Facts On ---- The Mormon Church -- Chapter Twenty


#20 The Facts On The Mormon Church

20. Why has the Mormon Church ignored the compelling historical research of Jerald and Sandra Tanner and others?

   Jerald and Sandra Tanner, former Mormons, have produced a small library of careful historical research that casts grave doubt almost all the major claims of the Mormon Church.
   The question is, why has the Mormon Church ignored compelling historical research? Why has the Church acted almost as if it doesn't even exist? This issue is important, indeed vital, because the Church claims to be concerned about the truth-yet continues to reject a wealth of factual data having critical bearing on Mormon origins, history, doctrine, scripture, and censorship.
   Mormonia: A Quarterly Bibliography of Works on Mormonism called the Tanners' book Shadow or reality? "perhaps the most exhaustive expose of Mormonism between two covers." Jennings G. Olson, professor of philosophy at Webber College observed it was "the most comprehensive and thorough analysis and evaluation of Mormonism ever produced in the history of the Church." Dr. Gordon Fraser accurately described it as "an encyclopedia of Mormonism's lack of credibility."
   If indisputable historical documents have been found discrediting Mormon beliefs, it deeply concerns all Mormon people. Mormons, especially Mormon leaders, should want to look into this if they are as concerned with the truth as they say.
   We vigorously encourage interested readers to secure a list of materials (offered at cost) from Utah Lighthouse Ministry, PO Box 1884, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 and www.utlm.org. Mormons have the right to this information even if the Church disagrees.
   What may we conclude to this point? Even with so brief a treatment as found in this book, there is little doubt that Mormonism is not what proponents claim. Mormonism cannot possibly be a revelation from the biblical God since it denies the nature of God Himself as revealed in the Bible and also distorts nearly every major biblical doctrine. It cannot possibly be the one true church of Christ on earth because it rejects and distorts the true person of Christ as found in the historical Gospel records. Further, its "first vision" account is not credible; its scriptures-the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price-also lack credibility on numerous accounts. Joseph Smith himself could not have been a prophet of God because no one can logically deny that he engaged in false prophecy.
   If neither Joseph Smith nor the Mormon scriptures are credible, what remains of Mormonism? In essence, no one familiar with the canons of evidence can logically deny that Mormonism must be considered a false religion.


Taken from The Facts On The Mormon Church, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon. Published by Harvest House Publishers.