Looking for a group that believes in Paranormal Unity?

They are listed on the "The United" page. 









Welcome to Paranormal Unity

Paranormal Unity is NOT a club.  It is however, a collection of people who are letting others know they are willing to work with paranormal groups and individuals in the Paranormal Community.


What is Paranormal Unity?


Paranormal Unity is many things.  It is helping new groups starting out, it is accepting different theories, it is respecting others in the field who are like yourself, are searching for answers that may not exist and it is about sharing information, research or just the love of the paranormal. 


Who Owns Paranormal Unity?


Paranormal Unity is not owned by one person or group as it is owned by all who choose to work with others in the Paranormal Community to help further the field of paranormal research.


How do I get involved?


If you believe in working TOGETHER in the Paranormal Community and would like to let people know that you or your group is willing to help others then visit the "Banner Link" page and use any of the graphics on your website, MySpace, blogs, etc. to show people that you do BELIEVE in Unity in the Paranormal Community.


Once you have placed the graphic please email your website URL, name or group name and where you or your group is based out of to paranormalunity@yahoo.com.


Once the email has been received your group will be listed on the United Page of the website under the state or country you provided in the email, letting others know you believe and work towards paranormal unity in the community.


If you like to send articles pertaining to the paranormal that you have written to paranormalunity@yahoo.com and they will be posted on the website.  Also feel free to email any ideas or suggestions!!!