Facts On ---- Roman Catholicism -- Chapter Fifteen


#15 The Facts On Rome Catholicism

15. A Personal Word To Catholics

    If you have stayed with us this far, we want you to know we appreciate your perseverance and your integrity in examining a critique of the faith you hold dear. We have written this book because we believe there is one vital issue that all Catholics need to think through: personal salvation.
    Catholics, perhaps more than anyone else, believe that it is not possible in this life to have assurance of salvation (except perhaps in very rare circumstances). You have been taught that the belief in the assurance of salvation is a "presumption upon the mercy of God@ and that mortal sin results in "eternal separation from God,@ requiring penance for restoration. You have heard about the personal hazards of "triumphalism,@ something that arises from an "assurance of having been saved.@ which is a dangerous position to hold. But the "assurance of having been saved@ is a biblical doctrine, as 1st John 5:13 proves: "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.@
You also know that because Catholicism teaches that a Christian may lose his or her salvation, or argues that "not even faith...or conversion...or reception of baptism...or constancy throughout life...can gain for one the right to salvation...@ and that all these are held to be only A the forerunners of attainment@ toward salvation.
    But again, this is not biblical teaching. Jesus taught that faith does bring the right to salvation: "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God@ (John 1:12, NASB, emphasis added). The Bible clearly teaches that by faith alone people can know they are eternally saved because they, at the moment of saving faith, possess eternal life. You can know this by truly trusting in Christ for forgiveness of sins and making Him your personal Savior.
    If you are a Catholic and desire to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, we urge you to say the following prayer:

Dear God,
    it is my desire to enter into a personal relationship with You through the death of Your Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Although I have believed many things about Jesus, I confess that I have never truly received Him individually as my personal Savior and Lord. I have never realized that salvation was a gift that You offer me freely. I now receive that gift and believe that Christ died on the cross for my sins - all of them. I believe that He rose from the dead. It is my desire that He now become my Lord and Savior and so, I now receive Him into my life. I make Him Lord over all areas of my life, including any personal beliefs or practices that are not biblical.
    Help me to be committed to study Your Word and to grow as a Christian in ways that honor You. Give me the strength to face difficulty or rejection when it comes to making a stand for You. If it is Your will and necessary for me to leave this Church, guide me into a good church and fellowship so that I might know and glorify You more. In Jesus= name I pray this, trusting in Your guidance, Amen.

John Ankerberg & John Weldon