Facts On ---- The Mormon Church -- Chapter Eight


#8 The Facts On The Mormon Church

8. How does Mormonism view the Christian religion?

   The Mormon Church teaches that shortly after the time of the disciples, the Christian church apostatized and was not restored until Joseph Smith's "first vision" in 1820. Therefore, Mormonism considers Christianity an enemy because it teaches "false" doctrines. Because Mormonism holds that Christian doctrines lead men astray spiritually, the Mormon Church views Christians as deceived people.
   Second president Brigham Young taught that Christians were unbelievers; they may falsely claim to believe in Christ, but the truth is "not one of them really believes in Him." Further, Joseph Smith emphasized that Christian pastors "are of their father, the devil" and they and all who follow them "without one exception {will} receive their portion with the devil and his angles." Smith avowed they will "all be damned together."
   In Journal of Discourses, a 27-volume set of authoritative speeches by early Mormon presidents and leaders, we find the following. Brigham Young taught that concerning true theology, "a more ignorant people never lived than the present so-called Christian world." He also believes that Christians were "heathens as to their knowledge of the salvation of God." John Taylor, the third president of the Church, believed that Christianity was a "perfect pack of nonsense...as corrupt as hell" and an invention of the devil. He taught that Mormons were "the saviors of the world" and the entire Christian world knew nothing about God-that as far "the things of God are concerned, they are the veriest fools...
   The apostle Orson Pratt, another leader in the early Church, declared, "The whole of Christendom is as destitute of Bible Christianity as the idolatrous pagans." In his 1854 article "Repentance," he asked, "How long will the heavens suffer such wickedness to go unpunished?" According to Pratt:

   {Christians} will, every soul of them, unless they repent of these false doctrines, be cast down to hell...Every one of you will, most assuredly, be damned.

   The tenth president of the Mormon Church, Joseph Fielding Smith, claimed that the supposed apostasy of Christianity had caused it to become a pagan "abomination."
   Nor has modern Mormonism change its mind. Leading Mormon theologian Bruce McConkie referred to Christian churches as "churches of the devil."
   In another book, McConkie alleged that Christians are enemies of God, because God's plan of salvation "has been changed and perverted by an apostate Christendom." Modern Christians are not only ignorant of God's true purpose, their doctrines are "the doctrines of devils," and the Christian church is part of the "great and abominable church" of the devil preparing men "to be doomed."
   All this is proof that the Mormon Church views the Christian faith as its enemy and individual Christians faith as its enemy and individual Christians as spiritually deceived people.


Taken from The Facts On The Mormon Church, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, published by Harvest House Publishers.