The Kentucky Fossil Showcase
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Company Name: KY Fossil Showcase Address: Warren County, Kentucky
Phone No: 270-842-3929
Email: daniel.lee@insightbb.com Mission: Extraordinarily preserved advanced vertebrate fossils have been found in Kentucky´s Mississippian rock layers dated by the US Geological Survey at 300-400 million years old. Until 2005, these rock layers were believed to predate dinosaurs and other advanced vertebrates by about 200 million years. Thus, these fossils represent the utter devastation of evolution theory though many paleontologists continue to perpetuate the evolution lie. This site is intended to expose their fraud.

Profile: All fossils depicted herein are 100% natural artifacts found on private land in south-central Kentucky and subjected thereafter only to thorough cleaning and a clear preservative application. They are among the most detailed natural artifacts ever discovered. Scientists continue to seek their true origin. We´re convinced they´re fossils. Please view our photos and decide for yourself!