Facts On ---- Homosexuality -- Chapter Fourteen


#14 The Facts on Homosexuality

14. What does the creation account teach about the homosexual lifestyle?

    The Genesis accounts (Genesis 1:27; 2:18,21-24) and Matthew 19:4-6 teach that God created mankind in a specific manner (male and female) with specific purpose relative to this (marriage, sexual unity, and procreation implied.)
    The most proper place to begin a scriptural evaluation of homosexuality is not with the texts that reject it, but with the texts that underlie and support these condemnatory passages. This background approach is something that almost all pro-homosexual writers fail to supply.
    Consideration of the creation account is vital for many reasons. To begin with, it is a creation account. Men and women are not the blind products of a chance evolution in which literally nothing is normative and individuals are free to choose their own morality or sexuality. Man is accountable to the God who created him; he is not the product of an impersonal Nature who has no concern whatever with how he lives his life.
    Below are five reasons why the creation account is crucial to any scripture discussion of Homosexuality.

First, the acceptance of homosexuality violates the divinely intended order and the essence of human creation itself.

    God declared that it was not good for man to be alone. To remedy this situation, God created a woman as a divine complement and counterpart to maleness. Only man and women were intended to have intimate sexual fellowship. This means homosexuality distorts and disorders God's intentions in creation and that the practice of homosexuality contradicts the pattern of heterosexuality at its most basic level.

Second, homosexuals cannot obey God's command to procreate.

    In Genesis 1:28, God commanded Adam and Eve and their descendants to "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth." If Adam had decided to be a homosexual, no one else would have been born.

Third, homosexuality constitutes a conscious rebellion against the divinely created order.

    According to Romans 1:32 and other Scriptures, homosexuals know that their behavior is sinful. The continued choice to practice such activity is therefore an intentional rebellion against God and the creation order.

Fourth, the Bible is saturated with the premises of the creation account.

    Were homosexuality legitimate in any manner, the scriptures would not assume a heterosexual bias but would include the homosexual bias but would include the homosexual option. If God intended man to be bisexual or homosexual, or if He created man androgynous, the fact of His creating mankind in such a manner would be evident throughout other statements in Scripture relating to the nature of man. But the only standard we find upheld is a heterosexual one.

    From the first chapter of Genesis to the book of Revelation the twofold meaning of sexual-genital expression-namely, procreation and union-is clearly manifest...Yahweh is portrayed as the faithful bride-groom, and Israel, the faithful's bride, indicating that heterosexual love can be the basis for expressing the Mystery of God's loving the human race...The author of Ephesians, moreover, reiterates the same revealed truth about human sexuality in the context of the sublime comparison in which the husband is compared with Christ and the wife with the church. When the author wishes to express the love Christ has for his church, he turns to the heterosexual love of husband and wife {Ephesians 5:25,28}.
    In other words, all Scripture is impregnated with premises concerning the properness of heterosexuality; by comparison, homosexuality is conspicuously absent except by condemnation.

Fifth, homosexuality distorts the image of God.

    Genesis 1:27 clearly teaches that the image of God comprises both male and female-a complementarily which is eternal and will exists forever. To affirm homosexuality as biblical and normal is to distort the image of God and by implication, to insult the nature and being of God himself.
    In understanding the divine purpose in creation and the fact the creation reflects God's own being, we are better able to understand the reasons for the biblical condemnations of modern homosexuality and why they are severe.

Taken from The Facts On Homosexuality, by John Ankerberg and Jon Weldon, Published by Harvest House Publishers.

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