Facts On ---- Islam -- Chapter Eleven


11 -- The Facts on Islam


The Bible of Islam: Is the Koran the Word of God?

11. Does the Koran contain historical errors and biblical distortions?

    Muslims and Christians agree that it is impossible for God to inspire error in His Word. But no one can deny that the Koran contains a large number of errors. Dr. Robert Morey lists more than 100 - for example, citing Ali's translation, the Koran teaches the Ark of Noah came to rest on the top of Mt. Judi (Sura 11:44), not Mt. Ararat as the Bible teaches; that Abraham's father was Azar (Sura 6:74), not Terah as the Bible teaches; that he attempted to sacrifice Ishmael (Sura 37:100-112), not Isaac as the Bible teaches; that Pharaoh's wife adopted Moses (Sura 28:8-9), not his daughter as the Bible teaches; that Noah's flood occurred in Moses' day (Sura 7:36, cf. 7:59ff.); that Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave birth to Jesus under a palm tree (Sura 19:22), not in a stable as the Bible teaches; that Mary's father was named Imram (Sura 66:12), etc.
    In the preface to his translation of the Koran, Rodwell notes the presence of "contradictory and . . . inaccurate statements." For example, Muhammad is nowhere found in the Bible, but the Koran claims that Muhammad himself is "described in the Torah and the Gospel." The disciples of Christ were obviously Christians, but the Koran teaches that the disciples of Christ were Muslims. Six hundred years before Muhammad was born, Christ's disciples allegedly claim, "We believe; and bear thou witness that we are Muslims."
    The Koran also teaches that Abraham was not a Jew but a Muslim. "No; Abraham in truth was not a Jew, neither a Christian; but he was a Muslim . . . " But the Jews consider Abraham a Jew. The Christians consider Abraham a Jew. Jesus Himself considered Abraham a Jew. All the world considers Abraham a Jew - except the Koran.
    There are also some rather unlikely events in the Koran. For example, after Allah tempts the people to sin in judgment for their evil, "When they had scornfully persisted in what they had been forbidden. We changed them into detested apes." According to history, the army of the king of Ethiopia, Abraham, halted its attack on Mecca due to a smallpox outbreak. But Sura 105 teaches he was defeated by birds that dropped stones of baked clay on the soldiers.
    Finally, the Koran has many biblical distortions. Almost every biblical episode discussed in the Koran has additional and/or contrary information supplied: "The names and events of Old Testament books and prophets are very definitely copied in the Quran. However, often the stories in the Quran are garbled and confused." For example, in Sura 2:56, 57, 61 the Jews returned to Egypt after the Exodus which, biblically and historically, was never the case. In Sura 3:41 it is stated that Zechariah would be speechless for three days. Biblically, it was until John's birth - nine months (Luke 1:18-20). In Sura 12:11-20 the Koranic story of Joseph is markedly different from the biblical story of Genesis 37; the accounts are so contrary as to demand one be in error. In Sura 2:241 Muhammad confuses the persons of Saul and Gideon. There are also variations in Sura 12:21-32, 36-55 when compared with Genesis 37-45.
    Whether it is the descriptions of the creation of man, the Fall, Moses and the burning bush, Noah and the ark, Joseph going into Egypt, or the lives of Zechariah, John the Baptist, Mary and Jesus, or other biblical characters, the Koran often contradicts biblical teachings.
    Yet the Koran also explicitly claims to "confirm the Book of Moses and the Gospel." So if the Bible is historically accurate, then it is the Koran that must be in error.

John Ankerberg & John Weldon