Facts On ---- Homosexuality -- Chapter Nineteen


#19 The Facts on Homosexuality

19. What do 2 Peter 2:1-10 and Jude teach about the homosexual lifestyle?

    These passages are replete with references to homosexuality and, by implication, to the Christian homosexual movement as well. The parallels to the passage in Romans are noteworthy. In 2 Peter 2, observe that the context involves "false teachers among you" (i.e., within the church) who will secretly (slyly) introduce 'destructive heresies" even denying the Master (Jesus) who bought them. Notice in addition, that many will follow their "sensuality" (NASB, v. 2) or "shameful ways," and that because of such false teachers the way of truth will be "maligned" or distorted.
    Such persons are said to be full of greed and described as those who exploit Christians with "false words" (NASB, v. 3) or "stories."
    So far the passage is applicable to both homosexuals who promote the kinds of arguments we have been considering in this book. Notice also that in this passage it is homosexuality which is directly cited as an illustration of all the above. Sodom and Gomorrah are specifically stated to have been destroyed as "an example to those who would live ungodly thereafter."
    The book of Jude continues to reject Homosexuality:

    In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They served as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire...These dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority and ...speak abusively against whatever they do not understand...These are the very things that destroyed them...
    These are men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit (Jude 7-19).

    These words are self-explanatory and require little comment.
    We have now examined the major direct scriptural verses relating to homosexuality. The ones who claims that the biblical case against homosexuality is based on a few "isolated" and "obscure" prooftexts simply does not understand the weight of these Scriptures. Besides the above verses, there are literally scores of additional Scriptures which are applicable to homosexual practices even though the term itself is not used (for example, Romans 6:11-21; 12:1,2; 1 Corinthians 6:19,20; Philippians 1:20; Colossians 3:5-8; Revelation 21:8).
    In conclusion, both the Christian church and society do great harm to people-homosexuals and heterosexuals-when they actively promote the cause of homosexuality in America.


How do I leave the homosexual lifestyle?

    Leaving the homosexual lifestyle may be relatively easy or difficult depending upon a number of factors. The most important step is this-accepting that the homosexual lifestyle is morally wrong and resolving to change. As we have documented in this book, change is clearly possible for homosexuals who want to, and God will grant grace and power for those who turn to Him in faith with a desire to please Him in their sexual behavior. Thus, a prayer of repentance before God, resolving to leave the homosexual lifestyle, and encouragement and counsel from those who have already done so, are key steps.
    Exodus International is one major organization devoted to helping homosexual men and women through the transition to a lifestyle of celibacy and the transition to heterosexuality. In the United States, contact:

Exodus International North America
P .O. Box 540119
Orlando, FL. 32854
(888) 264-0877


    For those who truly desire to leave the homosexual lifestyle we recommend the following prayer:

Dear God,
     I recognize that my homosexuality has been displeasing to You. I confess my sin before You and ask for Your power and grace to completely remove myself from my previous lifestyle. I understand that You are holy and that my sins has separated me from You. Therefore, I now receive Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, believing that He died on the cross for all my sins and that He rose from the dead three days later. I thank You that by faith in Your Son I can now know that all of my sins have been-forgiven-past, present, and future. I no longer need to fear Your judgment because of what Christ has accomplished on the cross. With Your help, I resolve to seek any help or counseling necessary to obey Your will for my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    If you prayed this prayer or are considering it, please understand that commitment to Christ is a serious matter and involves making Him lord of every area in your life. You should also know that same-sex inclinations may, but probably will not, automatically cease. Homosexual sin is the same as any other sexual sin and will require time and patience to master. Another important step is a clean and permanent break with all ties to the homosexual community, including, if necessary, all former friendships. No avenue of temptation should be allowed. All denial of sin is ultimately self-denial and, of course, painful, but the mere fact of difficulty does not excuse us from our responsibility before God to love Him as He loved us. Thousands of gay men and women have testified that there is victory-complete victory-and those who have just begun their new lifestyle should be encouraged by this fact. Books such as Coming Out of Homosexuality (Inter Varsity) and Desires in Conflict (Harvest House) will also be helpful.


Taken from The Facts On Homosexuality, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Published by Harvest House Publishers.

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