Facts On ---- Homosexuality -- Chapter Twelve


#12 The Facts on Homosexuality

12. What is the basic premise underlying the homosexual interpretation of Scripture?

    For homosexuals, the fundamental argument is that when the Bible is "understood properly," it does not condemn homosexuality. At most, it condemns only homosexual promiscuity-typically related to ancient cultic prostitution. The argument is therefore historical. Because the biblical passages on homosexuality dealt with specific, ancient historical situations, they are "culturally conditioned" and no longer relevant for Christian sexual ethics of the present.
     What this means is that every biblical reference allegedly condemning homosexuality as sin has been wrongly interpreted by the church. For almost 3500 years the Jews (and for 2000 years the Christians) have falsely interpreted their own Scriptures, even though, on their surface, these Scriptures are plain in their teachings. Modern homosexuals couldn't be more satisfied if they had written the entire Bible themselves.

Taken from The Facts On Homosexuality, by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Published by Harvest House Publishers.

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