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Grand old Flag Customs

A Grand old flag custom suggests the U.S. flag be displayed only from sunrise to sunset unless it is illuminated. The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously. It should not be allowed to touch the ground.

Old Glory has been our nation's symbol for more than two centuries. The country's colors fly everywhere, high above the Capitol dome and on front porches along suburban streets.

Here's some history of the Stars and Stripes and the basics for properly displaying the American flag.

SOURCES: Flag House Association, Smithsonian Institution,,
World Book Encyclopedia,

Displaying the Stars and Stripes

Custom suggests the U.S. flag be displayed only from sunrise to sunset unless it is illuminated. The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously. It should not be allowed to touch the ground.

WALL: The flag can be displayed vertically or horizontally; the stars should be at the top of the flag on the observer's left.
PODIUM: The flag should be placed to right of a speaker or staging area; other flags should be placed to the left.
STREET: When a flag is suspended across a street, it should hang vertically with the stars to the north or the east.
HALF-STAFF: Flown at half-staff during national mourning, the flag should be hoisted to the top of the flagpole for a moment, then lowered to half-staff. The flag should be raised to the top of pole before lowering at end of the day.
WITH STATE FLAGS: The U.S. flag flies at the center and highest point of a group when flags of states, localities or societies are grouped for display.
WITH OTHER NATIONS' FLAGS: When the U.S. flag is flown with other national flags, they should be of equal size and flown on separate staffs of the same height. International law forbids a nation's flag to be flown above any other nation's in peacetime.

Test Your Knowledge

Try answering these questions about Old Glory.

** 1. Francis Scott Key wrote the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner" on the back of an envelope. What is the source of the music for the song?
** 2. Which president made official provision for the arrangement of the stars?
** 3. Who was Elizabeth Griscom and what was her connection to the flag?
** 4. Who planted the first U.S. flag on the moon?
** 5. Is it ever appropriate to fly the flag upside down?
** 6. What is done with worn or outdated flags?
** 7. The American flag first flew over a foreign fort in what country?
** 8. A vexillologist is an expert in what?
** 9. "Shipwreck" Kelly (1885-1952) was famous for sitting for long periods of time. What did he have to do with flags?
** 10. The United States has one of the oldest national flags. Which countries have older flags?

A true patriot scores at least seven right. A score between four and seven means it's time to read up on Old Glory. If you scored below four, you might want to head back to civics class.

** 1. The music is from an English drinking song called "To Anacreon in Heaven."
** 2. In 1912, President William Taft ordered that there be six rows of eight stars, with each star pointing upward. Previously the arrangement of the stars had been left to the flagmaker's fancy.
** 3. Elizabeth Griscom, also known as Betsy, eloped with John Ross in November 1773. Betsy Ross, of course, sewed the first American flag.
** 4. Neil Armstrong, on July 20, 1969.
** 5. Yes, but only in an emergency to alert others you're in need of help.
** 6. Flags are used until they are worn out and then they are destroyed, preferably by burning.
** 7. Libya , over Fort Derne, on the shores of Tripoli.
** 8. The history of flags.
** 9. "Shipwreck" Kelly set many flagpole-sitting records. He sat for 49 days on one flagpole.
** 10. Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.

The U.S. flag should be folded in a military fold and put away when not in use. Use the following procedure for folding the flag:
** Bring the four corners together lengthwise.
** Fold again lengthwise, forming one long strip.
** Beginning at the striped end, bring corner to flat edge.
** Keep folding in triangle pattern up to the stars' end.
** When finished, the folded flag should resemble a triangle

This page last updated on 29 June 2005