Facts On ---- Homosexuality -- Chapter One


#1 The Facts on Homosexuality

"Because of this, God gave then over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones."...Romans 1:26

"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman: that is detestable."...Leviticus 18:22

    "I think anyone who is against anyone’s life style is just plain wrong." This common American creed has almost become a national policy - one to be implemented at the social, moral, and economic levels.
    Why do millions of Americans hold the belief that it is wrong to criticize another’s lifestyle? Perhaps because they aren’t thinking clearly about the implications. Perhaps they don’t understand how such an attitude, in working its way into national policy, has the potential to affect their lives by harming society at large.
    Certain lifestyles clearly deserve critical evaluation because of their larger moral and social implications. What about the "lifestyle" of the repeat rapist or a pedophile? The question, of course, is how far to take a hands-off ideal.
    Consider an article in U.S. News and World Report. It observed that pedophiles don’t just hang around schools - they now "lurk around inside the schools." Among other things this article noted:

Peter Melzer, a teacher at the elite New York Bronx High School of Science is on the NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) steering committee and the editorial board of the NAMBLA Bulletin. The City Board of Education has known since 1984 that Melzer is a pedophile but has done nothing about it. {In 1992 the board of Education finally took action, and Melzer’s employment was suspended then terminated. In 2000, his appeal of the firing on First Amendment grounds was denied because his activities created the appearance that he approved and endorsed sexual activity between men and boys (a violation of New York law). Melzer did state that his personal activities would not hinder or be part of his professional conduct.}

    Journals of sex research are increasingly upholding some of the basic arguments and principles of child molesters.
    Today "child molesters don’t just hang around playgrounds, they apply for jobs at schools, camps, the Boy Scouts, Big Brothers, YMCA’s. ‘Boy lovers’ loves to work where the boys are." And further, our "culture is now so soft-minded that many will listen to any self-style victim group, perhaps even pedophiles."
     So is it really a moral sin to question or be against anyone’s else’s lifestyle?
    As we documented in The Myth of Safe Sex (Moody, 1993), the individual and social consequences of the heterosexual and homosexual revolutions are appalling; indeed, the average American has virtually no concept of the overall cost, including financial, of liberal sexual attitudes.
    Social and moral criticism of the homosexual lifestyle is no longer a conscientious option, if indeed it ever was. It was now a necessity, if for no other reason than the continuing spread of AIDS - a plague that, in America, is principally the responsibility of the homosexual community and, indirectly, their supporters. {In a Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report through June 2001, homosexual-related AIDS cases were more than double any other exposure category.}
    No one can deny a simple fact: Homosexual behavior threatens not only the lives of millions of homosexuals, but millions of other lives through the homosexual lifestyle, which often included sex with bisexual and heterosexual men and women, and other serious problems (cf. Dr. Paul Cameron, The Gay Nineties).
Heterosexual sins have also caused an incalculable amount of damage. But this is no reason to neglect the responsibilities of the homosexual community and its liberal supporters in America.

1. How should we assess the sexual revolution?

    In Sexual Behavior and the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior and the Human Female (1953), Alfred Kinsey and his coauthors brought sex in general "out of the closet." These and subsequent studies taught many Americans a liberal attitude toward sex - in essence, that all kinds of sexual behavior (Whether in marriage or out) were "natural" and to be desired. Apparently, the only "unnatural" thing about sex was the inexplicable guilt people couldn’t seem to avoid. Supposedly, all that was needed was more and more talk of sex and more and more education for young people so they would not grow up with sexual "neuroses" like their parents. Sex education for adults (indirectly) and for school children (directly) became the vogue. In the end, tens of millions of Americans came to believe that sex among consenting adults was none of society’s business.
    Fifty years into the sexual revolution, Americans are experiencing the consequences of their being "enlighten" by a self-serving minority. Rampant adultery and divorce, increasing child molestation and organized pedophilia, widespread prostitution and pornography, militant homosexuality and lesbianism, more than 25 sexually transmitted diseases, and millions of unwanted pregnancies leading to abortion are the results. By itself alone, the sexual revolution wrought the increasing disintegration of the family unit and with it the disintegration of society in general. Yet even now, the average American does not seem to recognize the extent to which modern society’s major problems are primarily a result of widespread changes in sexual behavior.

Taken From The Facts On Homosexuality, By John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Harvest House Publishers