Facts On ---- Homosexuality -- Chapter Five


#5 The Facts on Homosexuality

5. So what about researchers bias?

    Research bias is clearly an operative factor in many of these studies. For example: "Hamer disregarded information that countered his hypothesis-although he reported that the sisters of these brothers had a higher incidence of lesbianism, which fits the traditional psychiatric model of 'disturbed families producing more homosexuals,' Hamer ignored this finding to pursue his genetic interpretation."
    Consider also the following:

    Of even greater importance, the widely held belief that homosexuality is largely a matter if incest and recruitment is totally ignored...{Further,} biological determinism cannot account for orientation switching. The two largest population studies in the field, done by the Kinsey Institute and the Family Research Institute, have independently demonstrated that most homosexuals have indulged in heterosexuality and a significant minority of heterosexuals in homosexuality.

    In light of the suggestion that at least one of the key individuals involved in the Hamer research was also gay, one questions what percent of researchers so interested in finding a biological basis for homosexuality are actually homosexuals themselves? If many are, it is not unreasonable to think that their personal lifestyle and beliefs may have influenced their research methods and conclusions.
    Further, how many researchers in this field might deliberately hide their sexual preference in order to lend supposed scientific objectivity to their personal conclusions? Charles Silverstein, Ph.D., is the author of Gays, Lesbians and Their Therapists and has been a sex researcher for more than 30 years. He maintains that attempts to cure homosexuals are useless because it is "biologically predetermined." At one time he publicly claimed the following:

    I've been a psychologist and sex researcher for a quarter of a century. In the last ten years, we have learned some things-and there's one statement that every sex researcher I know in the world will agree with and that is sexual orientation is determined biologically.
Given this claim, one can only wonder how many sex researchers Dr. Silverstein has known. But this is not the point. For millions in the television audience, all they heard was an allegedly unbiased authority on human sexuality stating "facts" about how all sex researchers agree that homosexuality is biologically caused. Unfortunately, somehow Dr. Silverstein was never introduced with his full credentials as a homosexual therapist and researcher. Presumably, he never would have been had someone in the audience not asked the question, forcing a confession.

Taken from The Facts On Homosexuality, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Published by Harvest House Publishers

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