Facts On ---- Homosexuality -- Chapter Seventeen


#17 The Facts on Homosexuality

17. What does Romans 1 teach about the homosexual lifestyle?

    Romans 1:26,27 is the major New Testament text on homosexuality; it also condemns lesbianism. Although its meaning is clear on the surface, homosexuals still argue that Paul was not condemning homosexuality per se but merely the Greek practice of pederasty (sodomy with a boy) or the "unnatural" practice of heterosexuals turning to homosexuality. Thus, when Paul argued homosexuality was "against nature," he was arguing only that it was against the "nature" of heterosexuals. Homosexuals, far from acting "against nature," are actually acting in harmony "with nature"- e. i., with their true homosexual/biological nature. The practice becomes sinful only when heterosexuals engage in homosexual activities because, for them., it is unnatural. (This is like arguing that rape is moral and natural for rapists, but immoral for non-rapists.) Supposedly, because homosexuals are "born that way" homosexual practice is normal for them. But for those born heterosexual, it is a sin to practice homosexual acts. (If this is so, then what can homosexuals say about their proselytizing activities directed at heterosexual boys and men)?
    In addition, homosexuals contend that Paul and the other biblical writers were ignorant of the more "enlightened" scientific/theological view of homosexuality that distinguishes between the homosexual act and the homosexual condition, the latter being something for which homosexuals have no responsibility. But if they aren't responsible for what they are, how can they be responsible for what their basic nature leads them to do?
   If such arguments have any validity whatever, one wonders why a man so erudite and discerning as the apostle Paul never made the fine distinctions cited by homosexuals. Not once does he mention pederasty, nor does he imply that he is referring only to heterosexuals who practice homosexuality. Neither does he distinguish the supposed homosexual act/condition. Paul is plainly condemning homosexuality itself. The dictionary definitions of the words Paul uses-pathe aschemosune, etc-clearly refer to sexual activity.
    The kinds of homosexual sins listed in Romans are themselves said to be the consequences of an earlier apostasy as well as divine judgment. Paul teaches a logical trend downward: 1) Men refuse to accept the intuitive knowledge which God has placed within them concerning Himself ( Romans vv. 18-22); 2) this results in rebellion against God manifested in idolatry (putting something else in God's place in our lives, whether self or various idols, v. 23); 3) God begins a process of initial judgment or "giving over" to sin (Romans vv. 24,25); 4) this produces, in part, unnatural lusts and perversions (Romans 26.27); and 5) results in a wide variety of additional vices and evils (Romans vv. 28-32)-as homosexual literature and lifestyle demonstrate. As Bahnsen observes, "In response, God gives them over to impure lusts and the dishonoring of their bodies-specifically, to homosexuality, which in turn stimulates further depravities." According to Colossians 3:5, greed of any type, including sexual greed, is a form of idolatry. As Dr. Davis comments in an important observation:

    It is also significant that in the Pauline analysis homosexual practices derive ultimately not from the social environment, but from the human heart or inner disposition, which is turned away from God, its ultimate good, and turned toward the mutable goods of creation, including the self. The inward and invisible apostasy of the heart eventually becomes visible in false religions and immoral, anti-social behavior. "Idolatry," notes Ernst Kasemann, "open the floodgates for vices which destroy society and turn creation back into terrible chaos."

    The specific descriptions by the apostle Paul are also noteworthy. The book of Romans speaks of homosexuals burning in their own lust toward one another. The NASB states, "burned in their desire": the NIV reads, "were inflamed with lust," and the Amplified translates, "were set ablaze (burned out, consumed) with lust."
    Even if these verses referred only to pederasty, they would still condemn many homosexuals today because their lust can be so consuming it often leads to child molestation even when that is not the original intent. Consider the following dialogue of the Late Roger Montgomery, a former homosexual turned heterosexual, and Dr. John Ankerberg on "The John Ankerberg Show" in late 1989. As Roger explained, many, perhaps a majority, of homosexuals today were molested by an older homosexual as a child or teenager:

    Montgomery: I recruited younger people, but it didn't matter to me. All that mattered to me was my sexual thrill. And it didn't matter to me how it would affect anyone else's life. And knowing other homosexuals I believed the same thing is true for them. They don't care how it affects that young person's life at all...It's like an addiction. That's why most homosexuals disagree or they would violently say, "We're not recruiters" because they don't intend to. But that doesn't negate their responsibility at all because they didn't intend to. They are still molesting our children.
    Ankerberg: What does that say then in our society about the homosexuals trying to pass laws to teach children in the schools or camps or at Sunday schools without and infringement?
   Montgomery: They are recruiters. And they're after your children and my children. And if they are allowed to continue they will achieve their goal.

    Sexual addictions of any type can not only be extremely powerful but also extremely corrupting. Because many homosexuals are literally controlled by insatiable lusts, this leads them into routine child molestation even when they never initially intended it.
    But as we noted, the book of Romans also teaches that homosexuality can be a consequence of idolatry-forsaking the true God for another (false) god (Colossians 3:5). The idolatry from which the sin of homosexuality and other sins can originate is seen in homosexual literature, especially of militant lesbian feminism and gay theology. For example, consider the following statement by Sally Gearhart in an article titled "The Miracle of Lesbianism."

    We have been teased, cajoled, flattered, humiliated and even threatened-not to say actually physically coerced-into believing in the eternal, external and exclusive existence of the great father-god, and in the man-made theological fabrications that surround his name. In serving the external god, we have neglected...the woman-god, however she is named, who speaks not from outside but from inside...

    Gearhart also refers to the Christian concept of God as something evil and calls for a return to the feminine goddess of witchcraft: Having suppressed the truth in unrighteousness, having abandoned the innate knowledge that God has placed within them, the homosexual or lesbian has been "given over" to his or her sin. This is the process described in Romans.
    But worse, the apostle further teaches that homosexuals are "without excuse" because they intuitively realize such acts are wrong and are worthy of death (Romans 1:32). Yet they deliberately suppress such knowledge (Romans 1:18). They not only suppress this knowledge, but in spite of all they continue their practices and even encourage others to do so, giving their hearty approval (Romans 1:28-32).
    Homosexuality involves a willful violation of the fundamental moral law of God, which is known instinctively by humanity in all cultures because God has placed such knowledge in the hearts of men and women. God has been their teacher as to the knowledge of Him, and so there is no possibility of failure here. This is undoubtedly the reason why every culture has condemned homosexuality and why such knowledge must be suppressed in order to be justified.

Taken from The Facts On Homosexuality by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Published by Harvest House Publishers.

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