Facts On ---- The Mormon Church -- Chapter Eighteen


#18 The Facts On The Mormon Church

18. What is the irreconcilable dilemma for the individual Mormon?

   The irreconcilable dilemma for the individual Mormon is the same found in all nonbiblical, spiritistic inspiration: contradictory revelation. On some very vital issues, modern Mormon prophets have contradicted and even denied teachings by earlier Mormon prophets!
   Where does this leave the average Mormon? Should he or she accept the Church's claim that the early prophets were indeed prophets and authoritative? If so, then he or she must change modern Mormonism with apostasy, for the modern Church absolutely denies many of its early, crucial divine revelations. Or should the average Mormon discard the early Mormon prophets as men who received erroneous revelations and were, therefore, false prophets, since many of their teachings are rejected today by Church leadership? If so, then the entire Mormon Church collapses, for it is based squarely on the divine authority of such men.
   In the end, the individual Mormon is faced with two equally unpleasant options. Either 1) the modern Mormon Church is in apostasy and cannot be trusted; or 2) the early prophets were deceivers or deceived men and cannot be trusted.


Taken from The Facts On The Mormon Church by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, published by Harvest House Publishers.