Facts On ---- The Masonic Lodge -- Chapter Ten


#10 The Facts on the Masonic Lodge

10. Is the Ritual that is practiced in every Masonic Lodge really worship?

    Another reason why Masons think freemasonry should not be considered a religion is because Masonry "has no ritual of worship" as a church does, they say. But is this true?
    Webster’s Dictionary defines "worship" as "a prayer...or other rite showing reverence or devotion for a deity..."-for God. Do Masons have rites that instruct them how to show reverence and give devotion to God? The answer is "Yes." Masonry has 32 degrees of ritual instructing them how to live a good life before God and how to please Him. According to Webster, in actuality Masons are worshiping every time they practice the ceremonies of a Lodge. For example, Roberts admits:

"Masons walk in His {God’s} presence constantly... {In ritual the "lights"-candles} formed a triangle about the altar at which you knelt in reverence. They symbolized the presence of Deity...The Masonic altar can be said to be one of sacrifice...You have taken obligations {to God} that have sacrificed yourself-interest forevermore."

    The Standard Masonic Monitor commands, "Let no man enter upon any great or important undertaking without first invoking the aid of Deity...The trust of a Mason is in God..."
    Finally Claudy frankly confesses that "Freemasonry worships God":

"Freemasonry’s Lodge are erected to God...Symbolically, to ‘elect to God’ means to construct something in honor, in worship, in reverence to and for Him. Hardly is the initiate within the West Gate before he is impressed that Freemasonry worships God..."

    Here again the evidence clearly shows that Masons are practicing religion when they worship God in their Lodges. As Albert Pike admitted in Morals and Dogma, "Masonry is a {system of} worship..."

John Ankerberg & John Weldon