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If you still want to Do-It-Yourself: Tips for A Better Site

Creating "meat and potatoes" websites for "cup of coffee" prices.

What does a coffee cup have to do with web design?

Well, first of all, it’s my company, and I love a good cup of java.

Secondly, I had to choose a name which delivered the message of my company (and in few enough words to hold a customer’s attention!) A coffee cup conveys friendliness, comfort, and welcome. Exactly the image a small local business wants to cultivate.

Not a coffee fan? Then how about tea? The basic principles of the Japanese tea ceremony --an emphasis on etiquette, balance, harmony, restraint, and simplicity--sum up my approach to web sites. If more web designers would respect those five principles, the internet would be a much better place.

Overkill in web design is not only expensive, it drives away more customers than it attracts. Follow the basic principles of good design and good writing, and you can’t go wrong. I strive to create inviting, attractive web sites that make the viewer want to learn more about your organization, and make it easy for them to find everything they need to know about you.

When designing a new site, or redesigning an existing site, I have three priorities:

So pull up a chair, grab a steaming cup, and check out what I can do for your organization.

Copyright © 2005 Coffee Cup Studios.