Facts On ---- Homosexuality -- Chapter Two


#2 The Facts on Homosexuality

2. How influential is the homosexual community in modern America?

    Most Americans have little idea of the vast influence of the modern homosexual movement. Nor do Christians realize the number of homosexuals in their own ranks. Even back in 1994, and article in Time Magazine said the homosexual revolution:

    Is still changing the way Americans see many of their most basic institutions-family, church, schools, the military, media, and culture among them.....Every where one looks, there are signs of gay acceptability {formerly} unimaginable.....Gays are working openly in the White House and on Capitol Hill...A gay man is president of the Minnesota state senate, and another is the democratic candidate for secretary of the state in California. Pop stars and Olympic heroes acknowledge they are gay.....The gay dollar is courted but big companies and gay tourism is encouraged.....Earlier this month 20,000 gay men and women were made welcome at that icon of bourgeois family life Disney World.

 Political Power

    The homosexual lobby has tremendous political and social power. Former congressman William Dannemeyer observed, "The effect of the homosexual movement on federal legislation has been stunning" The homosexual community is currently pulling out all the stops to secure passage of local and national homosexual "civil rights" bills-which have already passed in some states. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Fund, the homosexual political action committee (PAC), is one of the largest independent PACs in the nation. By November 5, 2002, it "will have contributed more than $1.1 million" to the campaigns of candidates they endorse. HRC also sent out 1 million pieces of voter-education literature. "During the last cycle, HRC’s PAC made 210 endorsements and contributed $1 million.
    Politics isn’t the only arena in which the HRC and other homosexual forums are active. Public schools are prime targets for teaching the "normalcy" of gay and lesbian lifestyles. For Example, Citizen magazine (July 2001) reported:

    In Marin County, CA., all second-through fifth-graders at Pleasant Valley School were called to an assembly put on by a local theater group. The group taught the children slogans such as, "I'm gay and it’s okay." The skits included one in which Rapunzel cut her hair and ran away with her girlfriend. One fourth-grade child went home and told his parents that he learned about families with two daddies and two mommies, and words like "homosexual" and "lesbian." One fourth-grade girl reportedly asked her father if she was a lesbian because she liked girls better than boys. Many parents were outraged because they had not been informed of the assembly or the material it would address.

    In June 1994, Time magazine commented that ‘increasingly, especially for young Americans,' homosexuality is seen as a straightforward matter of self-expression and identity."
    Former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders revealed her own agenda when she argued, "We need to speak out to tell people that sex is good, sex is wonderful.....It’s a normal and healthy part of our being, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual."
    The former Surgeon General is wrong. Homosexuality is neither normal nor healthy. To have as an unofficial national attitude the promotion of unregulated sexuality in general is to participate in the destruction of our society. Enrique Rueda points this out in his important and troubling text The Homosexual Network. This text, we were told by insiders, has been effectively suppressed by the homosexual community:

    There is little question that the homosexual movement is part and parcel of American liberalism.....the preservation of traditional society and the values most Americans cherish does not require the denial of the homosexual ideology. It is impossible to predict whether or not the homosexual movement will be successful. Were it to succeed, however, the nation we have known would cease to exist.


Religious Power

    Liberals of all persuasion, including most liberal (and a few evangelical) churches, have also thrown the weight of their collective power behind "gay liberation" and "gay pride." Despite the fact that polls continue to reveal that 75% of U.S. church-goers disapprove of homosexuality, liberal American churches have become one of the staunchest defenders of the homosexual lifestyle.
    How did the church get involved? Joe Dallas comments,...today the gap between truth and modern practice has been large enough to allow any number of false (aldeit "nice") ideas to enter the church, creating a mentality that says, "Let’s all get along without conflict, shall we?" Author J. Stephen Lang attempts to explain this phenomenon:

    "Love is understanding-warm and fuzzy. Doctrine, on the other hand, sounds cold, difficult and demanding." A desire for "warm and fuzzy" without a commitment to truth makes the general religious arguments of the pro-gay theology all the more palatable. Unlike the social justice arguments, these arguments are more "religious;" that is they appeal to general religious themes of harmony and goodwill, while bypassing issues of fallen nature, sin and obedience. To the Biblically ignorant they can pass for truth; in the light of scripture, though, they have no leg on which to stand.

Evangelical Power

    Evangelical Concerned (EC) is one major "evangelical" homosexual organization claiming to minister to evangelical Christian the "truth" that loving, committed homosexual relationships are biblical: "{EC} holds that the love and grace of God are available to all persons through Jesus Christ and that human delineations such as race, gender or sexuality orientation are not held relevant by our creator." EC claims it has thousands of members and boasts keynote conference speakers who have graduated from leading evangelical colleges including Wheaton, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Moody Bible Institute, as well as authors who have published texts by Zondervan, Word Books, and other evangelical publishing houses.
    Leaders of EC claim to have spoken at many conservative and mainline churches and to sponsor scores of Bible studies in major cities throughout America. A reading of recent years of their official newsletter, Record, indicates that the influence of this group among certain evangelicals is not small. Apparently, a significant number of evangelicals is not small. Apparently, a significant number of evangelicals now support the idea that evangelical homosexuals have the moral right before God to live in committed homosexual relationships.

Coercive Power

    Homosexuals and their advocates have learned they can wield tremendous coercive powers. For example, the 1973 landmark decision of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders was, in large part, the product of militant intimidation by homosexuals-not to mention "spurious and pseudosciencentific"  reasoning.
   Homosexual activism has also greatly influenced national public health policy. For example, because of gay objections, the testing, reporting, and tracing of AIDS are not standard procedures for managing what will probably become the worst scourge in history-even though such methods have been done with every other communicable epidemic.
    In addition, the national group called ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power) has a principal goal the disruption of meetings and events that don't support their goals. The ACT-UP mission statement reads: "{We are} a diverse non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end AIDS crisis. We advise and inform. We demonstrate. We are not silent.
    The above listing comprises only the briefest spot survey illustrating the power of homosexual activism. Were we to discuss the fields of education, social institutions, psychology, cinema, art, literature, and others, the influence of this lobby would be understood for what it is.
    As recently as 1961, every state in the nation outlawed homosexuality activity. By 1980, 21 states had decriminalized sodomy; by 1994, 27 states had done so. According to the ACLU, 34 states have either repealed or lost cases related to enforcement of sodomy laws. Of the 16 states left, several have active court cases and appeals on this issue.
    What happened with abortion is now happening with homosexuality: Legalization implies morality. Everyone concedes that people will more easily engage in a legal activity that an illegal one. Yet the issue here is not as much the enforcement of the law as it is the message of the law:

    So why outlaw homosexuality if you're not going to enforce the laws rigorously? Because the law is one of the highest expressions of what we believe as a people. If we say something is against the law, then we are putting everything we have behind it-our legislature, courts, policemen, all branches of government and all areas of society. Conversely, if something is not against the law then we say, if only tacitly, that we approve of it, or at least don't regard it as destructive to society.

    But no society will survive intact without an active enforcement of moral standards. This is now so obvious it cannot be denied. To abandon moral values so as not to offend those who are immoral is hardly the solution.
    Nevertheless, what is significant about the promotions of homosexuality we mentioned is that they are largely based upon the idea that homosexuals are "born that way." Therefore, it is not possible to reject homosexuality on moral grounds. Who can logically condemn people for merely acting out what they are biologically.

Taken from The Facts On Homosexuality, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Published by Harvest House Publishers.

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