within one month of its submission to garner the 2/3 votes required for its adoption, the amendment will be defeated.

     B. Defeated amendments may not be re-submitted for a minimum of 6 months.

     C. Successfully adopted amendments to these Bylaws become effective immediately upon receiving the required 2/3 vote of the general membership.

V. The initial ratification of these Bylaws shall be made by a 2/3 vote of the current Board.

VI. Should any Member fail to receive satisfaction from the Board concerning a proposed amendment, the Member may petition the Board to reconsider the amendment by obtaining the signatures of 25 members or ½ of the active Membership (whichever is less). Should the Board fail to approve the amendment and submit it for a vote, the petitioners may circumvent the Board and force the adoption of the amendment by obtaining the signatures of an additional 15 members or an additional 1/4 of the active membership (whichever is greater)..




Page last modified January 2009
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