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The Bluegrass Disc Golf Association (BDGA) is a member-oriented organization that promotes the fun and growth of Disc Golf in the Bluegrass.

All are welcome to join the BDGA.


Article 3 - Board of Directors


I. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the BDGA and will herein be referred to as “the Board.” The Board will consist of eight officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary/Information Officer, Treasurer, and four at-large Representatives.

II. Officers must be Members in good standing.

III. Members shall nominate and elect the Board.

IV. A quorum of the Board shall be required to constitute an official meeting and to transact business. A quorum of the Board shall consist of more than 50% of current, voting officers.

V. Decisions made by the Board shall be considered binding upon Members. Individual BDGA officers making decisions on behalf of the Board and without the approval of the Board shall be subject to disciplinary review by the remaining Members of the Board as per Article 8 of these Bylaws.

VI. Board decisions may be made by secret ballot, web ballot, voice vote, or by roll call. The action must receive a simple majority vote for approval expect where otherwise specified by these Bylaws.

VII. If a tie in voting occurs when a quorum of the Board is present, then the President can, at the President’s discretion, either cast the tie-breaking vote or table the matter until a meeting of the full Board can be held.

VIII. The Board shall approve the annual budget.

IX. The roles and responsibilities of the Board shall be as follows:


     A. The President shall:

          1. Serve as the non-voting chair of the Board (with the exception of a tied vote when the President may cast the tie-breaking vote),

          2. Call meetings of the Board or general membership as needed,

          3. Set the agenda and chair all Board and BDGA meetings,

          4. Assign Committee Chairs,

          5. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees,

          6. Be the second signature on all BDGA checks,

          7. Serve as liaison between the BDGA and other organizations, including Lexington Parks & Recreation by serving on their advisory board.


     B. The Vice-President shall:

          1. Assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President,

          2. Coordinate and run all elections,

          3. Act as liaison between the general membership and the Board,

          4. Assist with functions of the BDGA.


     C. The Secretary/Information Officer shall:

          1. Keep records of the minutes of all Board and BDGA meetings, and present those minutes for approval at the next meeting,

          2. Maintain the official address of the BDGA,

          3. Maintain the list of current and former members,

          4. Preserve a copy of all signed waivers by volunteers and event participants,

          5. Oversee and Chair the Information Committee,

          6. Oversee the BDGA website maintenance and updates,

          7. Oversee BDGA information kiosks at local courses.


     D. The Treasurer shall:

          1. Maintain the financial records of the BDGA,

          2. Oversee the Merchandising Committee,

          3. Prepare the annual budget and quarterly financial statements in coordination with all committee chairs,

          4. Maintain the checking account in accordance with these Bylaws,

          5. Collect membership fees,

          6. Pay all bills of the BDGA upon action by the Board.


     E. The At-Large Representatives shall:

          1. Serve as or find a suitable replacement when the regular Event Director (see Article 4 Section 9) is unavailable,

          2. Serve as the voice of the general membership (see Article 5),

          3. Serve on at least one of the established fixed committees,

          4. Assist with functions of the BDGA.




Page last modified January 2009
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