Facts On ---- The Mormon Church -- Chapter Eleven


#11 The Facts On The Mormon Church

11. What do Mormons teach about salvation and life after death?

   Mormon teaches on salvation presents different kinds of salvation leading to different kinds of heaven.
   First, there is a general salvation, which Mormons call "salvation by grace." Mormonism affirms this occurs to all men. But this general salvation is restricted to resurrection from the dead and immortality; it does not decide a person's specific residence or agree of glory in the next life. This is decided by the second category of Mormon salvation, individual salvation. Individual salvation determines which one of the three "heavens" one goes to, and whether or not one earns true "eternal life" (godhood).
   General salvation is said to be based on grace while individual salvation is confessedly by good works. Therefore, Mormons may claim that they believe salvation is by grace; however, by this, they mean only that every person will be resurrected from the dead. The actual destiny of that person is determined by personal righteousness.
   A person's good works and personal merit determined which "kingdom of glory" he or she inherits after death. The lowest kingdom of glory is called the telestial kingdom. It is the place of the wicked, where most of humanity will reside. Such persons will be excluded from the presence of God and Christ. The kingdom above this is called the terrestrial kingdom of glory. This is where lukewarm Mormons, good non-Mormons, and those who accept Mormonism after death go.
   The highest kingdom of glory is the celestial kingdom, and this is granted by "complete obedience" to gospel law. This kingdom has three parts, but it is only in the highest part of the celestial kingdom that salvation in its fullest sense is found. Salvation in its truest sense is attaining absolute godhood and eternal sexual increase.
   In conclusion, worthy Mormons attain exaltation or deification in the highest heaven of the celestial kingdom. All other people are said to be "damned," which is, in effect, to inherit a restricted and servant status in lesser kingdoms-but "kingdoms" nonetheless.


Taken from The Facts On The Mormon Church by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, published by Harvest House Publishers.