Facts On ---- The Masonic Lodge -- Chapter Four


#4 The Facts On The Masonic Lodge

4. What are the Blue Lodge, the Scottish Rite, and the York rite?

    All men who become Masons go through the first degree of the Blue Lodge. The Blue Lodge 1 the parent or mother Lodge of Freemasonry. In the Blue Lodge are conferred the first degrees: (1) the Entered Apprentice, where a man is initiated into the beginning mysteries of the fraternity of Freemasonry; (2) the degree of Fellow Craft; and (3) the Master Mason degree.
After passing these three degrees in the Blue Lodge, the candidate may choose not to proceed further at all, or he may choose to proceed higher along one or both of two branches in Masonry.
    One branch is known as the Scottish Rite, which advances by numerical degrees, beginning with the fourth and ending with the thirty-second, the thirty-third degree being either active or honorary. The other major branch is the Yoke Rite, which goes through what is called the "Chapter," "Council," and "Commandery" degrees, ending with the degree of Knights Templar.
    If a Mason is suspended or expelled from his Blue Lodge, it automatically severs his connection from all other Masonic bodies. Anyone who passes the first three degrees and becomes a Master Mason may visit Blue Lodges other than his own.
    On the next pages we present a diagram of the three Blue Lodge degrees that every Mason must take, plus the optional degrees of the York Rite and the Scottish Rite:

Blue Lodge Degrees and Optional York and Scottish Rites

Blue Lodge

1. Entered Apprentice
2. Fellow Craft
3. Master Mason

York Rite

Chapter (capitular degrees)
Mark Master

Scottish Rite

Lodge of Perfection
4. Secret Master
5. Perfect Master
6. Intimate secretary

York Rite

Past Master (Virtual)

Scottish Rite

7. Provost & Judge
8. Intendant of the Building
9. Elu of the Nine
10. Elu of the fifteen

York Rite

Most Excellent Master

Scottish Rite

11. Elu of the Twelve
12. Master Architect
13. Royal Arch of Solomon


York Rite

Royal Arch Mason

Scottish Rite

14. Perfect Elu

York Rite

Council (cryptic degrees)

Scottish Rite

15. Knight of the East or Sword
16. Prince of Jerusalem

York Rite

Royal Master

Scottish Rite

17. Knight of the East & West
18. Knight Rose Croix
Council of Kadosh
19. Grand Pontiff

York Rite

Select Master

Scottish Rite

20. Master of the Symbolic Lodge
21. Noachite or Prussian Knight
22. Knight of the Royal Axe

York Rite

Super Excellent Master

Scottish Rite

23. Chief of the Tabernacle
24. Prince of the Tabernacle

York Rite

Commandery (chivalric degrees)

Scottish Rite

25. Knight of the Brazen Serpent

York Rite

Order of the Red Cross

Scottish Rite

26. Prince of Mercy
27. Knight Commander of the Temple
28. Knight of the sun

York Rite

Order of the Knights of Malta

Scottish Rites

29. Knight of Saint Andrew
30. Knight Kadosh
31. Inspector Inquisitor

York Rite

Order of Knights Templar

Scottish Rite

32. Master of the Royal Secret
33. (Active or Honorary)

John Ankerberg & John Weldon