Adam-Wan Kenobi's Top 10



Bib Fortuna

It's not that this figure is altogether bad, but I know the wizards at Hasbro could give him a better treatment.  Hasbro needs to resculpt Bib with more articulation, a better sculpt, and some of the features they now admonish on new figures (holster, stand, etc). 



9 Death Star Trooper

Where are you going Death Star trooper?  Looks like he is running off somewhere with that pose.  We need a newly sculpted Death Star trooper so our Death Star dioramas don't look like a track meet.  How about a modified Imperial officer body with a Death Star trooper head . . . oh wait, I already customized one . . . 



8 Cantina Band Member (Bith)

Who's that Bith with the junk in the trunk?  Well that would be all of them.  Hasbro should make unique sculpts for all of the Cantina members, perhaps in 2-packs like they did for the Max Rebo band.  Additionally, a lot of collectors started collecting late and need these guys to complete their Cantina dioramas.



7 Biggs Darklighter

While this figure was way-cool in the mid-late 1990's it just don't cut the mustard by today's standards.  We need a Biggs with a removable helmet and new body sculpt (like the new Red Leader).  While we are at it, how about a Tatooine caped Biggs figure as well.  Do it for the mustache!



Luke and Han in Stormtrooper Disguise

We are in serious need for resulpts of these guys.  While out Stormtrooper sculpts (CommTech version) have improved, our poor heroes are left wearing last decades fashions.  It is an easy fix.  Put a Han Endor Raid head and a Luke (CommTech) head on Commtech Stormtrooper bodies and Viola! 



5 Grand Admiral Thrawn

Thrawn is hands-down the coolest EU character around, and so, he needs an updated sculpt.  the first offering wasn't too bad, but with a neat-o character like Thrawn, a better figure should be in the works.  The next Thrawn needs more articulation, more accessories (like more ysalamiri), and a better sculpt.  And while we are at it, make a Captain Pellaeon figure!


4 Nien Nunb

Look at this figure.  It is one step away from looking like it was made in the 1980's.  I love vintage figures, but nostalgia plays a lot into my passion.  This figure is just plain.  It's time Hasbro considers resculpting poor Nien, so I can put the other one on the back of my display shelf.



3 Grand Moff Tarkin

All-in-all this isn't a bad figure.  However, it's freak'n Tarkin for Pete's sake!  We need a cooler Tarkin sculpt ASAP!  More articulation! A better head sculpt! And, more of the evil we have come to see and love!  Why not look at the Gentle Giants Tarkin bust for a reference.  They did him right...




2 Leia in Boussh Disguise

Attack of the Planet of the Apes happened in the 1990's.  Confused?  Well, just look at the Leia head sculpts way back then.  Yeeoww!  Needless to say, we needed new Leias, and Hasbro delivered . . . save one.  This figure could be so neat, with a better sculpt, more articulation, and a thermal detonator not molded to her freaking hand.  

1 R5-D4

Frankly, this figure is a crap sandwich with sliced crap on a bed of crap with a little crap garnish for good measure.  Hasbro circa 1995: "R5-D4 really needs to be a war machine." Common Sense: "But he was merely an Astromech droid." Hasbro circa 1995: "Well yes, but kids want a more heroic R5-D4, with a missile in his body and guns on his legs.  I dream of an R5-D4 that can take on a Rancor and win!"  Common Sense: ". . . you're a $#%&."   Easy fix really . . . give us the Star Tours version, cleaned up, and on a Saga card.