Facts On ---- The Mormon Church -- Chapter Four


#4 The Facts On The Mormon Church

4. Does Mormonism claim to be the only true church on earth?

   Mormonism does not claim to be one part of the Christian religion, such as a Christian denomination. Rather, it claims to comprise the only true Christian religion on earth. This is in harmony with the "first vision" of Joseph Smith, where Jesus supposedly condemned all Christian religious as corrupt abominations. Doctrine and Covenants emphasizes that Mormonism is "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth."
   Indeed, from their earliest days, Mormons have claimed they were the only people of God on earth. In 1854, leading Mormon Orson Pratt argued, "All other churches are entirely destitute of all authority from God." A leading doctrinal theologian of the modern Mormon Church, the late Bruce McConkie, asserted that "Mormons...have the only pure and perfect Christianity now on earth." He also taught, "All other systems of religion are false." The Mormon Sunday school text, The Master's Church, Course A, informs children, "We cannot accept that any other church can lead its members to salvation..."


Taken from The Facts On The Mormon Church, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Published by Harvest House Publishers