Figure and Diorama by:

Blue Snaggletooth

SoME_4.1.jpg (19413 bytes) What you see here is the mid section piece that joins together other structures you have seen in past updates. This structure was made 100% out of cardboard and masking tape. I added the velcro strip so Wald’s house would line up perfectly. This picture is the front of the diorama. I already have plans for the back areas of this piece. A vendor’s street market and corner bar are currently in the works. Soon this piece will be covered in plaster strips and then painted with any final deco being last. Some features that this piece offers are the garage-area where the speeder bike is parked and my first attempt at making weathervane moisture towers on top of a roof. The wooden 2”x4” will be removed at some point in the near future. This one should be finished up soon.
SoME_4.2.jpg (19570 bytes) Of coarse the streets need more commotion, and that’s where these guys come into the picture. These two denizens were made with various scrap pieces from different HASBRO action figures. I am not sure what these two’s stories are all about yet, but I am sure they are not into the scum and villainy of this harsh desert planet. These guys are local businessmen, in some sort of secret society or better yet the guy on the right is a Jedi Master - I just don’t now yet. Anyway they were made with the intent to fill in the streets with action, and that they will do.
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This renegade swoop was designed with lots of small parts from various toys. The main hull of the bike is a stripped down Crowd Control Stormtrooper’s backpack. The nose and the handlebars came off of an Imperial Speeder Bike. The red fins in the back are the nose-piece off of the Shadows of the Empire Swoop Bike. I used most of Figrin Dan’s musical instruments as several motor like pieces on the exterior of the main hull and a couple of vented LEGO’s to add some extra ump. The figure itself is going to have an incredible back story. However, I want to introduce that at a later time. He was made from a Figirin Dan figure with the lower half of a Swoop Pilot from SOTE. The entire bike is being supported from the bottom with a heavy straw to provide that “gliding through air” effect. I am currently working on some smaller detail for this piece, such as a really cool helmet and cape that will be flapping in the wind. I also plan on some small paint touch-up to finish this piece off.

SoME_4.4.jpg (33487 bytes) This shot is the front “work-in-progress” part of the diorama. The actual completed piece will be this wide. The road will go under the arch and through the center of this town section. The overall depth of this piece, when completed will be 4.5’x3’.  Once this piece is plastered and painted it will really come to life. One step closer to the completion of this vast diorama, we are.
SoME_4.5.jpg (35516 bytes) Here is a shot of the work-in-progress at ground level to show you the way the front section is coming together. Directly beyond the Jawas (on the other side of the arch) will be the street vending area and some other new structures. These areas are currently being constructed, so I will have another update for you in the near future. I have also completed 6 new custom action figures and two retooled Jawas (sitting position) that will be posted very soon, so check back. But for now I must plaster and paint this new gigantic piece, and that might take a while.