Figure and Diorama by:

Blue Snaggletooth

SoME3.1.jpg (13039 bytes) Here is a picture of the finished building structure. Other than three new features, this building was made identical to the other two structures thus far. Once I built up this dwelling to capacity I found that I did not have enough base board to properly construct a stairwell. So, I decided to use a cardboard extension to give more volume to the base on the left side. I also added a canopy over the front porch/balcony. I used toothpicks, wood glue, paint, beads & a brown velvet patch to construct the canopy. However the greatest new design technique was using a template that I laid down on the base board before any of the building process started. This template laid out the wall design for the entire structure and allowed me to see the ultimate design in my head. The template idea worked great!
SoME3.2.jpg (33888 bytes) Here are the two Ketwol pilots/smugglers you saw earlier that were made by chop/shop techniques. These are the final painted versions. The pilot on the left has had his entire jumpsuit painted a metallic blue and the pilot on the right has had several black touch-ups. Each figure has an accessory or two and they look like they are into something deep, possibly smuggling illegal spices into the city streets for Jabba the Hutt. I don’t quite know yet what I want these Ketwols back story to be, but I can assure you that it is going to be good.
SoME3.3.jpg (17597 bytes)

Now you see the final version of my first successfully replicated moisture evaporator. After constructing this piece, all that was left to do was to paint it. I painted it by applying a khaki base coat, and then a deep brown wash and finally adding several layers of weathering (dry rubbing) using white paint. The straws and coat hanger where painted with a chain mail color and highlighted with silver. I used some spare Lego pieces to add the red lights on top of the straws and the two vented panel sections located on either side of the front control panel. I painted the base khaki and applied some loose gravel to add a slight contrast in texture. I will consider this piece a Mos Espa common evaporator and make a few more just like it for other areas of the ultimate diorama.

SoME3.4.jpg (23883 bytes) Here is a more detailed picture of the building structure. I am happy with the way it turned out. This was the most detailed piece thus far. With the winding stairwell and canopied porch this piece offered some true challenge. You can see the various spots where I utilized some LEGO pieces. I tried to keep simple detail the same between the individual structures. For example, the exact same door button panel pieces are used both on this building as well as Wald’s dwelling. I just think that consistency keeps the entire piece uniform and flowing. I am particularly fond of the water spicket with operating lever.
SoME3.5.jpg (28270 bytes) This is how the entire piece will look at the end of the day. Ultimately, you will see to the right of this building a parking lot area for a Dewback or swoop bike etc. To the left you will have the archway that stretches over the street connecting this structure to the Ithorian’s home across the way. This will also open the next stretch of street I will be constructing soon, after I finish this first stretch. I can’t get too far ahead of myself - one thing at a time. I am currently working on finishing up on the Aleena tourists and the archway structure. I will post more updates as soon as possible, so keep checking back!