Facts On ---- The Masonic Lodge -- Chapter Eleven


#11 The Facts on the Masonic Lodge

11. Does the Masonic Lodge have religious symbols just like those found in a church or synagogue?

    Another reason Masons give in claiming Freemasonry is not a religion is because it has no symbols that are religious like those symbols found in a church or synagogue. But is this true? How can Masons say this when the building they meet in is called a "temple"? In the temple, which they believe is "sacred," they offer "prayers" to a "deity." No man can join the Masonic Lodge unless he swears belief in Masonry’s "Supreme Being." The deity they pray to is called "the Great Architect of the Universe." Masons must kneel at their "sacred altar" to make their "sacred vows." Masons swear to be obedient and do the bidding of their "Worshipful Master." In the Lodge the Worshipful Master" has hanging over his head a symbol-a big "G," which they are specifically instructed signifies "deity."
    On the Masonic "sacred altar" is placed a "Bible," a "Koran," or another holy book called the "Volume of Sacred Law." In the third degree, every Masonic candidate is taught to accept the Masonic doctrine of the immortality of his soul, and further taught that if he is found worthy enough while on earth, his good works will earn him a place in the "Celestial Lodge Above."
    How can any Mason say their symbols are not religious? What else would anyone call the big "G," hanging over the head of the "Worshipful Master," other than a religious symbol? After all, Masonry instructs each candidate that the big "G" represents the sacred name of "deity." If Masons do not want to have religious symbols, why don’t they change the name of their meeting place from a "temple" to a "building"? Why do Masons swear their secret oaths at the "scared altar" rather than a desk? After all, Webster’s Dictionary defines "altar" as "a raised platform where sacrifices or offerings are made to a god...a table, stand, etc. used for sacred purpose in a place of worship..."
    If Masons do not practice religion and are not surrounded by religious symbols, what are they doing saying prayers in the Lodge? What about the funeral services the Lodge performs committing the departed Mason to the "Grand Lodge in the sky"? Why are the secret oaths called "sacred vows"? Why call the leader of the Lodge "Worshipful Master"? Why is the Bible kissed? What is meant when the Bible, the Koran, or the Vedas are called the "Volume of Sacred Law" and place on the altar in different Lodges in the world? Why talk about the immortality of the soul? The reason they do all of this is because Masonry is a religion and uses many religious symbols.
    We have now seen that Masonry 1) does meet the definition of religion, 2) offers its own plan of salvation, 3) has its own religious creed, 4) has its own distinct confession faith, 5) has its own specific theology, 6) has its own unique ritual of worship, and 7) uses symbols just like those found in a church or synagogue.
    All of this clearly proves Masonry is a religion. The only thing Masonry doesn’t do is allow its members to consider it a religion.

John Ankerberg & John Weldon