Blue Snaggletooth's Top 10





This figure was great when it first came out in 97’s PoTF2 line, and still is. However, think about how much better this figure could be with today’s sculpting and articulation standards. This guy deserves a re-sculpt because he is one of the coolest aliens I remember from Tattooine as a child when first watching the film. Yeah!


9 4-LOM

Out of all of the bounty hunters to date, I feel the PoTF2 4-LOM leaves the most to be desired. The stance is way too stiff and unnatural. I vote for a new rendition of this bounty hunter droid with much better detail and paint applications than the only current version available. 



8 Ugnauts

You can never have enough different sculpts on these little piglets. Two just isn’t enough! There are more or likely several hundred different Ugnaut citizens on Bespin and only one 2-pack from HASBRO. We need to respect the Ugnauts better by offering more figures. They work their Ugnaut asses off.   


7 Gamorrean Gaurd

With HASBRO doing all of these new Jabba themed figures it may be the perfect opportunity to reintroduce one of the worst post 1995 figures to date. That’s right - the Gamorrean Guard from PoTF2 is a horrible figure and could most definitely use a re-sculpt and total overhaul. What do you say HASBRO, it’s now or never. What I’m I talking about, the license goes through 2018!


Admiral Ackbar

This rendition of the Rebel Admiral always reminded me of what it may be like if He-man and a Mon Calamari female had a love child. Not a bad figure overall, it’s just that bucked out chest and ultra buff posture that drives me wacky. Why the line started out so “buff” is beyond me – I’m glad that sculpt style was short lived.    


5 Jawas

I know that there have been 4 different Jawa sculpts since 1995 – but that is no where near enough. We need Jawa’s in every pose possible. The Jawa is the greatest alien concept ever thought of and just out of the respect that is due to Mr. Lucas himself for even thinking of these intergalactic scavenging rug rats, justifies more damn Jawa sculpts. I wish HASBRO would make an entire JAWA camp/sand crawler themed set of figures and accessories. Maybe Coruscant Customs will be them to the chase.  


4 Leia in Boussh Disguise

OK, we need this figure for personal reasons, being that we are making a Jabba’s Palace/Dungeon Diorama here at Coruscant Customs - yet even if we weren’t, this figure’s current alone offering is very, very boring. It could be oh so much more based on today’s tooling techniques. Oh well, here’s to hoping.


3 Lobot

The current offering of Lobot is way too buff, way too disco/retro and way too gay. Let’s re-try this one again from the ground up, what do you say? This figure looks more like a Staying Alive figure of some sort than Lando’s personal aide. This Head of Bespin Security is a great on screen character and needs a great figure to prove it.  Eeks!  


2 Ewoks

We need more Ewoks. It is that plain and simple. We need female Ewoks with woklings or just different styled male warrior Ewoks. What about Paploo, Warok & Romba? They were offered as part of the original Kenner collection way back in the day. We need and want there nifty re-sculpts now and fast as we have an Endor diorama working in the early planning stages. What do you say HASBRO? Can you help a guy out?

1 Nien Nunb

There could not be a figure in more need of a re-sculpt, in my opinion, in the entire HASBRO post 1995 line besides ol’ Niub Numb here. This figure is kind of, well, sucky. The ass-kicking new Lando General needs an Updated co-pilot to help him fly the Millenium Falcon and destroy the Death Star 2, all in my basement.