Facts On ---- The Mormon Church -- Chapter Ten


#10 The Facts On The Mormon Church

10. What does Mormonism teach about Jesus Christ?

   Mormonism claims that it believes in the true, biblical Jesus Christ, Gordon B. Hinckley, fifteenth president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, states:

We are Christians in a very real sense and that is coming to be more and more widely recognized...{People} have come to recognize that we are, and that we have a very vital and dynamic religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. We, of course, accept Jesus Christ as our Leader, or King, our Savior. The dominant figure in the history of the world, the only perfect Man who ever walked the earth, the living Son of the living God. He is our Savior and our Redeemer through whose atoning sacrifice has come the opportunity of eternal life.

   Right after Hinckley's quote, this statement appears "Members of {the Church}...pray and worship in the name of Jesus Christ. He is the center of our faith and the head of our Church. The Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ and witnesses of His divinity, His Life, and His Atonement." But consider the following chart contrasting the Mormon Christ (whom it confuses with Jehovah of the Old Testament) with the biblical Christ:

The Mormon Jesus Christ:
A created being; the brother of Lucifer
* Earned his own salvation (exaltation)
* Common (one of many gods) and of minor importance in the larger Mormon cosmology
* Conceived by the physical sex act of the Father (Adam or Elohim) and Mary
* A married polygamist?

The Biblical Jesus Christ:
* Uncreated God
* As God, Christ required no salvation
* Unique (the Second Person of the one Godhead) and of supreme importance throughout eternity and in all creation
* Conceived by the Holy Spirit who overshadowed Mary, a true virgin
* An unmarried monogamist

   The following brief statements by Mormon leaders reveal the true beliefs of the Mormon Church concerning Christ. In essence, the Mormon doctrine of Christ (as with many other of its doctrines) parallels those found in the world of paganism and the occult.
   First, Mormonism teaches that Jesus Christ was a created being, not eternal God as the Bible clearly instructs (1 John 1:1,3; Titus 2:13), and that He was the first and foremost of subsequent billions of spirit children created through sexual intercourse between the male and earth gods. Doctrine and Covenants 93:21-23 teaches that "Christ, the Firstborn, was the mightiest of all the spirit children of the Father." James Talmage affirmed in the standard Mormon church work The Articles of Faith, "Among the spirit children of Elohim, the firstborn was and is Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, to whom all others are juniors."
   In Mormonism, Jesus is also seen as the brother of Satan. Since Satan was also a preexistent spirit creation of the male and female earth gods, Christ must, therefore, be his relation. Christ and the devil and his demons were all spirit children of the Mormon earth god "Elohim," it must follow that they, too, are Jesus' brothers, just as they are the brothers of all mankind. As one Mormon writer states, "As for the devil and his fellow spirits, they are brothers to man and also to Jesus and sons and daughters to God in the same sense that we are." In essence then, the difference between Christ and the devil in Mormonism is not one of a kind, but only one of degree.
   Second, Mormonism teaches that Jesus is a saved being. Because Jesus was only one more spirit offspring of the male and female earth gods (like all men and women), He, too, had to earn His salvation: "Jesus Christ is the Son of God...He came to earth to work out His own salvation...After His resurrection, He gained all power in Heaven." And "by obedience and devotion to the truth, {Jesus} attained that pinnacle of intelligence which ranked Him as a God." This is why McConkie emphasized, "Christ...is a saved being."
   Third, in Mormon teaching Jesus Christ is not unique, at least in nature. His divinity is not unique, for every exalted man will attain the same godhood that Christ now experiences. Neither is His incarnated spirit man who, in a preexistent state, was the off-spring of sexual union between the male and female earth gods who made Him.
   Mormons do refer Christ as a "greater" being than other spirit children of the male and female earth gods, but only on this earth. Further, Christ is their senior only by priority and position-not nature or essence. In fact, as a spirit child of the earth gods, He is of the same exact nature as all men and all demons. This is one reason Mormons refer to Him as their "elder brother." And so, "Jesus is man's spiritual brother. We dwelt with Him in the spirit world as members of that large society of eternal intelligences, which included our Heavenly Parents."
   In fact, Christ was unique in nature in only one way-by His physical birth. Rather than having a merely human father as the rest of us on this earth, His mother had physical sex with God (Elohim).
   Fourth, as just noted, Mormons accept the birth of Jesus Christ through sexual intercourse between God (Elohim) and Mary. Because "sexuality...is actually an attribute of God...God is a procreating personage of flesh and bone" and "the Holy Ghost was not the father of Jesus." In Doctrines of Salvation, Joseph Fielding Smith asserted, "Christ was begotten of God. He was not born without the aid of Man and that Man was God!"  McConkie declared, "Christ was begotten by an immortal Father the same way that mortal men are begotten by moral fathers."
   In other words, Mary was married to both her earthly husband, Joseph, and God. Brigham Young confessed, "The man Joseph, the husband of Mary, did not, that we know of, have more than one wife, but Mary, the wife of Joseph, had another husband {that is, God}."
   Fifth, some Mormons have also taught that Jesus Christ was a polygamist having several wives, another unbiblical doctrine. The early Mormon apostle Orson Pratt claimed that Jesus Christ was married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary and Martha (and others) were His wives, and that He had children. Thus, Jesus was a polygamist who proved it by "marrying many honorable wives."
   This, then, is the Mormon Jesus Christ- sexually created spirit-brother of Lucifer, a possible polygamist, and one of many gods who earned salvation, immortality, and godhood.
   Biblically all of this is false. Jesus Christ is God. He is eternal and was, therefore, never created (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16,17; Isaiah 9:6; Micah 5:2). Further, Jesus Christ is not the brother of the devil; He came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). He was not a man who earned His salvation; He was God who (through the incarnation) died on the cross for man's salvation (1 Peter 2:24). He never married, nor was he born by sexual intercourse between a pagan god and the virgin Mary (John 1).
   In fact, not a single biblical Scripture can be advanced by Mormons in defense of any of their teachings on Jesus Christ. Yet Mormon missionaries come to the door and say in full sincerity that they are Christians who believe in the biblical Jesus Christ.


Taken from The Facts On The Mormon Church by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, published by Harvest House Publishers.